Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1119 seeks a diversified development

Since the personal desktop computer is already talking, the client is also very satisfied; there is no question, and there is no quote of the Black Cloud Group, and other programs. Then you can enter the next topic, how to cooperate in the field of home appliances.

Prince Surdan said with a smile: "What do you have in the home appliances, maybe we can cooperate to build a factory. The Black Cloud Group provides production lines and technology, Saudi-Saudi venues and other supporting services. We can pay the capital ratio according to both parties distribute."

This plan is not a good, but Bao Zi Xuan does not do business, but I really don't want to cooperate with people, especially the background of shareholders' background is too complicated. Perhaps Aisa Shares are a nice choice, at least what happens, and there is no relationship with the Black Cloud Group.

Of course, there is no relationship, it is not realistic. After all, there is a child in the future; is there a problem, as a father can don't care.

Bao Zixuan: "I am doing business likes alone, I don't like to cooperate with others. Saudi wants to cooperate, perhaps you can think about other ways."

After all, I saw Aisa glance, how smarter in Surdan. Ji Ma will understand the idea of ​​each other, maybe two people can talk privately.

Prince Surdon: "Time is almost, let's take a break in ten minutes. Let's take a break, time is urgently; today, you must finalize everything."

No one is stupid, of course, the two have something to say.

After leaving everyone, the Prince Surdan smiled and said: "You want Aisa to participate in this matter."

The Prince Surdan is also worried, after all, Bunzu Xuan and Aisha have essential differences. If Aisa participates in, the proportion of the Sulin family of the home appliance project will inevitably be small. Various breaks the balance of interest, although it is a national three people, but many things should be noted.

If you can't make a good thing, you must understand that the interests should be met; otherwise, even if the brother, it will inevitably be isolated.

Bao Zi Xuan: "The amount of black cloud group is too large, you must be vertically managed. At present, I only have a shareholder, things are good. But participate in too many projects, will increase management difficulties, and operating costs."

"In case of disagreement, the two sides will meet each other, and it will now lead to differentiation. It is wasted with it. It is better to do anything else. For me and the Black Cloud Group, what is the business can make money; no need to participate The situation is too complex business. "

To put it bluntly, it is worried that the Saudi royal family of the children's legs; it seems that this kid can't see them, maybe many people around the world are so, but this kid is coming out.

Can tell themselves, and did not take him as outsiders. I should be happy in my heart, but I can't afford it. After all, no matter who, the whole family is not recognized, of course, will not be happy.

Prince Surdan said with a smile: "It is your kid dare to say this, but in the future, I can only talk to me. Don't do anything else, but don't."

In fact, it is a matter of concern, and Surdan is also worried about trouble. After all, Bao Zixuan has become his son-in-law. In many people, it has formed a boss of interest. It is not afraid that it is tired by the other party, more is to maintain the harmony of the family.

Bunzi Xuan: "You don't think too much. There is no other meaning. Last time I cooperated with Xiangjiang River, I finally didn't scatter it, I couldn't be a enemy. I and Aisha is impossible to face. Therefore, I don't want to participate in the Saudi royal family; mainly worrying that there will be differences in the future, conflicting. "

I heard this, the Prince Surdan is very pleased, it seems that this kid's feelings are true for daughters. As long as it is two people, it is better than anything. Moreover, Baozi Xuan has helped a lot of family families in the Sudan, and people don't have to pay for the Saudi royal family.

Prince Surdon: "It is what I think is simple, and you are more calm."

In fact, it is not that he thinks, it is simple, mainly thinking that Saudi investment in Saudi is willing to make money. In terms of equity distribution of both parties, the Black Cloud Group will definitely take advantage of it. The plant and land value are very fixed, and the Saudi land is not worth money. However, it involves technology, patents, production lines; it is possible to premium. Black clouds are estimated to receive Saudi even if it increases by 50% quotation.

But now people do not agree, then they can only use other methods; but in any case, Saudi must be able to produce home appliances.

Baozi Xuan: "The location is different, of course, I know you are also good. But this person will make money to the way, this can be assured."

"In the future, I will pay attention to the children of Aisha in the future. Of course, other industries, there will be never let them suffer from suffering, and will not worry because of money."

It's hard to have a hard time, it is impossible to appear in Saudi Princess, especially the prince Daughter in Surdan. But Bunzu Xuan's guarantee is important, indicating that this man knows responsibility.

Since Bao Zixuan said, the things that Surdan's princes to consider is simpler. It is not to help the Black Cloud Group to fight for the benefits, but to help your daughter, or help the future grandson is fighting for interest.

Prince Surdon: "Don't see this, the Surdan family pays money, purchasing the technology and production line of home appliances. Asha will become a major shareholder of Saudi Appliances; but the family funds are somewhat nervous, so I hope that I can extend the payment "

Not letting you send it, just a postponeted payment. For this, there is no advice on the head of the head. Even if you don't get back, you only have to give Aisa's hiring. Woman follows you not seeking a name, you always have some!

Moreover, the Sul Tan family has invested in a short period of time, first in Japan and Huaxia mainland, and then in the past. They are only members of the Saudi royal family, which is not too busy in hand. The money is divided into dividends, even if the status is high; there is a higher presence than him. In addition, there are many members of the Saudi royal family, and the dividends are limited.

Furthermore, the Surtan family member is absolutely not small daily. The funds are normal, it is difficult to take too many cash.

A complete set of home appliance production lines, and a full set of technical patents, the price is not very suitable.

Bao Zixuan: "These are small problems, there is no need there to be the case."

"The funds of production lines and technology, it doesn't matter if you don't give money. But must guarantee the interests of Aisa, I only have this request."

Selling computers and supporting production lines, it is enough to earn back the cost of appliance production lines; the most don't make money. The company only has the advantage of an shareholder, and it is really not doing this other companies.

Prince Surdan said with a smile: "The Middle East is not against a wife, Aisha can be with you, and the blessing of her last life. I hope that you can be good to her, at least to go to the colleagues."

"I also have a few wives, perhaps this area can be taught to you. I have known you for so long, maybe there is only this aspect to be stronger than you; my prince is really a bit failure."

When I recognize Bunxuan, I don't forget to give my daughter to give some interests.

There are many women in the family, and sometimes nothing is good. After all, there are many women, it is more and more; it is estimated that the prince Siertan is also deeply appointed. But a old man, helping the ambition to balance the relationship between each woman, always feel some awkward.

The two have been talking, then things can be determined. No one against black clouds will be opposed, and it is not qualified. The result of opposing, if the bag is uncomfortable, then the final can only resign.

Saudi is the second-generation member, uu reading Most people in the old man without Surdan's prestige, which dares to let go of people.

In fact, the other members of both sides have been resting in the room next to them, and communicate some other details. No one is stupid, I can't disturb the two talks at this time, it is definitely nothing to find.

Bao Zixuan prescribed a call and said to: "Calling everyone in."

After all of the people sit down, the princes of Surdan said: "Just got the contract of Bao Zi Xuan has reached an agreement, and the Sulin family has purchased home appliance technology patents, and the production line. As for how we allocate, after returning to China Negotiate. "

That is to say, the two sides are only supplied, and the Black Cloud Group will not participate in the Saudi Applied. This is also a good thing for everyone. After all, they have a lot of shares.

In fact, the bag is very clear, and Saudi wants to produce home appliances, no one can change. It is better to let Aisa participated in. In the future, Black Cloud Group is mainly based on medium and high-end appliances. Saudi's technical strength and reserves; in a short period of time, absolutely produce high-end products.

As for the low-end product, let them play!

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