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The old and small dialect can be said that half of them, the head is not practiced to the realm. At least in the language level of the language, it is really not a star half. Since the other is the purpose of the other party, and he has a goal, then there is nothing to welcome.

The British and Huaxia have reached an agreement on the Qiangjiang issue, even if it is too large, Yude will not believe it. Instead, you will feel that you don't have your heart and reduce your height. No matter what is, it is better to be directly, otherwise everyone is uncomfortable. Plus the style of the bag is always in the event that things do not waste time. After all, they are very valuable to each other.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I don't know what the Governor is a great way to say, as the Governor of Xiangjiang. But give us these guidance directions and roads to the company, so as not to cause unnecessary losses."

Also give you the road and direction, this kid is also something wrong. What eligles the company's entrepreneurial, especially the company's business, especially the scale of the Black Cloud Group. The British lost Xiangjiang is inevitable, and some people must listen to it.

Youde: "Mr. Bao is too polite, now your name is much much bigger than my governor. And in the international, the President of the Black Cloud Group is also more recognized than Xiangjiang Governor. I am like you so older Time, just entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The same age you have made people can't surpass, it is really a hero. "

"This time, there is nothing else, just a little curious. I want to see what Ian Wright said, what is the third weaponry, I hope that Mr. Bao doesn't mind."

Youde understands that if you want to wait for this kid, it is almost impossible. After all, people have no demands to the UK, just hope that they can not mess. However, many countries in the world are coming to see this bag, I want to get the third weaponry.

Americans' technical strength, as well as science and technology, recognized world first, even they have to introduce from the Black Cloud Group, which is definitely not ordinary products, at least the United States can't produce. If the Americans can make it, it is really not to be far away, to the Xiangjiang to find Bao Xuan. Don't mention what patented technology, military weapons, really don't exist.

Americans want to imitate, it is estimated that no one will stop, and they don't dare to block.

With the acceleration of Americans, we are all praise for weapons design and performance, and other countries will not doubt. If you come over some times, you can really be late.

Even if the Black Cloud Group sells weapons and equipment, production lines, technical drawings to the UK, but it also needs to be queued. Americans have taken the opportunity, and the Britain is naturally not fat. Although the two countries belong to strategic partnerships, they are two different sovereignty countries. The British may need the United States, but the United States wants to have a difference in the European continent, and it is also necessary to assist in the UK.

Therefore, the UK never believes

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