Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1115 seeks diversified development six

For the speech of the Prince Surdan, they have more experience. The Saudi people can be very proud, don't say anyone can't see it, at least self, I feel very good, the king's children are more obvious. I believe this time, I will inevitably play a positive role. The children of the royal family go back to propagate, and it is absolutely a good thing to the development of Saudi Technology.

The ancient city said with a smile: "The Prince His Temple, the front is the production line of the industry machine, do you want to take a look."

Industrial master is not a professionally engaged in industrial production, and knowing that the foundation and core of all machine tools can be said to be the mother of the industry. Black Cloud Group's industry machine is very well known in the world. For this invitation, no one will refuse.

Enter the production workshop of industrial master machine, although there is no need to see so many machine tools. But everyone understands that this product is limited; the price is expensive, not anyone affordable. Moreover, production is extremely complex, requires a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources. At present, there is only one in Saudi, or is still in the Black Cloud Earthwork Factory, which is enough to explain the problem.

It is not that the Saudi can't afford it, just before it is limited to Badong technology to block, Saudi is not eligible to purchase. It is also a headache problem from the black cloud group. There is no need for industrial parent-machining products in the whole Saudi. Some ridiculous, Saudi people feel blush.

See what Surdan's eyes, the assistant will understand what it means. So I said to the ancient city of Soli: "Mr. Ancient City, how much is the price of industrial master."

I can't always let the kings ask questions, the identity is on the one hand; the most important thing is to let the old man take a break, after all, where is the age. Although this time, although not necessarily purchased, at least it will be clear. If you don't go back, you don't know, it can be quite embarrassing.

The Saudi royal family is extravagant even after a long time, but it is not bad from a small education, so you can master English. Even if there is no abroad study, it will be prepared from small. Therefore, the prince's English level is not bad, and it is possible to interact with others.

Ancient Turkiao: "At present, the industrial master base is priced at 12 million US dollars; but it is necessary to see customer needs, as well as technical difficulties for processing parts; it will increase the configuration, and the price will increase."

"After all, each customer is required, so there is no specific price."

To put it bluntly, it is to accept the private customization of the customer, it seems that this is also very human.

However, the ancient city is next, let Saudi prince are somewhat disappointed: "At present, the industrial master is absolutely controlled by absolute control products. Sales must be reported to Batumi, only after they approval."

"The Black Cloud Group puts in the Saudi-Effective Aircraft Factory.

There are often Batari people in the past inspections. "

It means that even if Saudi is purchasing, the black cloud does not dare to do this business.

Large CNC machine tools, especially related to industry machines. It is definitely the most tight product, although the Black Cloud Group is Xiangjiang Enterprise, but the current Xiangjiang is also administered to the British. People have to bow under the roof.

However, the prince of Siert is nothing, and there are several returns. As long as there is a need in China, plus Bao Zi Xuan's hand has a general way.

After the number of control airport workshops, the Saudi Delegation wanted to see the home appliance production.

In fact, this time, Surdan's prince's interest is very strong. The military industry has started, and the oil industry tends to be mature, then it is necessary to develop in the field of people's livelihood.

The Saudi people have money, this is right. But it is necessary to keep up with life. If you want to satisfy your people, you must make them live better and better. Only in this way, the royal position will be stable. Things involve national madensitism will definitely not be very good.

The Black Cloud Group has established a home appliance plant in China, but there is no action in other parts of the world. Compared to the computer, the home appliance consumer group is wider; of course, the competitive pressure is even greater. But Saudi only wants to sell in the Middle East in the country; there is no competition issue.

Come to the home appliance production workshop, the Saudi delegation understands; what is pipeline, automation production.

It is important to say that the market is the most competitive industry in the black cloud group, and is a home appliance. In addition to the technical advantage, TV is still going. Other products, simply dried Japan and Germany. Of course, this gap is now gradually narrowing. After all, the Black Cloud Huaxia Continental plant is put into production, and the cost is reduced to a certain extent.

But Bao Zixuan never wants to do a cheap product, and it will be willing to win. Therefore, the Factory of Xiangjiang River is high-end products; as for low-end products, all of them are produced in China.

Xiangjiang labor cost problem, coupled with high-end home appliance sales issues; the Black Cloud Group did not dare to expand capacity. Workshop workers are rare, and they can use the machine to produce, it will never be wasted artificial.

It has caused a very high in the previous period, and it has been stable in the current situation; otherwise the home appliance company is always the same, it is really difficult to explain.

Prince Surdon: "There is no different home appliance company in Saudi, you can produce electric fan. This situation should not be; air conditioning, TV, refrigerator, washing machine and other products must be able to be able to produce it."

This is to introduce the rhythm of the production line, but it is specifically to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group; or let your company carry out technical output. For the black cloud, it is not a bad thing. The ancient city is already clearly understood, the boss called this to visit the might visit; just want to use the product to attract them, so it seems that the production line is the favorite of the Saudi.

Any country, even now there is money, but it is absolutely considered in the rain. In addition to oil, Saudi is really nothing to get the product. It seems that this is a big business, and if all, everything is going to make the Black Cloud Group in the Middle East; lifting more than one step.

Features of Fuji Ira, as a group executive; of course it is clear. The boss is to have a stable backyard. Although the country is small, it has also completed the established goals. So production capacity transfer, it is the problem that the boss will take into account.

Impected Ira is similar to Xiangjiang, and some territories are deserts, which can be small in the area. Arab countries around the Arab countries must be alternative.

For home appliances, this group is not valued in the group; put it in the surrounding country, it is really a good choice.

Saudi has an ultraordinate position in the Middle East, at least around the Arab countries convinced this boss. Saudi-produced home appliances, sales to the surrounding countries, there should be no problem.

Ancient Turkiao: "At present, there is only a factory in the Chinese mainland, but the capacity of the China mainland factory is only to meet the Southeast Asian market demand in the Chinese mainland."

"The group also considers the establishment of a home appliance plant in the Middle East, and the kings can negotiate with the boss."

I heard here, the prince of Surdan has a spirit. All projects have made Saudi royal family, even if there is money, it may not be enough. But let Bunxuan funds part, even if production lines and technology are shares them, Saudi will inevitably invest less. And the other party has a shares; it will be more in terms of technical support, as well as follow-up management. This is also a good thing for business operations.

As for the way to make money, any company cooperates with you, isn't it this purpose! How to say that Bun Zixuan is his son-in-law, let the black cloud group make money, and it is also fat.

Next, the Saudi Delegation went to the Black Cloud Toys, seeing the children's game console; let this adult have a little love unlearable, Surdan's prince has experienced a few. Because domestic special circumstances, the timing of building toy production lines is not very mature, at least the people can't accept it.

Dinner Dinner Delegation chose to continue to visit, let the ancient city of Silver don't know what to say.

In fact, the princes of Surdan mean obviously, which is to let the delegation experience, how people work. There are still many engineers to choose overtime at night, no one wants yourself to hold the back legs.

Prince Surin asked: "Mr. Ancient City, how many people overtime overtime every day!"

Ancient Town Silver: "Averages half a day to choose overtime."

"In fact, the company did not force overtime, but many projects were very urgent. For example, laptops, Black Clouds must be updated every year. If we don't progress, it will be chased by the opponent; even transcend, so it is absolutely not slapted."

The success of people is not unreasonable, and the Saudi people may be too unlicensed, this is the true idea of ​​the Prince Surdan.

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