As the Rubik's Cube Sea is constantly inseparable, the results of all localities are also released. The first preparation is not very sufficient, and each city is already allocated, and it is determined according to the sales of the Rubik. Unless the results are within 6 seconds, you can directly advance to the finals.

The Black Cloud Group is fully equipped with the selection of sea elements and the final quota, which is the most serious Zeho Co., Ltd. At first they just thought about this is a good opportunity to start a well-known, and I didn't expect many family members who have a player's home to order timers.

However, patents are in the black clouds, and their final and black clouds are discounted to purchase patent licensing at a price of each $ 2. The Rubik's Cube Timer has sold more than 400,000 units around the world. The most important thing is to open the European market, which is completely dissatisfied before.

In order to take care of the small players, the Rubik's Cube Competition is required to accompany a parent to Boston by a parent; the fee is borne by the Black Cloud Group. And stipulate that all players are brought by the Black Cloud Group employees to Boston after the collection of the capitals of various countries. Bun Zixuan is also afraid of the problem.

These days, Mark Lauren and Jennifer Lalance have become the stars in the school. They went to the Black Cloud Group next day. And by a supervisor of the market department, they gave them a regular first Black Cloud Rubic Cube Competition Volunteer Authorization Certificate, they could recruit 30 volunteers with this authorization.

A lot of children who want to participate in the Rubik's Cube, and the strength is not enough, they want to be volunteers, so they can watch the game on the spot. Otherwise, you can only watch TV live at home.

The first black cloud Mo's final finals were sold by the ABC TV station with $ 2 million prices. After all, many people did not expect the project so hot when planning. ABC is also just a contract that is signed on the transformer face.

However, it has proved that ABC has been leaking again. They will have more than 30 million ratings in North America with such a low price.

It seems that all people and companies participating in this event have gained their benefits, and now I will wait for the final final.

From May 30th, from Asia and Europe, the players who came in Asia and Europe were the most worthy of the RB's players and Germany's sweat. They were all within 6 seconds, especially the Yingzi. Cute little girl is one of the few female players.

They wear contributions in the finals of the first Rubiorship Competition in Black Cloud, have accepted people's feeding and media interviews when they start.

However, when Boston feels that the scene is too simple when the country will start, the Black Cloud Group is originally to think about the name of the toy company. I didn't expect not only the sales of the Rubik, but there were many brands of the team to sponsorship. .

That is welcome, from the airport to the competition, many advertisements can be sold. Single advertising revenue has been able to recover costs.

This only benefits from this era, it is really scarce, or a child's Rubik's cube is far from achieving so much attention.

However, these are not related to Bao Zixuan, and he is now looking at the player grade report. 48 people directly advanced within 6 seconds, and the remaining quotas are determined according to the sales of various regional sales. More than you think, the era is different, and the preparation time is short.

The largest player is 17 years old, the smallest player is 12 years old and 123 days. These are not adult players. The security of the Black Cloud Group has put in a big fees. Once these players have problems, all the media will give black clouds. Disrupted. In order to avoid this incident, Bunxuan will send all the company's Guaishi to the hotel, the game is patrolled.

In the final of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 5,000 tickets were sold soon, in addition to the reservation of the seat, the ticket did not only have a school student,

Bao Zixuan has just come out from the game, he wants to check the layout of the venue. At this time, I saw Martin - Grifd To girl came to him.

Martin-Grifli said with Bunzi Xuan: "Pack, there is still no ticket to the game."

Bun Zixuan: "I am not giving you! How to lose, then you go in with me."

Martin-Griff: "My girlfriend is not!" You can see a few, "

In fact, Martin is not very willing to find Bao Zi Xuan is going to do, after all, everyone has sent a piece, and a total of 5,000, now there is a difficult picture.

However, I haven't taken my girlfriend to find him in half a month. I know that he is Bao Zi Xuan family, if this thing is impossible, it is too shameful.

I heard that Bunxuan is actually very happy, not because of the Quest Martin Griend's girlfriend, but the Rubik's Cube, can make a pair for a long time without contacting the male and female friends, this is the influence of the game, and After giving Martin two tickets, Bao Zixuan returned to the company.

This is just a small episode, but Bunzu Xuan just returned to the company to find that the 4 people in the Sanxue Snow Dormitory actually waited ourselves in the session, and the employees of the Black Cloud Group met them.

Since the end of the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition, Baozi Xuan has never seen these four girls. Suddenly, I'm sure to find something to find something, and it is also a ticket.

Bao Zi Xuan Jin immediately sat down and said to them: "A few beautiful women are good! I haven't seen it for a long time, I am here today,"

At this time, I saw everyone looked at the Songshi Snow, I knew that the Song Xia Xue, who can't run away, said: "We want to watch the Rubik's Cube, I don't know that Zi Xuan will not be sold to me a few tickets."

Bao Zi Xuan: "There is not much ticket, there is only 5,000, but you can still enter the name of the Black Cloud Group staff. This time, it is not necessary to do it, just sit next to the player, prevent them from fouling and the most cheating."

Bao Zixuan did not think that a small game can actually cause so much sensation, leading to a lot of expectance, now it seems that the transfer rights and advertising fees are really selling cheap.

I didn't expect that the Boston College student wants to watch the game, it seems that the next event can make the scene more; maybe the Lego block is a chance.

Danny Green heard that it would be to work in the heart, thinking that Bao Zixuan is not the nature of the natural capital, how can they pay for labor every time they want to get it!

Danny Green: "We still want to go to the audience to experience the game atmosphere, so I want a few tickets."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Well! There are still a few vacancy near the chairpers. If you want to watch, you can only sit there."

I heard that other people outside the Sanmei Snow want to sit near the nearby area. Panasonic is afraid that Bao Zi Xuan is difficult. After all, they are not clear. I don't know how to express and face it. Finally, in other roommates, Panasonic, Songshi, I have to sit together with them, this group of rich women don't want to play short working in Baozi Xuan.

When you send them 4 people, Bao Zixuan is also meditation, how to cause so much attention! It is reported everywhere around the world, and many of Boston's college students like to watch children.

In fact, it is more than that of the world's competition projects in the 21st century, and people will improve their programs and events. At that time, I don't say a child game, that is, there is no one who has been watching the adult game.

The lack of spiritual culture makes the first Rubik Cube (with terrorist diffusion ability) increasing influence and exposure. This is the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan.

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