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The British reporter can be indifferent, and the US reporter is happy. However, Huaxia reporters are very uncomfortable. The Black Cloud Group has so many advanced weapons and equipment, and there is no technology to share technology. Do not build a production line in the Chinese continent, but sell these to Americans;

Is it true that the US military is strong, nor does it might? Everyone in the world knows the US military's overbearing, threatening a business, they absolutely do it. The arm is screwed, and the bag must be useless even in the money.

But as a compatriots, or help to ask the US general; what is the meaning, is it really bullied?

Huaxia reporter suddenly asked: "General Wright, although involved in military confidentiality. But what objects used in the US military can exchange such a valuable technology and production line, it is really doubts. We have reason to believe, US military Take something that is useless, then revert to the technical and production line of the three top weapons and equipment from the Black Cloud Group. "

"It's just too bullying, don't want the public to know."

I heard that all reporters feel that there is reasonable, and the three weapons and equipment of the Black Cloud Group feel good. Although the last item did not say, but can let the United States will come over to personally come over, seeing their precious levels.

Even in a lot of people, the last weapon equipment is a highlight. Otherwise, after the Social Swise Dynamics and Xiangjiang Monster Effect Aircraft R & D, Americans did not come over to Xiangjiang asking technology. It is estimated that two of the past is a rabbit, and there is a thing.

It is definitely a nerve that touches the Americans, otherwise it will not do this. Even the British reporters have begun to doubt, they will directly go to the door through the satellite photos. It must be advanced technology, at least weapon equipment that Americans can't produce. Otherwise, the other party will not be so anxious, and Ian Wright is not a idle person, how can we have a few days to meet the bags.

Ian Wright heard that Huaxia reporters said that the heart is still very happy. Anyway, as long as there is a media that is introduced to this, then it is better to explain the people.

Everyone believes that the US military uses sesame to change watermelon, don't say that using waste steel exchange, it doesn't matter if it takes a lot of money. Because the public will believe that the US military's products do not have any value; the three technologies of the Black Cloud Group are the top priority, which represent the future of military science.

But when the reporter is definitely can't say this, otherwise it will be misunderstood.

Ian Wright: "Although the contract has signed, many problems have not been communicated. There is a certain variable in the future, so it is necessary to be strictly confidential, which is more beneficial for the US military and the Black Cloud Group. "

"The object of the US military takes out, the Jedi is not

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