Doing anything else, business operations are even more. The Black Cloud Group has invested in Poland, which belongs to both parties, and outsiders have no right to interfere. If you have exploded the US military interference enterprise investment freedom, especially foreigners. Then there is no difference between the national administration of himself; the image of the American army, the image will be a thousand feet.

The most important Soviet will definitely borrow your questions. At present, the Soviet army invades Afghanistan and has made them become the sky. I am thinking of transferring the topic, the US Department of Defense jumped out; of course, the water is in the economy, pointing the public's spearhead to the US military.

If this scandal is exposed, he will inevitably be used for the sins. I found it now that this is very good. Pole is more willing to believe in him, especially the city manager of Olsh. Where is the US company in a penny investment, whoever will risk the risk of the Golden Lord, and people who are not coherent.

Ian Wright: "If you can't say this, the US Department of Defense has never interferes with the company's normal operation. Black Cloud Group has invested, it is your own business, and I have nothing to do with us. Why do you have to make it? , Make everyone unhappy! "

"About German technology, the United States wants to get; and give some compensation properly, I think this is the result of both parties."

Just rhythm is sure to be biased, and this is almost. Can't talk about nonsense, you must have a quick knife, get the technology you need.

This old boy is still digging himself, if you press this routine, isn't it tapped!

Bao Zi Xuan said: "If you never know what German technology, the Black Cloud Group has to work hard, it is the hard work of engineering and technical personnel. Therefore, there is no way to help you, but according to what I know, I don't seem to have German scientists in many World War II, are not more convenient to go back to China. "

I heard the Bunxuan did not set up, Ian Wright felt some disappointment. This kids can't take them, and they will take themselves into the ditch. It seems that it is necessary to have a long time, it is estimated that the time in Xiangjiang will not be short.

Then the two talked about other matters, and they were alleviated.

Back to the hotel, Wright Mrs. said that her husband was very heavy, so advised: "Is it not working, in fact, a lot of things don't have to be so anxious; Baozi Xuan is young and gentle, it is inevitable, it is inevitable.

When I heard my wife, Ian Wright had a good mood. It didn't have a good companionship for so many years. I thought it was very easy to come to Xiangjiang. She took her wife to cover, of course, there is a vacation component. It's not working now, and it is necessary to extend in the Xiangjiang Time Line, is it sent to the United States.

The two men have been married for more than 20 years. Wright Mrs. Wright, of course, I understand what the husband wants to express; so I said: "Don't care about me, come over, the river, the people are insufficient. And here is Bao Zi Xuan home, American general, no It will be able to play too much effect. "

"Xiangjiang is not else than elsewhere, not only considering the UK, Huaxuan's meaning is also very important. Bunzi has a lot of investment in China, which is a problem that needs to be considered."

I heard the wife's analysis, Ian Wright remembered. Before married yourself, people are high-profile students in Princeton University. Just just need to teach in the family, there is no work; but the ability is absolutely not bad, maybe it can be a boost.

Ian Wright: "You said it very reasonable, since marry me, you have a waste of your body. Back to the United States wants to make business or work from the new mountain, I believe our husband and wife Together, Bao Zi Xuan's little hair is absolutely not an opponent. "

When I heard her husband,

What is the situation now, how can I agree with her? It seems that this Xiangjiang negotiation is very difficult, and the husband has some idea of ​​born.

The Ministry of Defense certainly put forward a condition that Bunxuan could not accept, even turned face; and still can't let Bunxuan flipped. It can be said that this is a two difficulties, and it is difficult to grasp the balance.

Lady of Wright: "The White House and the Ministry of Defense gave a condition that Bao Zixuan's unacceptable, and the young and magnificent Xiangjiang is the river, and it will not be easily threatened."

"Is there any space in this way?"

"Bun Zixuan is soft and hard, sometimes it is easy to play a temper, will feel emotional. But these are small problems, can't cover the brain of his genius, and keen business smell."

Graduated from Dr. Pulliston University, seeing people with this definitely no problem. And Ian Wright knows that his wife is not idle even at home, often analyzing people and things in the world. Baozi Xuan is the most hot figure in the world in recent years, and it is estimated that all analysts will not let go.

Valley saw that the husband was waiting for the answer, Wright Mrs. Wright continued: "The command of the White House and the Ministry of Defense cannot be violated, Baozi Xuan's face should also be scruple. So very simple, in your ability, give the black cloud group some sweets; but It must not be cash. Xiangjiang rivers can definitely change weapons and materials into money, because he has that ability; from retired military incidents to explain the problem. "

"Don't spend a penny, just do things; White House and Ministry of Defense will recognize your ability to work, this is definitely two things."

I heard the wife's analysis, Ian Wright really said that Mournington is open; such a simple question, I haven't thought of it before!

The more I want to make sense, Ian Wright, I took a bite directly on my wife. Let Witter have feel embarrassed, and the old husband is still in this set. As a wife, I can help my husband solve problems, don't you do things!

Ian Wit came to the US in Xiangjiang Office, many procedures must be applied in advance; at least let Wenberge know what is going on, and there is a high top.

Ian Wright: "Minister, I am Ian Wright."

Winberge said with a smile: "Trianda, I am Winberg."

After the two confirmed the identity, Ian Wright began to report: "Today, my harmonic is met, and I have developed the flying saucer. The other party did not deny it; after all, the satellite picture was very clear, it was useless."

"But for the technical information of the Polish Olshin Observatory, it is highly denyed. These are things in their own reason; if they do it, they will be the same. After all, too many problems are involved, and even trigger international contradictions."

The German issue is involved in the World War II, which is really troublesome, and will even be condemned. For this cherish the feathers, the image is always a good bunxuan, it will definitely not dare to get together.

Wen Bo: "Which step is specifically in this moment."

So not painless report, it is definitely not a military style; this is imposed in Winheli who is born by lawyers.

Ian Wright: "If you want to have some interests, it is an exchange. Black cloud can eat a loss, saying that Bun Zi Xuan is trying to find a step."

Winberg: "Since we want to find a step, then we don't prevent him a step, so everyone is so good."

As long as it is the old kid, then things will be a lot. In fact, Winberg is also worried that the negotiations with the Black Cloud Group are deadlocked. In case of leakage, Bunxuan has shrinks in the US investment scale. The Ministry of Commerce and the Tax Department will definitely reduce the military budget next year. They don't have anything.

Ian Wright: "I know what to do, this time it is absolutely not spending a military fee, and it can be honest and reasonable."

I heard here, Winberge will certainly understand what it means; Bao Zi Xuan has changed the ability to go into treasure, and he still reminds him to remember. Ian Wright is an ingenous person who will never sell the most advanced weapons, and the control of items to the Black Cloud Group.

Wen Bo: "As a full representative, there is a right to step up, I will support you unconditionally."

Still don't want to take responsibility, but also the right representative; just want to tell him, you have decision-making right. As for unconditional support, more empty talks and guests. But who makes people are leaders, plus itself is a lawyer, language levels are absolutely not opponents.

Winberg: "Please rest assured, I know what to do, you will not live up to your expectations."

After the two people discussed some things that needed, they ended this call.

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