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For the Black Cloud Group and the head of the bag, many reporters want to interview in the past. However, the other party is not loose, and all interviews are busy with work, directly refused. It is good to understand that the child has just born, but it is a lot of time to take care of a lot of time; as a large business boss, there is very little time.

Because you want to accompany your wife and daughter to waste so much time, plus some things can't be delayed. I can only work hard after, and I will find it back.

The reporter did not dare to have a criminal bunxuan, and I didn't dare to interview with the Black Cloud Group. But all national politics don't have so much scruples, I want to know what Ian Wright said is what is the third weaponry.

British aspects due to the relationship between the near-water, Yude came to the Black Cloud Group in the first time. The prime minister has issued the command, and you must first figure out what is going on. At least it is necessary to know what the Black Cloud Group has developed any arms and equipment, which actually lets the Americans pay attention.

Said to be the first time, I feel a little fun. Americans have got the first-hand information, and both parties have reached a cooperation agreement. It is now a cold meal now, but the British still doesn't want others to rescue. There may be no way to the United States, there is not so much counted in other countries.

And the United States does not oppose the technology and production lines of the Black Cloud Group to sell weapons and equipment in other countries, and the British can't let this opportunity. Xiangjiang is not wrong in the British colony, but it has to evacuate more than ten years. Therefore, for the Black Cloud Group, in terms of strict sense, it is really not a British business.

Falling bags are safe, only completely controlling technology, can do nothing to do. At that time, even if the British lost the Xiangjiang, it doesn't matter, at least in the weaponry, it will not fall behind.

Baozi Xuan is arrogant, or the face is still to give. And people do not represent individuals, representing the entire British Empire over the Black Cloud Group.

In fact, after reaching an agreement with the United States, Bao Zi Xuan has already thought that there will be many countries want to get UFO technology. In fact, he didn't think about retaining, but the premise must reach the maximum interest.

Americans have a large number of steel inventories, in contrast, the British family is very poor. After all, I have experienced a battle, the huge consumption of World War I have made the United States have grown almost. But as the saying goes, the thin camel is big, and the rotten boat has three thousand nails. As a hundred years of the world's first strong country, the British Empire is far from the general country.

Since they want the flying saucer technology, then take some things to exchange, and is also reasonable. It is always free of charge for the Black Cloud Group, as if there is no reason in the world.

Let the British pay for money, and it is estimated that it is not realistic. After all, the domestic economy is not good, aviation companies want to get technology, and do not necessarily have some funds.

With the government relationship, the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan are not, it is not possible, it is estimated that it will be counterproductive. Huaxia is inevitably not sitting, plus Bao Zi Xuan is already rich

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