Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1191 is unprecedented in size

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Four people ate a very satisfied dinner, two men have a lot of wine, and two women are familiar with each other. This is definitely a win---win wine, which can be said to take the required. Bao Zixuan completes the layout, and it may not play too much effect, but after the Soviet Union, it will gradually appear.

Ian Wright has a large-scale aircraft manufacturing enterprise that is fully affiliated to the family. It has just been in the world in the world. Lady of Wright was born, he became the CEO of Wright Aircraft Manufacturing Company; as for Zhang Huli, he also swearing sovereignty before the partner.

Although not so important, but also changed that the husband has approved her, otherwise it is impossible to accompany the US General Couple to join dinner. After marrying into the giants in Xiangjiang, it is not that every woman can be recognized; at least her mother can't do it before. To put it bluntly, Zhang Tiran is still a bit inferior, maybe it is not a big relationship with it.

It is currently being able to adapt, there may be a process.

Early the next morning, when a Wright couple was ready to return to China, the reporter stopped the two directly. Seeing having a lot of US reporters, General Wright knows this is a good opportunity to perform. But there are also some concerns that reporters and people are not a fool. I know the technology exchanged from the black cloud, all of which are absorbed by the newly established Wright aircraft manufacturing enterprise, will definitely think more.

But for this point, he also has its own air; anything must be bright and big, put the problems and things in the face. The people will doubt, but they can't be investigated.

The two sides transactions are completely legal, and even the wife can't find a little. The US military's waste steel stocks, no one knows how much is, as for the quality of two eyes and black. Plus Baozi Xuan alone took out $ 600 million, that is, the general of Wright will go to the event. It can be said that so much money can definitely meet some of the warehouse supervisors and the arms of the military officers.

The transaction is definitely a great victory for the US military. At the same time, you can also announce to the world, as long as it is the technology and objects you want to get, no one can refuse.

For General Ian Wright, but the good opportunity to appear. With his position, I want to keep confidential. It is not necessary to become a defense minister in the future, but there is still no problem with the commander of a war area.

Wall Street Daily is very attached to Xiangjiang, not only because of the development of the financial industry; more because of the existence of the Black Cloud Group, the Xiangjiang has its strength to have any of the world's PK economy. In the future, there may be New York and Tokyo, it is not necessarily a human opponent.

Seeing Ian Wright returned to China with his wife, the media didn't want to let it leave, at least what to say; two people have a major news. In recent days, the whole of the rivers, including the whole world, knowing the world; Wright General and Mrs. Xuan will meet several times. If there is no matter here, no one

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