Fortunately, small steamed buns Xuan Ustinov to still understand, know each other burning bridges is not a person. As a friend, you must be honest, but at present there is no other way. After all, the initiative in the hands of other people, if you do not tell the truth, finally difficult to end.

Buns Xuan: "Now the situation is very complicated Soviet Union, what is your plan."

Hearing this, I feel very small Ustinov. Description package richest man was very concerned about them, this is very rare. Soviet domestic situation, no one is more understanding than he. If not killed, but a good, probably never get up again. He is now a family of next-generation successors Ustinov, chops can still not sure.

Even if he were thinking of leaving the Soviet Union, then the whole family a few years efforts will be in vain.

Small Ustinov: "Uncle mean let me in charge of the family, this burden is heavy now, no other idea, in recent years, the Soviet Union also earn some money if it is not stay, will choose to leave. but that is the worst. "

Hear buns Xuan did not say anything here, after all, a lot of things he is not good to express their views. Even Marshal Ustinov died, Ustinov was still small, is bound to play an important role in the future when the Soviet Union collapsed. Marshal died, his position could boost level, wait until 5 years later, most likely promoted to general.

Package richest man just worried about him back down, then they would have to find new partners, is not conducive to the next layout.

Ustinov did not stay small, the next day to leave Hong Kong. At this point identity is very grateful, do not stay for too long in Hong Kong. And the country there is a big push things to do, plus the Marshal Ustinov could leave at any time, it must remain vigilant. In the Soviet Union, he returned to Moscow is easy; but if the stay in Hong Kong, may not be so easy.

The Soviets left, the Saudis and over. We like a good discussion, as the timing is very reasonable; but hard on the bag's richest man, should negotiate and entertainment every day.

Prince Sultan doing my part, but also personally come. After all, even the Americans dare to interest weaponry, and even willing to spend lots of money to introduce. Product description certainly not poor, Saudi Arabia must not miss this opportunity.

For this Laozhang Ren, buns Xuan apparently will pay more attention. Where stood the relationship, does not show passion point, some explanation does not go.

Let's richest man, did not think the package is actually also visit Aisha among the ranks. He talked with the other party does not, in the end it is a surprise, or shock; it is debatable.

People came or, at least buns Xuan will not be lonely.

Prince Sultan said with a smile: "You can always bring surprises to the world,

This is what kind of weapons, but still so dear to Americans. As an old friend, but not favoritism, but I sincerely wanted to come with cash. "

Saudi financial aspects, will not make people doubt; as long as a good thing, they are willing to spend. And you know what Prince Sultan identity, buns Xuan said his son is also available. But this certainly does not disclose the identity, otherwise neither good. A princess, actually giving small three possessions. Even Saudi advocate polygamy, or somewhat difficult to accept.

Identity too special package richest man, the two sides equal exchanges best; not great care, to save other people were disgusted.

Plus this is the national procurement, it does not have to pay out of his pocket; do not let the son suffer.

Buns Xuan: "Before the phone fear of people listening, and therefore did not say; but have come to personally look at the past not better."

Prince Sultan said with a smile:. "You have to sell the shut, and witness Ye Hao, like to see what I can give you a surprise."

Both parties are more familiar, so there is no need to be polite; directly to the test flight. I didn't test flight today, but since big customers came over; I definitely arrange it, otherwise Saudi is not willing to pay.

When I saw a flying saucer on the ground, the prince Surdan smashed a few eyes. This gain has always appeared in the sci-fi movie, how can it come to reality, really can't believe it.

It is no wonder that Americans pay attention to it, and the flying sauce is definitely worthy of their consideration.

Seeing that the guest has arrived, the pilot did not waste time and flew directly. It's just a blink of an eye, the flying saucer has rushed to the cloud, even if you use a telescope.

Some columns, let Saudi people look silly. This is more shocking than sci-fi movies, after all, happening in front of you. Aisha is a small star, and the worship is unpredictable.

After seeing the real data report of the UFO, the prince saw the real data report: "What is the price, everyone is an old man, but it can't be too dark."

In fact, he has also thought of introducing production lines and technologies, but the current industrial level of Saudi is far from demanding. In addition, it is a big big in recent years, and ran in such a big project. Even if there is a rough Saudi, it is also a little. But since I see a good product, I must purchase it.

In terms of national defense spending, Saudi has never saved. As long as it is the world's advanced weaponry, it can be bought; they will have no effort to buy, and they will be willing to spend money.

Baozi Xuan: "At present, it is still in the test flight, but the cost of manufacturing a material has exceeded 13 million US dollars. Coupled with other costs of research and development, a flying saucer should be around 30 million US dollars."

I heard the material cost of 13 million US dollars, priced at $ 30 million. The Prince Surdan really didn't know what to say, this kid is too dark. But think carefully, this price is reasonable; developing a good product, no one earns points.

Surdan Prince: "Because the Black Cloud Group is the world is the most profitable company, now it seems that there is nothing to order. Saudi is ready to order 24 flying disks, see if the price can make a step. Now the price Saudi Can be accepted, but returning to the country will face no stress. "

If you have said this, if you can't do it, it really didn't put the old man in your eyes.

Bao Zixuan: "600 million US dollars, this price cannot be low; otherwise the Black Cloud Group has no profits."

When you hear a sentence, let the convenience of $ 120 million, it seems that this kid is still a face.

The Prince Surdan said with a smile: "It's so fixed, the first batch of goods must be delivered to us. I know that your fund is tight, and the remittance will be arranged tomorrow."

Acacia is a good job, plus the Prince Surdan trust Bun Zixuan, so the business is talking to an extremely smooth.

Please ask the Middle Eastern to eat, it will not be as casual. Good in the restaurant in Xiangjiang, there is a lot of trouble.

After dinner, the princes of Surdan were returned to the hotel; Baozi Xuan rose with Aisha to a villa.

If the rabbit three caves, not to mention the head of the head. With a woman, I can't go to the company, and that employees know it; still pay attention to the impact.

Bringing home, there is currently no courage. My wife just gave birth to a child, and she took a woman in her family. How did you say it?

Two people haven't seen it for a long time, and they are the so-called dry firewood. From the head of the bag, he returned to Xiangjiang, did not touch a woman. The wife is pregnant to production, this is certainly inconvenient. In addition, there is no other lover, so there is a lot of depression in the last time.

Today is just Aisha, of course, you can't let this opportunity.

So I need to be handled directly, telling the family that I will not return in recent days. There is no doubt about this, and smart women will not think in this regard.

Aisha is lying in Bunxuan, saying: "I haven't added trouble this time!"

At this time, a woman is going to be a good time, Bao Zixuan replied directly: "You come to me, I am not too late, what is the trouble. But how do you say that I will say it in advance; take you a good visit."

Aisa knows what you are, the man can say that it is already satisfied. So smiled and said: "It is also a temporary, it is indeed boring in Saudi. I know that my father is coming over, I decided to be with him."

For the request of Aisa, the princes of Surdan will basically meet. After all, I have to rely on this daughter in many times.

Seeing Aisha seems to have something to say, Bao Zi Xuan said: "What is we talking about it, don't hide it."

Hearing here, Aiha seems to have a great courage: "I heard that your lady gave birth to two daughters, I was too bored; I also want to have a child."

Bao Zixuan did not speak, but used actual actions to indicate attitude.

Since women want to give you a child, then this wish is absolutely satisfied. Daddy is not to give him in the Saudi industry, how to say it is your own flesh.

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