Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1207 of the flying saucer 100

Just on the first part of the British, the French negotiated, the Soviet Union is holding an internal meeting. Discuss nonvagle not introducing the latest developed UFO technology. After the Americans observed the black cloud by satellite, the Soviets also adjusted the satellite track. I want to see what weapons and equipment is, let the Americans are so interested.

Through satellite pictures, military experts immediately analyze the flying saucer. The entire Soviet army is also very shocking. After all, they did nothing aspirated in the Second World War II, master a lot of forward-looking weapon technology and drawings. German UFO is not a secret for Meisu, it is not secret. Even the Soviet Union has also been related to research and development, but in the end, the project is stranded because the technology is not mature.

Now I see that the black clouds have begun to test flights, and the frequency is very high; it is very close to the service time, the Soviet Union is nothing. The Soviet strategy is basically in order to counter the United States, both Americans have weapons, they must, Americans have no weapons and equipment, and the Soviet Union can also be equipped. In fact, the United States is also the same strategic thinking, but both parties want to achieve, but it is also very difficult.

The relationship between the Black Cloud Group and the Soviet Union has always been very good. Bunxuan is absolutely enough. However, it involves core technology, but it cannot be asked to be asked. It is also good to have a good relationship with billions of dollars.

Ushikov This is very weak at this time, and even the meeting needs a doctor to give him a few needles, otherwise it will not participate. But the Soviet leader is made up, making him have to stick to it. Otherwise, it is sorry for the country, and there are some sorry of the family.

At this time, another heavyweight person, Shell, Liaonne dewich, Socolov, began to introduce the relevant situation.

Sherkid - Socollov; Soviet military home, Soviet Marshal. In 1968, he was elected as a member of the Communist Party of China. According to the original history, this should be taken to the Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union last year, and then resigned by the Red Square. But at this time, Ustanov is still in the world, so it is still working as a deputy to host the Department of Defense. The Soviet Union has become a special consultant for the Minister of Defense of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Many medal medals have been obtained in their military careers.

As early as April 12, 1967 and served as the first deputy minister of the Soviet Ministry of Defense, began to play a crucial role in the Soviet military field. He has rich practical experience and exquisite military knowledge. In order to improve the combat level of the Soviet army, develop a deadly weapon, improve the armed forces, and made a significant contribution, which was promoted to the Soviet Marshal on February 17, 1978.

Uscanov served as the Minister of Defense, basically focused on his military command experience. From December 27, 1979, he served as the former enemy's total command with the 40th Group of the Turkish Military Region of the Soviet Turkish Military Region into Afghanistan. From then on, he served as the head of the Soviet Ministry of Defense, in December 1984, and the young child was also in the 40th Army. The first-line team combats. On April 28, 1980, Socollov made the brave and resolute performance in the command of the combat operation of Afghanistan, plus the work of the Soviet hero.

Although there is no responsibility of the Minister of Defense,

But it is definitely one of the highest calls. Ushikov is the technical cadre, so the Soviet high-level default, the minister of the next national defense must have excellent military commands; it is obvious that Soslov is very suitable.

Soslof looked at everyone: "This is the picture taken by the satellite. Xiangjiang Black Cloud Group is trying to fly a new disc aircraft. Discovered through the satellite picture, the Soviet Union in Germany is very similar. Although it is still uncertain. What is the connection between the two, but the black clouder disc has been trial is very frequent in recent time, indicating that it is already in service.

"At the same time, the United States has purchased the effective aircraft, stealth fighting strokes, and new UFAs, and the technology and production lines of new UFOs. That is to say, it will be equipped with the three weapons and equipment above the future. This is the Soviet Union. It is a huge threat. "

Cold War In fact, the service of every weapon equipment in Meixu can affect the world of nerves. Although not Americans develop, it is also the same from other countries.

At present, the Soviet Union has only the role aircraft, and the Soviet version of the land effects may be more actually. It is necessary to know that the Soviet groundwork aircraft is equipped with large anti-ship missiles; an effective aircraft coverage, foot can destroy a small fleet; so the Soviet Union is not worried.

But there is no in the Soviet battle force, and the Soviet Union has not yet. Although it has already launched research and development, progress is not fast; mainly developing funds is not enough.

Now I have a flying saucer, and I will not let people live.

Gorbachev has begun to implement a series of reforms in the internal leaders since the highest leaders in March. It can be not obvious because domestic forces interfere. Now this is old stubborn and want to increase the army to invest in. Don't you know that the treasury is empty; and the fiscal deficit is amazing. If you are in the poor, the whole country is going to be dragged by them in the morning and evening.

Gorbachev: "What does the Ministry of National Defense mean?"

I heard the highest leader's direct scrutiny, everyone looked to Ustanov. After all, his national defense minister did not speak, and no one dared to say anything. Gorbachev has always opposed the maintenance of such a huge army, and I want to take the military to open the knife. Just like Soslov, it is obvious that you want to buy technology and production lines from the Black Cloud Group, which further supplements the Soviet military system.

How many rice is under, how many meters are under. This helper only wants strong defense. Don't you know that the defense spending has already dragged this country. But Gorbachev still wants the Ministry of Defense to take the initiative, after all, just go to the stage; plus itself too young, the foundation is not very stable. If rushed against the military high-level opinion, it is easy to intend to intensify contradictions.

Ustanov is actually very don't want to speak, and your body knows yourself, there is no time. Do not say to enjoy your old age, but at least you must give a good margin.

Can be the highest leaders, he doesn't matter if he doesn't answer. In this way, he is still the Minister of Defense, the responsibility of the commitment, must be borne.

Uscanov: "The Ministry of National Defense, of course, hopes to strengthen national defense construction, at least after the Americans are in the body."

It is obvious that it is clear that you want to introduce Black Cloud UFO technology.

I know that this army's high level does not want to give up, but the national finance is not allowed to do this.

Gorbachev: "Death, injury in the Afghan war, the number of missing people exceeds 40,000, spend military expenses 36 billion rubles. According to the exchange rate at the time, the total cost is about $ 24 billion, with an average annual $ 3 billion. Not yet At the end of the trend, the national finance does not allow high military expenditures. It cannot always be thinking about the army construction, and the national planned people's livelihood is ignored. "

Gorbachev came to work in March 1985, and he immediately discussed with Western countries. The Special System of the Soviet Union guarantees the absolute authority of the Central Committee, that is, no matter how the high level struggle, the military and local agencies have always maintained the loyalty to the central government.

Leading to the Soviet Union, an important reason is Gorbachev to abandon the leadership of the army; at the same time pressing the army, seriously weakening the central authority. At the same time, the power is decentralized and other members of the central leadership, resulting in further weakening of the central government. The disadvantage of the long-term accumulation of the Soviet Union, leads to the establishment of a full interest group to quickly and rapidly divide the entire country under the catalysis of the above two decisions.

It is clear that it is clear that it does not agree to introduce UFO technology. But it can't be clear, you can only change your own point of view.

Uscanov knows that it is difficult to change the mind to change the idea, so say: "In this case, you can order several flying sauks from the Black Cloud Group; at least to master the performance of the UFO,"

This is a way to refer to it, don't spend too much money, and you can pick up the troops.

Gorbachev: "Take a look at what the black cloud group needs, the two parties are exchanged directly."

It is not to ask for money, but there is no opinion on this military. So long to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group; as long as it is given to the right substance, the other party absolutely capable of turning him into money.

Since things have been confirmed, Gorbachev is not staying, but when I am leaving, I have said something, but it is very atmosphere.

Gorbachev: "I have already discussed with Western countries, ready to be withdrawn from Afghanistan. In accordance with this plan, you have started, this matter has no room. The Soviet Union cannot conduct unfilled war; must stop aggression."

What does this mean, is it necessary to discover the Soviet army to attack Afghanistan, you have to know that you are the highest leader, even you think so, then the Soviet Union is still standing internationally.

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