Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1118 seeks diversified development nine

It can be said that this meeting allows Surdan to see the country in the future. In front of you, although it is not the most identity of the people, it is also a member of the Saudi royal family. If they can grow, it is also a boost for national development. Entering the modern society, it is not so important; as long as it is your own child, it has the ability to be stronger than anything.

Prince Surdan: "Since everyone has no opinion, then go to the Black Cloud Group to talk about the black cloud group. See what the other party is, but I want Bao Zixuan is a smart person; she should know to pay. And whiten, we But give him money, there is no reason to refuse. "

"Saudi's future requires many electronics and information. After going back, let the young younger brother, the sister will develop this aspect. Don't think about the allowance of the royal family all day, make money by your own, will be more peaceful. "

It can be said that the prince of Surdan has passed the exchange between Baozi Xuan. Has have changed a lot, why are young people, but the gap is so big.

To say that smart talents are on the one hand, but more is the work attitude of people, as well as their dedication. Saudi royal family, really does not have excellent quality in this area.

It is still not too late to find it, at least they are there. If you continue to develop, it is very dangerous.

Bunzi Xuan is also getting up very late, although this life is very enjoyable, but the consumption of physical strength is too large. No wonder the ancient emperor is not a big age, not there is no reason.

Still pay attention, now you don't matter if you want to adjust, you can't get it.

Say it is breakfast, in fact, the same lunch time is similar. For the life of Bunzu Xuan, the bodyguard did not say anything. The boss is usually a very self-discipline, and know what you need. Their responsibility is to protect their security, not in front of the boss. This job is not easy, at least is the existence of everyone.

If you are overwhelmed because of your mouth, you can't cry.

Aisha is sorry, after all, two have just met two days, so indulgent; worried that men will misunderstand. In fact, I also want to hurry, otherwise I may say when I meet. If this time can be pregnant, everything is perfect; otherwise she will worry, after all, this man does not belong to her.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, it is still in the Kwun Tong Industrial Zone and the headed office.

The princes of Surdan began to talk, and this Saudi has arranged several delegations. And the black clouds, Zhao Tingting and ancient city are also followed together, at least the momentum absolutely cannot lose.

Everyone is an old acquaintance.

And what is the need for Saudi, the head is rich, it is clear. Therefore, there is no need to hide, and I will open the door directly. Maybe it is the best choice.

The prince of Surdan said with a smile: "Yesterday, I visited the Black Cloud Group. Saudi is in a lot of fields, there is a very large technical gap with this, some are even decades. Who can think of, you only use Less than ten years; I have finished walking through a hundred years. "

"Science and technology development is really needed, Saudi must do something for this. Otherwise, alone, will only sit on the mountains, and to last suffering or the country."

The prince of Surdan really doesn't have to comply with Kikai Xuan. After all, the two relationships are in. So, just want to tell the other party, Saudi wants to introduce technology. This event is related to all members of the Saudi royal family, not only their Surdan.

With the relationship between two people, if only their family, many things may be more direct. But now, you can't let Bao Zi Xuan suffer. That time, it can be two times; time is long, the taste can change.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "You have a prize, you can get the affirmation and recognition of Saudi, this is the honor of all employees of the Black Cloud Group."

"Saudi royal family cooperation with the Black Cloud Group has been very good, the kings have any needs under the temple; as long as it is black and clouds can do, it will definitely go all out."

This is said that there is some formulation, but there are other people next to them; the most important thing is that, the first rich is still an impact.

The Prince Surdan is also free, directly said: "Saudi wants to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group with the Black Cloud Group in the field of computer, as well as the Dark Cloud Group."

Since entering the topic, then the specific price of negotiation is available.

Bunzi Xuan: "For some reason, black clouds are not intended to produce personal desktop computers. If Saudi is interested, the black cloud is willing to sell related technologies and production lines."

"Just don't know what effect does Saudi want to achieve, what are the requirements for computer performance, and how much specific capacity is."

This question is relatively professional, so it is preparation in the assistant of Prince Surdan. If you rely on the old head, I really don't know how to answer.

Surdan, an eye, the assistant Tong Hao said: "Mr. Bao, hello! We hope that all the computer can be produced in Saudi. I know that the current chip is more difficult, but the future plan; must have chip matching crystal Round factory. "

"As for computer performance to meet the technical level of the black cloud laptop, as well as the operation capacity. By capacity, it will be conducted in three phases. The first phase of the annual production of 100,000 individual computers; the second phase must reach the annual output of 300,000 Level; As for the third phase, the design requirement must reach an annual output of 500,000 personal desktop computers, and 20,000 laptops, and can also produce 10,000 small servers. "

This plan is still very pragmatic, at least in accordance with the Saudi national conditions.

Bao Zi Xuan's eyes, ancient city of Que Lang Lima replied: "The annual performance of 100,000 performance advanced personal desktop computers, the machine equipment is approximately $ 200 million; but this is not included in the chip production equipment. At present, international mainstream computer manufacturers, will Choosing Intel, or Motorola's CPU. As for memory, graphics card, the Black Cloud Group dominates. "

"So the first phase of Saudi is also doing so, and the assembly computer is relatively simple. But the production of chips requires huge investment; the most important to industry workers, and the overall technical level require very high."

Since the other party let the assistant ask questions, Bun Zixuan cannot be in person. Many things indicate that an attitude is good, but also pay attention to the negotiations; at least the person who is equal to the personality.

Surdan Assistant continued: "I can accept this program, but I hope that the Black Cloud Group can help plan a location, as well as design a set of factory buildings; and prepare for future expansion factories and Xingjian Case."

"Of course, there are technical authorizations, and cultivate technical workers. All costs produced, Saudi is willing to bear."

Ancient Town Silver: "These have no problems. If the contract is signed. Black cloud will send technical personnel to the Saudi. Production workshop learning. "

Cooperation with the Black Cloud Group is to make people worry, and the other party did not think about you a knife. All money earned, and Saudi is not satisfied.

The Prince Surdan said with a smile: "No problem, I heard that the black cloud group is very efficient. Today, I finally saw it. Saudi needs to learn, I hope that in the future, you can help."

The reason why it can be so smooth, that is because the head is not idle; after lunch, come to the office. Take things have been given to the ancient city, at least to prepare in advance.

Know yourself and know each other, you can do it. Saudi demand has been known in advance. So according to the requirements, design the program satisfied with the customer, and then follow the scheme, perhaps the best choice. At present, it seems that the effect is good, at least the Saudi is shocked.

One may be very embarrassed before, but see the professionalism of the black cloud employee, as well as the dedication; they can't pick anything. This is the cooperation between the two parties, and involves multiple small families in the royal family.

Once the processing is not good, or if you don't recognize the other party; it is not so easy to work together. Many people may not have anything, but bad you don't have any problems. Saudi is also very complex, each has its own indizes.

Before the production of military products, the King of Saudi personally came out, the military will fully protected. But now involves civil goods, people who can participate can participate.

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