Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1208 of the flying saucer is one hundred

It's useless now, because Gorbachev has left the meeting room. Only the Soviet army high-level Soviet army with a full face and atmosphere. War of Afghanistan is just right, forentying; but aggression, it is absolutely unable to come from the mouth of a country's highest leader.

At this time, the most embarrassment of the most embarrassment has just hosted the Soslov marshal, mainly because of the heroic manner in the battlefield of the Afghanistan. It can be done by the highest leaders, and you can feel it. The Soviet offensive Afghanistan is qualitatively invading war, meaning the merits of the Soviet soldiers who fight for the front line.

If you let the Soviet soldiers know, it is not possible.

Uscanov looked at the most effective deputy: "Don't go to your heart, you have a good job. The Soviet people know what kind of person you are, this is enough."

I heard the Minister of Defense said that Soslof is slightly better, but still can't let go. What does Gorbachev mean, but now people are the highest leadership, what is the problem can only endure.

Since I decided to buy a black cloud flying saucer, I have to negotiate in the past; the task naturally fell on Little Urcanov. Although the identity is not suitable, the Minister of Defense Uszanov's order, still no one dares to define. This is also the first to buy weapons and equipment to the outside world.

Little Urjov came to Xiangjiang again, and it was also a gift. In recent years, he has earned a lot; therefore, therefore giving a gift to the bag, it is very got to spend money.

Just sent away the French, and welcomed the Soviet friends. The head of the bag also knows that this day has to continue for a while, after all, this time is not very moving. However, the more people come, the more favorable him; and it is also advancing to popularize the UFO technology.

Old friends meet, relatively straightforward. Directly take someone to drink, as for negotiations, or say it. There is no such thing as this small Uquisino; this is not in the country, it doesn't have to pay attention to what; don't worry about discipline.

After the wine is full, Little Urjov said: "This uncle called me, I want to exchange several flying sauks from the Black Cloud Group. In fact, you don't have to think too much, after all, Americans are too high-profile The Soviet Union must have to adjust the satellite orbit, investigate some. I didn't expect that even the flying saucer can be developed, it is really admiring. "

"You don't know, Soviet seized similar technical drawings from Germany; later discovered that technology was too superior, the existing technique could not be found. I didn't expect the Black Cloud Group to be able to study. It seems that in the aviation field, you have already lead There are too many Soviet Unions. "

"At first, I wanted to buy technology, and the production line, but I was negate by Gorbacheov, and I can't pay money, I can only use the property. What weapons,

As long as it is the Soviet military, there is no problem. "

It is almost impossible to take money from the Soviet Union. After all, what is the character of Gorbachev, the head is rich, it is clear. Since the money can't get it, the exchange point weapon equipment is always there. Not for the Black Cloud Group, and for Imagra.

Although the country is small, it is related to important strategic layouts; therefore, it is especially important to increase national defense. The Middle East is a gunpowder barrel. Although the current Sharjah does not dare to act rashly, it will have a moth after it will.

Bao Zi Xuan: "The flying saucer is still in the test stage. As an old friend, Soviet Union wants to have no problem.

"I took 4 flying sauce, exchanged four charts of the Soviet army-22m slamming machine."

Little Urjov suddenly woke a lot, said directly: "If it is a picture -22 slamming machine, I can promise you now. But Figure -22M is a bit trouble, after all, this strategy is the most important thing for the Soviet Union. One of the strategic weapons has not been exported to that country. And there is also clear provisions internationally, not very convenient. "

Figure -22M bomber is a Soviet-type supersonic remote strategy bomber.

Figure -22M bomber is a double-shifting after double transition, the modified type of Figure -22 is actually a new design of supersonic strategy bombers. The aircraft can be bombarded by strategic nuclear bombings.

Soviet map -22 bomber as the first supersonic bomber, performance and voyage of the Soviet Union, is not very satisfactory, after the plane is full of oil and missiles, it will not be able to perform supersonic flights at all, even if it reaches 1.5 Mach, It is also unable to avoid interception of the fighter and air defense missiles at that time. Therefore, the Soviets are not satisfied with this bomber, just a small amount of equipment, and instruct the design bombard to replace the next-generation supersonic bomber to replace Figure -16 and Figure -22.

This is the appearance of the Anti-Fire, but this strategy is really difficult.

It is somewhat difficult to see that Little Muscino is a bit of difficult, and the bag is rich, and you must add a fire. After all, I want the other party's strategy to fight, and I will not bought it. Although the relationship is good, more is based on cooperation. Can bring profits to the other party, otherwise anyone will help you with your heart.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "In addition, I can have a $ 10 million public relations fees, I believe that the high level is satisfied."

Gorbachev uses weapons and equipment to exchange, and the other flying saucer is the most advanced weaponry. The Soviet Union is still not a loss.

Although there is a ghost stealth fighting force, the speed is too slow; and it is not easy to discover, it can't achieve the deterrence. There is almost no direct military conflicts between China and the big country. But both sides warned each other and deterrent, but often happened.

If anyone dares to , or provocative. The ghost invisible fighting the warfare, which does not have a shock effect. But Figure -22m is different; as long as it is flying together, the enemy will immediately find it.

Many weapons may not be used in this life, but it is absolutely not.

Little Urjov: "There is a public relations fee. Of course, I think the Air Force will be satisfied."

Gorbachev is preparing to start with the army, and it is not a secret. Many people will face unemployment risks. If there is still the right to make money, they will have no chance.

Acacia is a good job, and it is convenient to cooperate.

Fuji Ira gets an anti-fire, and believe that the surrounding countries will definitely not act rashly. And the future bag is still in need to increase the construction of there, so it is absolutely not a matter.

Bao Zi Xuan: "How is Ushino Marshal, I heard that it is not particularly good."

It is already talking about it, and I have to pay attention to it.

In fact, Little Urifl is very worried, as a family of custom sea. If the old handsome has a problem, the blow to the entire family will be large.

As long as people are still in this world, then the opponent does not dare to act rashly. The domestic situation in the Soviet Union is complicated than imagining, and the big family also has a lot of competitors.

Little Musinov thought: "The situation is very bad, basically relying on drugs in maintaining; there is nothing to do. In fact, I originally used my current position, not suitable as a representative of negotiations. But this It is the meaning of uncle. After all, we are more familiar with the relationship. "

Uscanov marshal also has a selfish, mainly worried that Bao Zixuan is tested by others. He has no much day, and the future is not good. But as long as it is tightly associated with the Black Cloud Group, even if there is a problem in the country, there is a retreat. The strength of the bag is getting stronger and stronger, and the opposite of Uzjov family must have to be silent for a while. If you can't maintain good cooperation and close contact, it will be abandoned in the morning and evening.

Cooperation requires strength to equal, when a party lost value, cooperation will also stop. Baozi Xuan has cooperated with the Umbsanov family to build on the basis of interest. When it is not available to the Black Cloud Group, I believe that in the eyes of others, they may nothing.

Fortunately, the head is good, and it is absolutely nothing to say to friends; therefore thinks more communication and contact. Only in this way; even if he passes the world, the Domestic Want to develop economic and foreign trade, but also the help of the Black Cloud Group. So small Umbino is very important, after all, only his Tongbao Xuan is most familiar.

Even if it has been transferred to the Far East, it is also sent to negotiate. It can be said that the old man is very ideal and is gradually playing.

Originally Uscanov marshal is physically condition, I don't want to be with Bao Xuan. It is also other ideas for others, which is not conducive to the family's smooth transition. Losing this line of the Black Cloud Group, plus the family gap; then, if you want to play an important role, it is not real in a short time.

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