Sitting three people in the boss office of the Pink Bar Restaurant. The woman is about 25 years old, and two thirteen year old teenage men and women are sitting opposite her. If Bun Zixuan will definitely see where the beautiful boss is difficult, it is very exciting.

Yes, the beautiful boss of the Pink Bar Restaurant, Maggie, Lauren, is now very difficult. These two children are not someone else, they are the closest people. It is the child of her two brothers. It is exactly his 14-year-old woman Jennifer, Lauren and 13-year-old scorpion Mark Lauren.

When the next black cloud staff collectively dinner, there is no food fee to be able to listen to the limited edition. Mai Qi - Launa has been given a good gift as the closest little niece and little nephew.

But this time makes him very difficult. These two little guys actually want to participate in the final finals of the Rubik Cube, and their abilities do not meet the minimum requirements of participation.

Last time I thought my aunt can get the limited edition of the belongings, and the boss of the aunt and the boss of the Black Cloud Group is deeply intertwined. It may even be a male and female relationship, and his aunt can be a big woman.

Two people are not gone in the office. Today, we must let the aunt will do things only will leave.

If it is a few pieces of products, Maggie - Lauren believes that there is still hope, but let the nephew niece directly participate in the final. Then it is very unfair to other children, this Harvard high-profile students are very disgusted in their hearts.

It is impossible to force the face to make a phone call. This thing is really difficult to open. However, if you see the two children's racks If you don't work hard, you will definitely not let her.

After the Bao Zixuan received a call from Maggie-Lauren, I didn't drink alcohol for a long time. After the last time Thomas Mal incident, the dormitory interpersonal relationship has changed.

Pick up the phone to went to the dormitory and wanted to drink together to relieve the relationship.

It is the phone of Romanski, and he heard that people who drink this for a long time have not been drinking. Since the last 306 dormitory of 306 dormitory is heavy, Bunzi Xuan is busy promoting the magic. There is also a rich Thomas Mal, now has become a school-style person. From the rich, Thomas Mal began frequent replacement girlfriends, basically not in the dormitory.

Michael Merlon is not there, I heard that it is home. In this way, the Romanski, Joseph, Martin Griff, Tongbao Xuan, went to the Pink Bar Restaurant.

Every time, Anne-Berry is serving them, and has reserved the Pink Hall 8 in advance. After entering the room, I saw that 3 people saw that the wolf swallowed and the wolf was very funny, and drinking no longer like the past. If Romancek can understand that the other two people live still pay attention, how can I become this?

Baozi Xuan said to the three: "Do you have just put it from prison! How to see food and wine become this?"

Romanski: "Pack, you don't know what day there are any days in these days, even if you eat, you have the cheapest, or you can't afford it at all."

Martin Griff then said: "Look at you are busy with the promotion of the Rubik, you have nothing to call you."

In fact, I am embarrassed to call is on the one hand, because Thomas Mal Mortgage Shares make them know that everyone is an adult, no one can make you always account for. What is going to knew a light weight.

"The last time is here, you left in advance. We are very miserable! Almost can't go." Joseph-Kane said.

In fact, the buns have heard of some, but I still have to install it. I don't know how to ask: "What is going on! You have difficulties you can tell me!"

Romanski said straight straight: "After you go, we are drinking here. I didn't expect Jessica Merlon to drunk us and took 4 bottles of red wine.

Martin Grev then said: "You don't know how much we have passed through these days, what else do you have a project of architecture, I can do it, I can. The money earned in Xiangjiang is basically completed. And my girlfriend looked at me and basically ignored me. "

Bao Zixuan: "Okay, I must give you a few opportunities to see if something can be done. Don't talk about it today, we still drink!"

Everyone pushed the cup and drunk, and 4 people haven't had a drink for a long time. This time I want to drink him a dark. 12 red wine quickly drunk, this time Mai Qi-Lauren feels almost. I am ready to bring two little guys, although my heart is very reluctant, after all, I have owed a big life last time.

Seeing Maggie - Lauren came in and brought two children together, Bao Zixuan said: "I said Mai Qi boss, what happened, now I am hired, you are a bar here, you are not afraid of the Child Protection Association. Looking for you! "

Maggie-Lauren: "They are not my employment, they are coming to robbery. But not grabbed me, but want to grab your big boss."

Bao Zixuan: "Grab me, I have a bodyguard! Let's say when you open the black store here. I heard that the last time they were grabbed once!"

Maggie - Lauren: "The last is Jessica to book in advance, say your boss, please can't be too cold, I opened 40 kilometers to take the wine."

Bao Zixuan: "Let's talk about it. Since the wine has been drank, I can't fall, isn't it?"

At this time, Jennifer Laure came over and said: "Mr. Bao, hello. We have something to find you, we want to participate in the final final of the Rubik's Cube."

Bao Zixuan: "You can go to sign up! No Rubik, I can give you a few."

If you have a strength to sign up, I am also used to find you! Jennifer - Lauren thought.

However, she can't say it on my mouth, I can see the boss of the Black Cloud Group is not the opportunity.

"We are not enough, so please help us to see what the internal place has no company." Jennifer Lauren said.

Bao Zixuan: "The internal place is not, after all, we must ensure the fairness of the game, but you want to participate in the game or want to feel the game atmosphere. Because it is difficult enough to get a rank, it is still your shame. If you just want to feel The game atmosphere can I promise you, let you participate in volunteers. "

Jennifer Raun: "What is a volunteer, what we need to do."

Bao Zi Xuan: "You are volunteers, come over and participate in children, some people are almost very big, some people are not very good, you can give them the direction, everyone is holding a brand, this brand has this game with this player The country's text, you play a guiding role, this is the matter of the internal employee of the black cloud, if you are interested, you can join. "

No wait Jennifer-Lauren spoke, launched in Mark Lauren, said: "I am willing to do this volunteer, I can't find a few friends, they all want to participate."

Bao Zixuan: "This is! You are the volunteer team of the Rubik Cube Competition. Everyone can join 14 people, so there are 30 people. But I ask for volunteers to be a good student, you can't protect That way, I will recover your team leader. "

After I finished taking a note, I wrote a line with the side pencil, and signed the name. Continue: "Tomorrow you take this note to the Black Cloud Group to give this note to the front desk, someone will arrange you."

At the same time, I also explained Peng Yifei to inform the company, two people didn't expect to be satisfactory. They were originally thinking to feel the atmosphere of the game. Unexpectedly, it would be a volunteer team leader, which will be very beautiful in the school.

Baozi Xuan saw that they temporarily thought that you can use a child to do volunteers, so you will get more children to respond, but also to promote the big scale of the Rubik. These two little guys are not known to use it!

The two children were satisfied, but the two people said in the same way when they left: "Thank you, Little Father."

The child said that the beauty boss did not appear in one night, and finally didn't pay for the last purchase.

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