Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1113 seeks diversified development four

For this rendering, Prince Surdan is still very satisfied. Help learning, patiently ask, absolutely not comment, and do not pursue extravagant life like other royal children. It is a clear flow of the royal family, it is worth venting. Perhaps with his mother's mother-in-law; a maid may know how to cherish the endless life.

The assistant said very seriously: "Wang Shu, I went to the Saudi-Domestic factory to do related research; but found that in front of the Black Cloud Group, it is nothing to do. But I am strange that why the black cloud group has no production Low-end personal desktop computers. There are many such products in Saudi, which are American Apple, or products produced by Japanese manufacturers. "

I heard this, the prince of Surdan feels this perhaps a chance; the Black Cloud Group does not produce, but Saudi can produce ordinary desktop personal computers. Moreover, technology is not worried, the black clouds can produce the laptop; the production technology is simpler, which should be easy.

Saudi wants to seek industrial development and start from the actual situation. It must be started from the foundation, and Rome is not able to build a day.

Prince Surdan nodded, but did not say much. First, I will finish it, but it is very good to produce ordinary desktop personal computers, and very compliant with Saudi national conditions.

The proportion of computers is getting bigger and bigger, and even indispensable. Any country wants to achieve industrial development, basic education is absolutely hard to work hard. There are too many lackers before Saudi. If you don't work hard, you will be more difficult to catch up with developed countries and regions.

At the current Middle East Arab region, there is no country to produce personal computers; if the Saudi products are qualified, it is popular in the Middle East and sales will be considerable.

Several people experience a notebook that just offline; it can be said that Da Yun has a surprise. This time, it is no exception, watching the Saudi worker is very hot.

Prince Surdan said with a smile: "When you walk, what product do you like, we will buy it back. My private money is given to your welfare."

Although most of them are members of the royal family, they are not bad. But when you save, no one wants to save.

The black cloud staff feels that the Saudi is really enough, this title is very suitable. Black Cloud employees can purchase products internally every year; but only one per person, but the price must be controlled within 10,000 US dollars. It is half of normal prices, and it is also a welfare for employees.

There are more than a dozen people who come over, which can be a small expense. I didn't expect this old man in front of him, say it. Give people a feeling that is not worthy of money, this is much higher than the boss.

Soon several people come to the small server production line; see the small server,

More firm Surdan Prince wants to produce personal desktop compartments in Saudi. The Black Cloud Group is not without technical strength, as well as production capacity, but it is just that people disdain in the production of low-end products.

Saudi can purchase technical and production lines, then assemble production in terms of production; this is also a huge progress for the Saudi digital field.

Seeing industrial computers, Saudi is completely shocked. It turns out that industrial computers are produced so, no wonder the price is so expensive. Uniform production workshops, ordinary plants can not be built. For curiosity, Prince Surdan wants to experience it. The ancient city of Sili gave people to static dust clothing and began to wear the prince.

Although it is very troubles, it also knows that this is the necessary steps to enter the workshop, so people coming over Saudi are still very cooperative. The dust level here is very high, in case of their visit; it is really not going to work properly.

See engineers and meticulous work, I understand that Prince Sultan, Saudi Arabia is still a long way to go. Money can buy technology and equipment; but train engineers and technicians, the cost of the required definitely not low. If you do not use the service of large enterprises, rely on the Saudi royal family, is expected to be difficult.

Although they have money, you might give some salary. But working in Saudi Arabia, they might lose their jobs at any time; after all immature product, even if they could get high wages in a few months. And to his knowledge, these high-tech enterprises, salary that is not low. Take the dark Group, for example, pay a lot of engineers; even more than people understand, or really unable to retain top talent.

Buns Xuan Why so confident, so much investment in research and development. Because he knows, dark Group developed products, other manufacturing companies in a short time is definitely not out; this is the people's confidence.

Saudi Arabia can work hard from the dark Group despise products, buns Xuan despise does not mean there is no market. And any high-end products, we need to start from the foundation, which is looking for a good chat.

Engineers began to introduce the product to the delegation, fortunately before Saudi Arabia also purchased an industrial computer, is pretty clear one or two. But performance continues to improve, in addition to this, Actually, I'm nothing special.

See industrial computer production plant, inside as if there are more sophisticated products in the production. Prince Sultan know that this must be the more incredible things. May have come into contact with the Group's core dark secrets, any person will be curious; after all, inside is likely to represent the future.

Prince Sultan: "What is inside, we can not go in and see."

This requires a bit too much, but before buns Xuan Who put the words so full. At this time, the ancient city of Jiro also a little embarrassed, but then I thought nothing. Saudis technical level, wants to develop a supercomputer; he could not see in their lifetime. And supercomputer cluster also requires customers this tyrant Saudi errors suitable for you!

Old Town Jiro: "The boss has been dealt with, biotite group you unlimited, can visit anywhere but inside is the core secrets, any of you want to go see; do not be surprised, can be kept confidential.."

Requirements reasonable, Prince Sultan against the following people said:. "After entering, to see any product, you must rot in the stomach if I knew who revealed to the outside world; then in order to explain to the customer, they will not say something like today . "

Saudi American spies do not know how many, there is no guarantee that much use. But to see the old man so much importance, in the ancient city of Jiro also no say anything.

Dark secrets of the core group, are weasel factory; as for the rest, nothing to visit. And before you come dust workshop, all electronic devices have been seized, the idea is not out of any big problem.

A pedestrian walked toward the inside, and after the two doors, one by one to see the cabinet on the floor. Engineers are tuning data, but appeared in front of the big screen, in this subvert the past recognition. Had never seen such a big led screen, said to be highest in the world, it is estimated there is no problem.

See rows of data, Saudi gang of local tyrants do not know what to do. So many cabinets, are all that computer hardware. Together how much computation, could not imagine.

Old Town Jiro: "In order to cope with future Internet needs, biotite Group has successfully developed a super computer group in Asia a total of two root servers, one in Japan and one in Yulin Institute of Technology.."

"Supercomputer group can seize more Internet resources, for dark Group spared no expense to build. But for thousands of customers, providing network services."

Such a big computer, really is the first time I saw.

Among the people who come over, some people know some, but they have never seen such a large server. Come over today, watch the computer workshop only; it is no false this line, there is really a feeling of frog in the well.

Prince Surdon: "Mr. Ancient City, how much do I know. I don't know how much this supercomputer group operation speed can reach, what is the price."

This is a business home, but I can't really look at Saudi in the eyes of ordinary people.

Ancient Town Silver: "This supercomputer group operates can reach 100 million / sec; single R & D costs have exceeded $ 500 million; as for specific selling prices, it will be decided. After all, this product, unless Manufacturing nuclear weapons, or launching rockets requires a large-scale operational project; then do the root server of the Internet, otherwise there is really no use. "

I heard the data calculations that can be used to make nuclear weapons, launch rockets, so that Surdan is very interested. Why did Saudi are not hard enough to be in the international, isn't it because there is no weapons and equipment? Perhaps it can be considered, but it is also necessary to return to the king and the king to buy a good discourage; not late decision is not late.

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