Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1116 seeks diversified development seven

From 9:00 on the evening, the Saudi Delegation ended visited. It can be said that this is the first time the Black Cloud Group is fully open to the customer, so that the Saudi people can be described as big open. It turns out that technology has advanced to such a degree, they still sit in their family, no love. Fortunately, it is still in time, otherwise the consequences are really afraid.

Customers have not eaten, and there are wives and old people in the inside, and they are not embarrassed to eat alone. Discover the logistics department of the problem, is ready to meet the nightnight of the Middle East. Now companies have been stationary, and all aspects of systems are getting more and more improved. Everyone has a clear division of labor, and it is not worried by the boss.

Enter the Black Yunchao, see so late, there are black clouds employees at eating. I know that I just ended overtime, this kind of work attitude is worth studying well.

Prince Surtan said: "Let you wait, today is too excited, there is no tolerance between time. If you don't turn over the main workshop, there is no mood to eat. This feeling is very good, This helps young people experience life. "

As the Prince Surdan said, many people in the delegation; it is definitely not to eat on time, and can only say that people are good. I really don't know how to evaluate it for this outsider.

Bao Zixuan: "I am fine, I have just handled the matter; I haven't come over here for a long time, so there are many jobs. And I have been used to enter the project; for engineers, rarely eat on time."

The environment is different, which has created different achievements and life. Can you say how great achievements from a small life of a small life, but at least people will know more about cherish the endless life.

Seeing the other members of the delegation whispering Tiger, the prince Surdan is very satisfied. It seems that the effect is basically, let this young people experience life and grow.

Bao Zi Xuan: "What is the arrangement tomorrow, I want to continue to turn one turn, still have to take a break."

Although this travel time is relatively abundant, it can not be wasted. They are traveling outside and requires the country to pay. There are many projects that Saudi to invest in the future, and every penny is spent on the blade.

Prince Surdan: "Tomorrow, you have to do a office, some things should be communicated. Today, I have been very late. You arrange people to pick us up tomorrow afternoon. As for breakfast and lunch, you will get it in the hotel, you don't have to deliberate "

"After all, there are still some things to discuss, Saudi is still in the future."

I heard here, coupled with the report of the ancient city of the times; Baozi Xuan Limao understood what it means. The young people who brought this time, although they were visited by the name of the delegation, they were basically the king of the royal family.

And it is still ideal in the royal family, pursues, and worthy of cultivation.

I have seen so many products today, as well as the production line; must have summed it, or you can't reach the purpose of the Prince Siertan. For computer production lines, home appliance production lines, Saudi people are very interested; discuss how to negotiate with black clouds.

The members of the delegation belong to different factions and families together, and it is also to balance the interests of all aspects. However, the heads of these bags can not be tuned, as long as they have money, he doesn't care how to assign in the Saudi King.

At night, Saudi Delegation members took directly to the hotel, these don't worry about Bunxuan. As for Abe, it is directly following him to yesterday's villa. Nothing is embarrassed, at least the members of the Saudi Delegation, I have known the relationship between the two parties. And even the old man did not stop, he also fucks in the heart.

On the way back, Aisa said to Bunzu Xuan: "Why didn't I produce a desktop personal computer? Although I don't understand, I also understand that this computer sales is the largest. And the technical strength, production of the Black Cloud Group This computer does not have any problems at all. "

Although two people are already together, how can they say that the other party is Saudi princess after all. This is to help the family inquiries, it is not a big thing, and there is no principle. If Aisha is smart enough, it will understand who is the guarantee of her life. If you don't have a long time to be close, then the last two people are hard to really come together.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan is thinking, Aizaima understands what it means. It is definitely not thinking about why you don't have a personal desktop computer. After all, this is a strategy and plan for companies to make good strategies. Then there is only one possibility, what is mean in thinking about her. Is it doubting that she is not there.

The two are only a lover relationship, and there is no feeling basis before it. I may like this man before you, but more is to appreciate its talents and are arranged by family. But it is more than the problem that needs to be considered. Will not think that the elbow is abducted, help your home.

Aisha is busy: "There is no other meaning, but it is only for other members of the delegation," I have been discussing this problem today. "

To explain it clearly, otherwise, the man feels that she is a woman who has a heart, it can be lost.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Don't think too much, but I didn't expect you to ask this question. I know that you are also kind, but there is something in the future, it is best to let others say. We don't want to involve too Complex thing. "

It means very obvious, if you want to continue; then you will abandon some things, otherwise the two are still good.

Aisha did not expect things to be so serious, it seems to be paying attention. Two people are together, they are not so simple; if they are mixed with actual things, the last injured can only be ourselves. In front of you, this man means very clear, don't want her to participate in the royal family and the black cloud.

It is said that the successful man is very strong and overbearing. It seems that he is not empty. This aspect is not only in Saudi, which may apply in any country and region.

It is not natural that Aiza expressions are somewhat unnatural. Baozi Xuan is deliberately said: "You don't want to have children! Adjust your emotions, we have to work hard at night!"

Aiza is still a little girl, and many things have nothing to do; now in a bodyguard and driver, it is sinking. When the face suddenly became red, it didn't talk.

Bao Zixuan continued: "In fact, there are also thinking to produce desktop personal computers, but there will be many problems."

"The Black Cloud Group is already in the high-end computer field, which is a well-deserved world. Whether it is a high-end laptop, or industrial computer. If you enter the low-end desktop, then it will inevitably face a monopoly investigation; At that time, the Americans will not be good for it. "

"So production of low-end desktop personal computers will push the black cloud computer to the abyss."

"Plus me itself is also the shareholders of Apple, do not produce desktops; there is no much impact on their own income."

"If Saudi wants to introduce a desktop personal computer production line, even if the Black Cloud Group helps design technology and appearance drawings, there is no problem. But the Black Cloud Group must not be owned, this is the principle problem."

"Maybe you can change one angle, with your name, share Saudi Computer; this is also for our children to prepare some property."

It turns out that things are quite complicated, do not think so on doing business.

Baozi Xuan continued: "I will return to the villa for a while, you will give the prince. Take the situation, and how to make a decision to see his choice. But only this time, don't listen to the company here. "

"The Black Cloud Group and the Saudi royal family have cooperated with each other, and there is no affiliation. The wealth of the Saudi royal family is basically there is basically there is no relationship. But I am in the Saudi industry, all belong to you and children. Now losing a point of shares, In the future, children will pay more efforts. "

I heard here, what is the meaning of Aizaton. Regardless of this man is really good, false is fake! But she can only choose to marry the chicken with a chicken and married dogs; in the future, I want to continue this kind of life, I must know how to pay.

Aiza directly put the head in the head of the bag, and said very firmly: "I understand what it means. You are my day. If you don't want me, I will not live in this world. "

Bao Zixuan: "Everything has me, you don't give me a child! How can I not want you, don't think about it every day. For us, a beautiful life is just beginning; the future is still very long, very long."

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