I heard it for my suggestion and I have been going to do business after retiring. Ian Wright really doesn't know what to say, what is the meaning of this kid. Is it playing him, but it is not like it. But why did you say this, it's not understanding. As the youngest army in the United States, it is not to be described in the future.

It is now a little inexplicable after being planned to be retired by a businessman. But at this time, the two sides are negotiating, and this kid may not know what the US military can do not understand the things inside the US military!

Even Ian Wright will develop and explain for Bao Zixuan, because once the fire, it means that the negotiation rupture; the final result, he can afford. The Ministry of National Defense has clearly stated that the Soviet Union is a big enemy. The most important thing is currently the polar bear. As for other countries and companies, even things are in an emergency, they must put it first.

Ian Wright smiled and said: "Thank you for your kindness, but I am still working in the Ministry of Defense. It is still early from the retirement time. It is estimated that it is estimated that it is estimated to do it."

This means that it is obvious that he is ready to do it in the army; the target point to four stars. Just just a joke, its purpose is to transfer the topic.

Ian Wright continued: "Mr. Bao did not find what interesting in the Olshin Skywate! For example, the observatory is very space, and it is not necessary to hide any treasure."

Directly said that the basement, it seems that Americans have more intelligence than he expected. However, there are some things that can't be recognized by killing, otherwise it will be endless.

The Black Cloud Group is a technical information in Poland. What do the Polish Government think that the Soviets will look at this thing. Whether it is East Germany, or Western; not saying on your mouth, but your heart is definitely uncomfortable. What will the people think that Bao Zixuan is alive, but it is actually developed by German technical data in World War II.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I am not too interested in treasure hunt. It is better to develop some products. And the treasure is involved in many problems, it is easy to cause international disputes. The employees of the Black Cloud Group have no professionals. If people can't be greedy, I want to insert one hand, and I will finally drag the company. "

"In fact, it is not only one person, and a country is the same. One person is limited, can't do anything, you can try it when you are young. If you can't calm down, you will not have too much interest. "

There is no way to say that there are too many things to manage, and it is also a face to Ian Wright.

People are not stupid, of course, can hear the bunxuan. However, for these hours, I will happen, where the US General is going, maybe asked this problem.

Ian Wright: "Mr. Ordinary Treasure Bao must not be able to see, you are not a vulgar person. But as a high-quality, technical information graduated from Massachusetts Technology; the cutting edge scientific expectations may be more attractive."

"Olhin once belongs to one of the most important regions of East Pushers, Germany. At the same time, it is also a smart hometown in Germany, and there is no technical information to stay."

"Mr. Bao is a friend, many things don't have to conceal. It is just to get the weapons and equipment developed by the Black Cloud Group, as for others."

I heard the weapons and equipment that the other party wants to get developed, and there is no money. It is really a white food, and the Americans are really a lion, but they can say such words.

Even if you have German technology, the Black Cloud Group has no funds. Now they just came over,

Baozi Xuan: "Any product developed by the Black Cloud Group is the result of engineers working hard. With other research materials, it is a blasphemy for them, so I don't want to evaluate too much. As long as you want to get weaponry, as long as the price is right, black cloud There is no reason not to sell. I am a businessman, there is something that is rich, it will never let go. "

Conversely, if there is no interest to map, it will not touch it.

It is very clear that we want weapons and equipment; there is no problem, but the premise is the need for funds. If you think about empty gloves, he doesn't eat this.

Ian Wright did not have nonsense, took out the screws brought out from the Basement of the Poland Olshin Skybar. Seeing this screw, Baozi Xuan knows, still work, no place, a lot of things are not professional. I have lost several screws that year, I didn't want to find it. I don't know anything that I think there is nothing value, it is likely to become a hassle and handle; if serious words will bring you a unusual situation.

Bun Zixuan: "I don't know what Ian Wright will take a screw. What does it mean? Is it necessary to let the Black Cloud Group will process and produce. This thing can do if any steel enterprises in the United States can do it, no need Remember far. "

I heard the other side is hard, Ian Wright is not angry. Baozi Xuan also met some wind waves, and it was impossible to force it.

Ian Wright smiled: "This is the intelligence personnel found in the underground room of the Observatory. It has a clear World War II of the German markers. At the same time, it has compared with the box seized in the United States. It is indeed undoubtedly the production period of Germany. And this screw is basically used on the military box. "

"Technical materials, gold and silver jewelry, cash, etc. are usually used with boxes with this screw. Description Olshin Observatory, the treasures left under the Germans were buried. As for what is the specific In addition to the burial people of the year, Mr. Ben should be very clear. "

"The intelligence shows that after the end of the World War; only the time of the Black Cloud Group and Bao stayed in the Observatory. And a large survey equipment, I think you should understand what it means."

Whether it is the other party's scam, I really think of him is also! It is indeed that he is doing, but it can't be recognized. The other party has no direct evidence. It is said that it is inexpensive.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Ian Wright will not go to Hollywood to do screenwriters. It is a bit unfortunately, which can link the Black Cloud Group to Germany in the Second World War. If you want to write a script, you must tell me, I must give you investment. "

"During the Second World War, I haven't born yet, and Xiangjiang is not close to Germany. As for the past, Poland is to get technical information, it is really ridiculous."

"Even if there is a treasure in the underground floor, there is no relationship with me. There are too many people in the world who have been there. It is because my famous arrogance is large, or the investment scale is caused. I know that this thing is not going out, the future Black Cloud has invested in the past; people will say that we have a treasure here, otherwise Bunzi Xuan will come over. "

"Black Cloud can develop to today's scale, the result of all employees work together, I hope that Ian Wright will remember this. Because we don't recognize the pay and efforts of the black cloud employee, we have nothing to talk about it. "

"If the US military opposes the black cloud group in the past Poland investment, you can directly say it, you don't have to take you right away. It's really a black cloud, or think that I bun Xuan's temper is too good."

Denny is there is no relationship, and it is the same. It can be directly said that the Black Cloud Group has passed by Poland, and some can't say it. Is the US military tube is not too wide, business freedom is just an empty talk. Poland belongs to the Soviet Union, the Chinese people. If the Soviet Union knows that the US Department of Defense is universities; threat companies cannot invest in Poland in the past. It is bound to make contradictions, and everyone is not good at all.

With the personality of the old man, it will never sit in, and maybe it will make a tribute. Some things can be bonded, but it is absolutely unscading; otherwise everyone will not be better.

The other party appears to die is not recognized, Ian Wright has no good way. Unless you find the object left in the Black Cloud warehouse, there is no impact on Bunzi Xuan. And the other party will also put a hike, push the problem to the US military.

Ian Wright: "It is just a goodwill reminder, Mr. Bao must not be misunderstood. However, the Poles is not a fool, of course, knowing who is really true."

Obviously, it is not enough, which makes Bao Zixuan very happy; it seems that the other party also has a scruple, knowing the rules can't break.

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