For the US military warehouse, how many steel products are there, no one is clear. Not to manage confusion, mainly the military base is really too much. And every relocation will be wasted, everyone is closed, one eye is closed; no one will be too true. Ian Wright understands that you want to get more support from the Black Cloud Group and absolutely can't be small in materials supply.

Therefore, it is not easy to say hello to the Minister of Defense, but also let the internal staff of the family know. In fact, Bao Zixuan also value this, will use the aircraft to attract the generals. Since technology and production lines are difficult to keep, how to maximize benefits become problems that need to be considered.

If you don't agree to sell technology and production lines to the US company, then the Black Cloud Group does not want to have a good day. The strength is still not enough, and it is necessary to continue to strengthen.

The forces of Wright family in the army, as well as influence is really large. In less than a day, the waste steel inventory is statistically.

Waste steel is just a name, and when the US military is used, when is the old product. So, just want to give the public, the purpose is to let the people know. The US military has a business with the Black Cloud Group, which is holding old products, as well as elimination of materials; there is no penny for taxpayers.

The most advanced technology and production lines of waste steel exchange; no matter how it looks, it is a US.

In addition to leaving the necessary safety inventory, it is necessary to prepare from time to time; it is also possible to take out the share of 34 million tons. What is the concept, it is equivalent to the steel yield of the Chinese a year. Actually, only one of the US military; it is the hard strength of the US military.

If you are in a point, it is estimated that there will be no big problem with 50 million tons. This is where the air is in, Ian Wright believes that there are these Bunxuan will absolutely satisfied.

After the finishing is clear, the General Wright came to the Black Cloud Group. If everything goes well, you can end the trip to Xiangjiang today and return to the United States. At this time, he can't wait, the family can become the most top giant of the United States, and the negotiation can be successful. Although it is a bit embarrassing in the hands of your own fate to others, this may be the process of cooperation with strong people must experience.

Baozi Xuan still greeted, even if the contract is signed; many things must rely on this American general, the face is still to give enough. Two people have a few words and start entering the topic.

I have seen twice in recent days, which should be the most striking negotiation since the beginning of the entertainment. However, it is not cautious. After all, it is involved in the US military, but I don't dare to drop lightly.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "General Wright, what is thinking about things. Black cloud is ready to wait for the United States."

It seems that this little child is still anxious than himself, the young man is indulging. At this time, the generals, instead feel that you are more mature than Bunxuan. I don't know if this is the head of the bag, that is, I want to make the other party to take lightly.

In the 1990s, the major aircraft giants in the United States entered the merger and mergers. For example, Boeing merged McDecai; Rockheed consists of Martin - Marie Eta; Nosrop consolidated Grummann production. For the Black Cloud Group, it is a huge threat. The competitor's strength to face is more powerful, and the political resources are also more rich.

To make the black cloud have competitive, the best way is to stop this situation. Then the United States has set up several aircraft manufacturing companies, then they will help others; let them not be merged, perhaps it is a good choice.

Even if Rat know is not afraid, it can be a general, indicating that the ambition will not be small. Why is it not a newly established Wright aircraft mergers, and the wind is turning, saying that there will be a next time.

Ian Wright: "The Ministry of National Defense has agreed to use waste steel exchange technology and production lines; at the same time, the Black Cloud Group will provide a full set of technology. That is to say, the factory must ensure that all accessories must be produced."

Hearing here,

As long as there is a requirement, I am afraid that the other party does not mention any requirements.

Bunzi Xuan: "These are no problems, but all parts can be produced, maybe some difficulty. For example, the flying instrument, display, chip, tire and other parts, the Black Cloud Group is also purchased outward. As for other problems, it is not big, hope General Wright can understand.

"Of course, General Wright wants to produce, but the cost will be high; plus special professional, some don't get lost."

"At the same time, in order to express sincerity, the Black Cloud Group will personally transport the equipment to the United States. Of course, there is the best US Navy escort."

In the end, it is a professional, before just thinking to be able to produce quickly. As everyone knows that it is not a Second World War II, electronic accessories and chips have been put in large amounts. Production lines, technicians, drawings can be completely copied, and they have been returned.

Germany's V2 missile is directly trained by the US military, and even a screw is not left to the Soviet Union. It can be said that after returning to China, you can directly produce, Ian Wright's father has participated in this, and give them a story from a child.

V2 is the first ballistic missile in the world; there is a large number of second-warmes, Germany launches more than 4,300 to Belgium. Although the quasi-head is then so, the loss caused by the Allies is limited. But all countries are not a fool, soon realize that this missile is improved, and the future potential is endless. The United States is the most active country, and after the German V2 missile attacked London, the United States began to form a special action team and went to Nordhausen region for a variety of investigations. Everything to the Special Task Group will be extremely confidential, because before this, the United States and Britain San China have just reached an agreement, decided to divide Germany into four parts, respectively, and very unfortunately Nordhausen area is a Soviet area!

The US special action team is undoubtedly successful, and they successfully investigate a large amount of information, such as more than 100 V2 missiles produced. Even through special means to understand the German party guard, the V2 missile drawings moved into a waste mine. After all the investigations were completed, the US military captured the original agreement of the Nordhausen area that was taken up by the Surma, and had already prepared the transport brigade for demolition and handling. Among them, it includes burial in the V2 missile drawings of the mine, more than 100 V2 missiles, and a large number of important parts, instrument and equipment, etc., and will take four hundred technical experts in the German rocket plant. Of course, the US military has achieved far more than V2 missiles, and there are many other German black technology, such as karrons, mouse tanks, and more.

Some moved, in order to prevent falling into the upcoming Soviet man, the Americans have destroyed a lot of German state-of-the-art weapons, and the Gustav's guns are completely disappeared.

This work is quite huge, but the United States is also ready. They have adjusted hundreds of large trucks and fix the railway, a total of 340 train compartments.

Bao Zixuan said that I want to send the equipment directly to the United States, I am worried that the US military will come to him. When you dare to the Soviet Union, let alone the black cloud is just a business.

In case it takes the production line and then destroyed the left. It is not easy to cry, but it is not possible to tell the US military, because it is not going to do.

But Ian Wright is really not thinking in this area, but I thought Bun Zixuan was showing him. It has a technical drawing and production line, but it is necessary to produce qualified products, and it is also required to fully cooperate with the Black Cloud Group. He is now more empty, and even the factory is not getting it.

Even if you get a factory building, then the equipment is installed, commissioned, you need Bao Zi Xuan to help; now, even the freight is saved.

Ian Wright: "Mr. Bao is very reasonable, and it is still insufficient. It's good to have this profession, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

"Everyone is a friend, I think Mr. Bao should not pit me. If you do it, you need to cooperate, the US military will never be disappointing."

I don't pit, I mean, it is very obvious; this is the rhythm of a single dry.

The head is rich to be this effect, and if the opportunity makes the opportunity to make the company, it is really not the result of the desired results. The rise of emerging power will inevitably be encircled by old forces. The Wright family is not weak, and it is not so simple to face the entire US aviation giant.

When the factory can't find workers and technicians, they will inevitably find Bunxuan to help. This is a chance, an opportunity to enter the US aviation manufacturing.

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