At this time, Ian Wright is also immersed in the beautiful vision of the prosperity of the family, and this boy is already giving him a pit. Once entering the other party's rhythm, it is not so easy to climb out. Even if you know the pit, you will be willing to jump. This kind of opportunity is not when there is, after this village, it is absolutely no longer found this store.

Baozi Xuan: "The Black Cloud Group will definitely cooperate, and the components that cannot be produced in the previous period can give a certain account. Wait until when the aircraft can be delivered, there is no problem to the black cloud."

"If there is any need above, Black Cloud Bank has dozens of branches in the United States; the current business is not bad, the service of Wright family is our honor."

This is given money, gives the equipment, gives technology, give support; if you don't do it, you can't resent it.

Ian Wright said with a smile: "The world has said that the best of the Xiangjiang bag is most assured, and it has never pitted partners. I also believe that some words have been speaking, and now I seem to be inevitable. Mr. Baoda after the future There are still a lot in the place, please do not enlighten it. "

"Mr. Bao is refreshing, it can't be not enough, the US military can provide 34 million tons of waste steel to the Black Cloud Group."

"Although some are products produced during World War II, it can be created in accordance with the highest standards, so the quality is absolutely no need to worry. And both parties are partnerships, Mr. Bao will not pit partners, Wright family will take the biggest sincerity. "

I heard this number, Bao Zixuan once again shocked by the US strong strength. It is also known that this is only the conventional reserves of the US military, and the country and enterprise reserves are not counted. It is no wonder that Japan is hit in the late Second World War, and the industrial output value of this country is really terrible.

The development of the Black Cloud Group is not so fast enough, and it is not too much to use a thousand miles away. But the one-year steel output value, the most is a zero head of the US military inventory. It is necessary to know the products produced by the Black Cloud Group, but there is no waste; it is exactly that it can't stand at all. After all, it is necessary to use the steel to use it too much.

It is estimated that Ian Wright is to see the problem, it will think of using waste steel exchange technology. The United States doesn't have to spend money, and he also has a step. Now the Wright family can also enter the field of the aircraft manufacturing, which can be described as much as possible.

In this way, the gap with the United States is still very large. The Soviet Union is inevitable, and the United States will definitely stare at him and the Black Cloud Group in the future. Overbearing Americans, there is absolutely not allowed to have a powerful, uncontrollable company. So wanting to fall in confrontation, or can continue to survive in this world, only constantly strong, otherwise there is only one deadline.

Bao Zixuan: "The United States's bottom is really envious, 34 million tons of steel black cloud group will be fully charged. The price of steel on the international futures market is $ 445 per ton."

"But the United States stock product is an old product, which is a relatively reasonable number according to the 7th floor of the market price. That is to say $ 311.5 per ton; the price of 34 million tons is about 10.6 billion, after all, I can't take advantage of it. "

I heard the offer of Bao Zixuan, if the US military is still very comparable if it is purchased according to waste steel. But the current stock product is the military model, and the quality is absolutely nothing. Still in accordance with this price calculation, some bullying people.

But at this time, Wright will not take much, after all, he is more concerned that the aircraft manufacturing enterprise can not go, and others don't matter.

Seeing Ian Wright is still thinking, the head is rich and knows that he will continue to add a fire, so we continue to say: "The three production lines and complete technical information of the Black Cloud Group are calculated according to the $ 10 billion."

We exchange each other and is $ 600 million. General Wright also needs to be a point, and the factory premise investment will not be small, and there are many places where the money is used.

I heard it directly to send $ 600 million to him, this kid is really going to do. Although the family has a small asset,

Now with this fund, then all the questions are solved.

Moreover, it involves the exchange of objects, which is not good to evaluate with specific amounts. The technology and production lines provided by the Black Cloud Group, saying $ 10 billion, saying is $ 10 billion, and it is estimated that no one will oppose. After all, the real core technology is unique to measuring money.

Ian Wright thought: "The prices given by Mr. Bao are very reasonable. At least I can't pick any problems. So many products require a massive transport team, so I hope that the US Navy carries. But the freight needs black Yun Group comes to settle, I hope Mr. Bao can understand. "

I heard here, Bunzi Xuan just understood what it means. This hour is that the benefits are gain, no one is sin. He is the army general, and many warehouses are under the land army. No matter how important the sea air force is, the Army is the most existence of a national army.

The benefits that the Navy may get in this trading, inevitably have comments. Now give it to them, it can get a lot of benefits.

The oil fee has a national reimburse, which can be said that this is definitely a burn.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The generals of Wright helped me, I am worried about the transportation problem! Now you have helped me solve it, but I am grateful. As for the shipping cost, there is absolutely no problem, how much is it, I inevitable Will make it difficult to do. "

In this case, it will definitely ask shipping to play a discount. But Bunzi Xuan understands that this small cheap is really not necessary. As long as the other party is working well, there is a lot of relationships.

It is good to deal with smart people, and people earn money to make you can't pick any problems.

In this way, the two sides quickly reached an agreement. The US military took the stock of 34 million tons of waste steel, exchanged the four technical materials and production lines of the Junyan Group's ghost stealth fighting strokes, Xiangjiang monster role aircraft, new UFO helicopters.

It can be said that no matter that it is from that point, it is a US person to take advantage of it. However, Bunzi Xuan is very clear, and the Black Cloud Group will never suffer.

It is a morning and evening to develop these products in the morning and evening. There may be no practical significance because I have the effect of research and development role aircraft and flying saucer. As for stealth, the US B2 performance and comprehensive strength is a lot than the brilliant version of the black cloud.

Baozi Xuan suddenly solved the shortage of raw materials; at present, whether it is Huaxia mainland, or black cloud town, including Imtension Ira, it is very large to steel demand.

And because the Western world deliberately blocks, the steel prices are rising monthly months. Nowadays, there are 34 million tons of flow to the market, then things are better; in at least 3 years, the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi will not worry because of steel raw materials.

As for three years, it is on the one hand, and it is also possible to find a way from the Arctic Bear.

Although the Soviet goods excellent in the performance of the US products, the number is absolutely not less. In fact, there are people who are selling, but the head is not able to see, after all, the scale is too small. Moscow is still very strong. The following people can do some small movements, and they still don't dare to be too bright.

It is necessary to do it with the scale of assets and excessive relationships. For example, this American is on the door, it is directly 34 million tons, and the small scale will make people look.

Plus the current Moscow has exchanged metal titanium to the Black Cloud Group Agent, and it is not good to make things that violate the principle of business. Three years later, the Soviet Union would be bad, and there will be a higher level of family and officials to participate in smuggling. At that time, it is not late.

Baozi Xuan worried: "I just remembered a question, many steel will be transported directly to the Chinese mainland. If you hang a US military banner, it will be very troublesome. Don't know if the US Navy has a private team, some misunderstandings are not necessary. "

I heard the Bun Zixuan said that Ian Wright said: "You don't have to worry about this, the US Navy has a lot of retired generals and soldiers, they leave the army will set up a sea freight company. Usually the Navy is busy It will also be out of them; after all, I still have to take care of the past colleagues. "

There is a rivers and lakes in some places, and the rivers and lakes are not playing killing; more is the life of the world, it seems to be in the United States.

Then there are many problems, and the production line assembly will certainly take a period of time; many are precision equipment, and the disassembly should pay special attention. And 34 million tons of steel are inventory, and the ship can be shipped directly.

It is not worried about this Ian Wright and the US military. If Bao Zi Xuan dares to play the trick; then consider deceiving the consequences of the US military; it is estimated that anyone in the world can't bear it.


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