Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1112 seeks a diversified development

After that, the two were cold, and Li Fuzhao left the peninsula hotel. But Mi Gao - Jia Dao hit the Bunzi Xuan with the Prince Surdan's past Far East Exchange, and immediately felt the meaning of the affordine. Is Saudi wants to set up a stock exchange, not without this. In recent years, Saudi is rapidly developing, and there is a company wants to go public.

But Saudi is a traditional business, you want to be launched abroad; don't say it, it will not be recognized by the market. Then it is especially important to set up a stock exchange in your country.

Saudi established a stock exchange, which can be an unlimited business opportunity. The Black Cloud Group has many investments in Saudi, and you can really earn some money behind your head.

Before Iraq, Jia Dao family did not make money. Now the opportunity is in front of your eyes, then what are you waiting for. Baozi Xuan's daughter was born, it seems to find a chance to make the wife pass.

In the past, seeing a child, or a woman is more appropriate. Mrs. Diplomacy often can play unexpected effects, and can also deepen each other's relationship.

The Prince Surdan didn't have a lunch break. After all, it was a waste of too long in the hotel. The stock exchange has been visited, and the black cloud group production line should also take a look.

Although I have been there, I can come over and come over; the black cloud factory can make people feel impressive, from this point, I have to admire Bunxuan.

First come to the Kwun Tong Industrial Zone, this is the place where it is, and it is also the most important product production area. Many of the products are produced here. After all, the production capacity of other places has not been mentioned.

After several years of development, the Black Cloud Kwun Tong Industrial Zone is definitely one of the world's most famous industrial areas. It has the largest industrial factory building in the area; of course, after the construction of the black cloud town is completed, this title may be deprived.

Now, you can't bring it around the water, in case the other party, I want to visit the wearer plant, that is, it is nothing to find.

Seeing the boss with the customer, the person in charge of Kwun Tonglian District, and the head of the Black Cloud Group Production Department, the ancient city of the ancient city, people. The ancient city of the bag is just a secretary; this is very satisfied with the bunxuan. It seems that for so many years, the ancient city is still very pragmatic.

The Japanese doing in this regard is on the one hand, and it is more important that the group executives understand what person is character. Don't like formism, the boss from the science and engineering is relatively pragmatic.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The ancient city monarch is the Prince of Saudus. Today, the black cloud group does not have any secrets, he wants to go, you can visit all the questions. All questions must be carefully answered, absolutely can't There is any concealment. "

I heard the boss,

Ancient city of Lang Lima mean. And the Black Cloud Group is selling in Saudi, he is a clear. It is also no wonder that the boss will pay so much, after all, people can bring you huge profits.

Bao Zi Xuan intentionally speaking English, just wants to let Sulan to listen to it. Let him see that this son-in-law is still very meaningful, at least there is at least concealment.

For this point of the Prince Surdan, I didn't say anything, but I was still very touched. It seems that it is entirely worth paying in Bao Zi Xuan, and investment is very cost-effective.

The Prince Surdan said with a smile: "So, then trouble Mr. Ancient City, did not bother you!"

The boss's valte, plus the Prince of Saudi, the ancient city of Sili, did not expect the other party to be so polite, and quickly said: "Don't say this under the Temple, you can serve your service."

"I don't know what you want to see first. Our industrial plant has many products in production; black cloud products that can be seen in the market, as long as it is a little technical, this factory has."

The main body of the Black Cloud Group is always in Xiangjiang, even if the black cloud computer is registered in the United States, the production line is still placed in Xiangjiang. Of course, in addition to the black cloud toy in the Chinese mainland, Black Cloud Auto in the United States, Huaxia, Jordan, Brazil, Britain has a branch; the role aircraft is divided into Saudi; Black Cloud appliances have a factory in Huaxia mainland, black cloud machine and chip There is a branch in Israel, and there is basically produced here.

Prince Surdon: "I personally want to have a few curiosity to the computer production process, first look at the black cloud computer workshop."

At present, Black Cloud Group Computer Company has mainly produced four products; one is a laptop of the product; the other is a small server; there is an industrial computer; of course, the last one cannot be ignored, the supercomputer cluster.

Black cloud laptops naturally don't have to introduce, in the market similar products; have always maintained a huge competitive advantage, and even becomes a mobile office.

The small server is mainly used by ordinary companies or Internet cafes. Of course, the design company is purchased to do drawing; can be used independently, can also connect 40 computers; do a small server; Many things. Although technologies are advanced, the price is not impact; therefore the market share is not very high.

As for the Black Cloud Industrial Computer, the current level of IBM is a horizontal autumn; the two market share may be slightly advantageous. This is something that two companies are happy; if one party is collapsed, the other party will definitely face anti-monopoly investigation.

As for the black cloud supercomputer group, it is mainly prepared for the development of the Internet. Since getting an auxiliary root server quota, it has been related research. At present, the products have matured, and the first bag of R & D funds have been invested in more than $ 500 million. As long as the submarine cable is laid, you can provide services to the Internet at any time.

Since the other party wants to visit the computer factory, Bunzi Xuan cannot refuse.

The battery car began to turn it in the factory in the factory area; Baozi Xuan did not accompanied, the company had too many things to handle. It is not easy to come over, some urgently needed documents; or the previously authorized documents, need him to sign.

In order to avoid the suspicion, Ahisa did not have a bunxuan office; in fact, she also wants to understand the true power of the Black Cloud Group. There is no such opportunity before the United States, mainly for industrial, interest is not very big. Otherwise, with the Princess of Saudi, the major companies, how many people will give some faces.

Prince Surdan saw that the laptop was produced on the pipeline, and the speed is very shocking. Although the overall price of electronic products is slightly declining, major manufacturers are still sticking to Moore's law.

However, the latest laptop of the Black Cloud Group is not a decline than the previous generation; but the function, the operation is strong, and it is not increased.

A laptop is 8,000 US dollars, which is definitely an astronomical figure. When I saw a few minutes, a computer was produced. Even if it is a Saudi who is mighty, I feel that people may have more money, but they have not been so high.

Prince Surdon: "Mr. Ancient City, current workshops can produce how many laptops can be produced daily."

Since the boss said to be confidential to the other side, the ancient city is not hesitant, but directly said: "This is the largest laptop production workshop of the Black Cloud Group, which is about 2,000 units per day."

"Surgivized to laptop's high price, in addition to high-end business people, ordinary people are really not willing to buy. If the capacity is completely released, this number may also double."

Data is indeed scary, one day is more than 10 million US dollars, which can make money than excavation oil.

At this time, Abesa is a little, before people say that Bao Zi Xuan is the rivers in Xiangjiang; now it seems that I am afraid that the entire Saudi royal family will have money. This man is still very low, at least will not transition. I have not done anything, this quality is too rare.

Prince Surdan said to the assistant: "Record, high-end industrial products, much higher than mining oil profits. We have worked hard to explore national resources, watching the scenery on the surface; but compared with the real industrial giants, It can be said that it is far away. I have a little money to be complacent; I don't know, people have earned money. "

The assistant in Surdan is also very simple and is a member of the Saudi royal family. It is also his brother, and the son of the Saudi Kingware.

After graduating from college, I thought about letting Suier belt him. This time I followed the Xiangjiang.

In Xiangjiang's knowledge, it has greatly subverted the prince's cognition. Especially in this morning, I saw the stock trading market and visited the Black Cloud Group.

Saudi oil exploits money, it may be really nothing in the eyes of people. The country wants power and needs to introduce foreign high-tech industries.

It is not very understanding of world technology, mainly the Saudi King Reserve is worried about his son to abroad. So I have been studying in Saudi for so many years, but it is the order to prohibit him from going abroad, otherwise it will not have such feelings.

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