Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1125 seeks a diversified development of one

The project is basically talking, and the time has come to noon. Just when a few people were prepared to come to lunch, he heard that the bodyguard said that there were several people who wanted to visit, and they were old friends.

In fact, when they played, several tycons in Xiangjiang were also playing. Seeing Bun Zi Xuan came over, everyone is also a glimpse. After all, from the Middle East, the bag is richer every day, in addition to work, basically, accompanying family; after the birth, it refuses to participate in all activities.

I have been busy recently, but it is negotiating with military procurement staff of all countries. I didn't expect to have time to play golf, which makes people understand. Unlike other riches, since Bao Huo Dong Mining Company is split, the bag must have almost the same game. And no matter who organizes activities, it is basically non-participated.

When everyone saw that the Middle Eastern people dressed up an old man, I suddenly thought about what. The Middle Eastern Robe has a very high, and it is very stressed; from the prince of Surdan, it will definitely be a member of the royal family. Shangri-La Guo's father and son are also in it, and it is a little unexpected.

You must know that Guo and Black Cloud have basically no cooperation, two people should have no time, how can they get together.

I haven't seen it for a long time, and I have seen a few people negotiating; maybe you can take this opportunity to get together, and the relationship is also good. In fact, everyone is mainly curious about the members of the Middle East, which can let Baozi Xuan are accompanied by, and the status will never be low.

In that place in the Middle East, you can produce oil. This gang of Xiangjiang, although it is not engaged in minerals, energy industries, but earned money from Bao Huo's Mining Company. And it is still a profit I don't expect to be imagined. At this time, I also want to participate in the minerals and energy industries. After all, this thing is fast than the real estate.

Why is Baozi Xuan's wealth increased rapidly, and internationally, it is so high; it is not the world's business, and there are investments around the world. The land area of ​​Xiangjiang is small, and the market space is limited. Although it is possible to make money in the local, it is very difficult to achieve huge leaps. The Middle East invests in oil, not to make a stability, but at least increase the risk of risk of enterprises.

And the current situation, no one dares to overwhelm the treasure. If there is any change, the family is thinking, but it is very difficult.

The Xiangjiang Tycoon gathering, it is better to say that it is a real estate industry. Hehe Industrial Hu Yingxiang, the new world Zheng Yumi, Hengji Zhaoye Li Zhai, Changjiang Industrial Li Chao, Xin Hongji Guo Shengsee is here. As for others, it is also engaged in real estate related industries. Everyone is also worried about the future of Xiangjiang, is it a summit!

Time is returned to two hours ago, Li Chao in the Yangtze River; after a shot, I saw a few people gathered together. It is a bit identity that can come over and play this site. Especially when I see a man wearing a Middle East Robe, I will inevitably be a little curious. But when I saw the Bao Zi Xuan in the Middle East Robe, I immediately started not calm.

Li Chao said, said to Hu Yuxiang next to: "Hur Sheng,

You see that there is Bao Zixuan. "

Hu Yingxiang is one of the most familiar Xiangjiang Tycoon, after all, because the two people have a lot of contacts because of the Humen Bridge project. When I heard Li Chao said, he also felt that I have never seen this bag. But the other party never likes to entertainment, who has such a big face, actually can take him out to play.

Seeing a Middle East around you, explaining that the other party is accompanying customers. Bunzu Xuan This person likes to drink alcohol, but very few entertainment. Moreover, the products produced by the black cloud, most of them are customer active, at all, do not work.

Is there any special in the Middle East, otherwise Bunzi will not be accompanied by them, and then see Guo's father and son. Although Guo Jia is from Malaysia, the focus has been fundamentally in Xiangjiang in recent years. Plus is another Chinese identity, and the popularity in Xiangjiang is also very high.

Hu Yingxiang: "You don't say, it's really him. I haven't seen it for a long time, but I passed a few times. I heard that the military procurement staff of various countries are looking for him. After all, he traded with Americans, the world All countries are very curious. "

"I also had a meal with the governor a few days ago, and there is a UK high-level. This time I look at the side of the Middle East, which seems to have a big move."

"I feel that I have made real estate greasy, but since I know Bunxuan; especially Bao Huo's Mining Company, it has greatly subverted awareness. We earn that money, it is really nothing about the mine tycoon. And Li Sheng, there is no real estate company in the world that can inherit a hundred years. But the automotive industry, mineral industry, and financial industries can be done. Not because the ability of the former is not good, and the real estate industry is too strong; in case policies change At the time, investment is inevitable. "

"I don't have this problem in minerals, energy industries, and automotive industries. Now we don't need oil, and you will not leave steel. Do you have a long period of time, and the real estate cycle is very long; but these products are consumables "

"I know Li Sheng also wants to enter the oil industry, and maybe it is a chance."

The Humen Bridge is so huge project, some things must be communicated with Bao Xuan. Therefore, the two are almost two or three calls almost one month, basically, in the top of the top, the top of the Xiangjiang Tycoon.

How smarter of Li Chao, of course, knowing this is an opportunity. Although the Tongbao Xuan relationship is very good, the cooperative project of the two parties is a lot. But you can find Malaysian Guo family cooperation, why can't they.

Oil can be known as a black gold, and people's lives are inseparable from it. Li Chao has long wanted to enter; and because Bao Huo's mining company earned a lot of money, there is always a balance of money to invest. The Xiangjiang real estate industry and the fierce competition are on the one hand. More important volumes are limited. If each family has increased its strength, the people can't afford it.

There is no price in the city, and finally I can only get into my hands. Entering the mineral industry is imperative and is currently looking for goals. The Middle Eastern Royal Council came to Xiangjiang, and it was a chance. Baozi Xuan even if there is money, it is impossible to finish all business.

Many countries in the Middle East have oil, but some places have not imagined as wealth. Li Chao is thinking about starting from these places, but a base must be established in the early stage, and it is necessary to enter the petroleum field. Everyone is not stupid, nothing, people believe in you.

Li Chao: "Hu Sheng said that although the real estate industry makes money; but with the mineral industry, the energy industry is still a lot."

"Why Bao Zi Xuan is in just a few years, it can be an imagination. It is not only a lot of industrial products, energy and minerals that are not only a lot of industrial products, energy and minerals."

"Bao Huo Dong Mining Company is the biggest beneficiary, otherwise the black cloud town project can so quickly."

"Don't wait for us, especially the Middle Eastern. Look at the people of the royal family, Bao Zi Xuan personally accompanied; plus the Guo's father and son, it is enough to explain the problem. At least know, we have invested in the Middle East, Convenient. "

The dialogue of the two people can also be seen.

Although Zheng Yurong is very annoying, there is a business that makes money, no one wants to miss it.

At present, the mineral company is a printing machine and has funded every day. Make his ambitions and bigger, at least Xiangjiang can no longer meet his appetite.

Zheng Yusong: "The two proposals are very good, in the past, the Middle East invests in oil, this business is indeed."

"Anyone in our alone, the Middle Eastern royal family may not care; but so many people together, I believe that any country in the world will not be ignored. At present, there is no head of the Xiangjiang, as long as it is rich, where to invest in! "

Li Chao people and Hu Yingxiang did not want to cooperate with Zheng Yu. After all, Bao Huo Dong Mining Company is not very authentic; but the other party is quite reasonable. Any fund size and strength, the Middle Eastern royal family is really not necessarily to see. But as long as it is together, it makes into interest community; any country in the world will give face.

Li Zhai said with a smile: "Zheng Sheng said very reason, not as good as we have passed in a circle for a while. It seems that they should have business to talk; wait until the end of the negotiation, we have been in the past. Little boy is not afraid, this The face is still given. "

Everyone quickly reached, so she had the scene of the beginning. Xiangjiang Real Estate Five Tigers, come over and visit; the card can be described as stunned.

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