Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1126 seeks a diversified development of 17

I heard the Xiangjiang Real Estate Five Tiger came over and visited, and the prince Surdan didn't have anything. After all, he is not very familiar. But Guo always is very unexpected, which is definitely not his face. If it is him, it is estimated that the other party will send someone to come over, and if you don't want to be together; the past is also his past.

Now, this is a big man, and take the initiative to seek to join. Then it is definitely the head of the head, maybe seeing the prince of Surdan is not necessarily. Xiangjiang is not very clear, all tycons are considering the family's future. Seeing the Middle East wearing a robe or is accompanying the head. Don't want to know, the identity will never be low.

Who does not want to do not want, the Xiangjiang is not lacking. Have the opportunity to invest in oil, and it is estimated that it will not refuse. Although there will be several competitors, but people take the initiative to go to the door. If you really dare, Guo Jia will have no foothold in Xiangjiang.

Bunzi Xuan said in the case of Surdan, and the old man did not have any opinions. That country does not need to invest in investment, the United States, Japan, and the Side of Stri, but also welcome foreign investment. Only in this way can you make a big tray, and drive the country's economy.

Although Saudi has money, all is obtained by petroleum exports. The economic structure is too single, and it can be copened in the short term. However, international oil prices have fluctuated, so it is very fatal to Saudi. In addition, the domestic population is increasing, after all, Saudi does not oppose a wife, so that the population has increased speed. This is the case, the country's overhead can be growing year by year.

Open source festival can make a national economy improved, first is open source. In addition to oil, Saudi must be diverse to achieve the purpose of open source. As for the throttle, although some of the adjustments have been made now. But it is really difficult to change the life habits of the king chambers in the short term. For this reason, it is not only the prince of Surdan, the king is more headache.

The land area of ​​Xiangjiang is small, but there are very many super typhorarists; it is permanent to pay a miracle. And so that tycoon completed the original accumulation, it would inevitably not satisfy the current scale. The guts of men continue to increase with the growth of wealth. So going out is an inevitable choice, then give other chances.

Especially with the strong rise of the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan, Xiangjiang merchants become a business card. Even South America and Africa and other countries know that Xiangjiang merchants are very powerful, actively invite them to invest.

The Xiangjiang tycoon is not stupid, not where it is worth investing. Some places are serious, and the political situation is turbulent. Invest in the past, it is easy to drift. But Saudi does not have these problems, and the overall situation of domestic security is still very good.

Plus the end of the war, all countries in the Middle East are in big economic construction. At this time, when they don't have it. The past investment is very good, but no one has a bridge, and it is not a thing in the door. I don't know if I can find a real charger is on the one hand, I don't understand the relationship between the king of the Middle East. These are related to the success or failure of investment.

Therefore, there is no action.

Original Baozi Xuan is the best referral candidate, after all, the other party with the Middle East king room, political relationship is very good. Moreover, the Black Cloud Group has spread in the Middle Eastern network, at least there is no adaptation problem. But because of the things of Bao Huo's mining company, they are embarrassed. I saw Bunzi Xuan personally accompanied one of the Middle Eastern people to play, but a thousand chances of chance.

This time, the real estate entrepreneur of the golf club, but there are so many people in this time, nor well. Therefore, there is only a five tiger to come over, after all, some family strengths do not allow past Middle East to invest in.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "What day is today, how many times come over here."

Hu Yingxiang: "Bao Sheng is really do not care about the real estate industry in Xiangjiang, we have sent an invitation to the Huangpu."

Real estate distribution, Black Cloud Group can not be notified. But with the Huang Po will inevitably invite, but Bao Zixuan does not care and remember the Huangpu operation. And it is also the Hualian Shareholder, so it is generally he participated in this gathering.

The previous bag must also want to buy Li Chao people to buy a shares, but if you don't think it is necessary. If all is a black cloud, there are many unfavorable factors for business development. And he is also the Yangtze River industry shareholder, and everyone will make each other, and maybe it will be better.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Li Sheng is also a company shareholder, which is generally the same, he participated in. And I have not been good for real estate management, it is better to do some of my favorite work."

"Since it is here, I will introduce it to you; this is the prince from Saudi."

I heard the other party is the Prince of Saudi, and I suddenly understand why Baozi Xuan personally accompanied it. It turns out that people are the prince character, but also the prince of the world's oil first large country Saudi; the bag must be proud, and it is impossible to neglect.

Then Bao Zi Xuan also introduced the prince of Surdan, heard all is the tycoon of Xiangjiang Real Estate. The old man feels there is nothing. After all, there are people in the Saudi-Domestic and foreign countries that are really not suitable for the past real estate industry.

The children of the royal family have difficulty in entering the real estate field, others are more difficult.

But he heard Guo Qisheng had an edible oil processing plant and brand, and suddenly came. Although Saudi is dominated by wheat, other crops, such as peanuts, soybeans can also be planted. Just before, because there is no need, adding wheat planting technology is more mature, there is no other.

Now wheat production is serious, there must be other crops. Therefore, soybean and peanuts can have oil-based products, it is a very suitable choice.

Guo Qisheng listened to the suggestion of Bao Zixuan, and directly established a large oil plant directly in Huaxia. It has now taken a scale.

At present, there are many edible oils in the city of Xiangjiang. Although there is still no great influence, it is better to say a good market prospect.

Guo Qisheng didn't expect that this prince did not catch a cold in real estate, but a small workshop of the oil mill, but it was greatly unexpected.

To say that Xiangjiang real estate five tigers, the strength is similar. But other four have invested in Bao Huo Dong Mining Company, only he did not seize the opportunity. Therefore, in strength, it has been obviously behind other four large cuts. At least the fund reserves, the other four failed.

Suddenly I saw Malaysia's father and son, suddenly understood it. For this home, Guo Zhensheng is of course what people do.

Saudi Prince found Guo's father and son, absolutely not because of Shangri-La Hotel. For Saudi, the building is too easy. There is no need to come over the Xiangjiang to find, and people themselves are not missing hotel. Then there is only one purpose because Guojia Food Processing Industry.

Everything explains, it is no wonder that Bao Zi Xuan is introduced. Specially explained the largest oil plant in China, the original problem is here.

Several other families are also strange, but everyone is a smart person, and it means to understand what it means.

Just when Guo Qisheng was kind to the princes of Siertan, Hu Yingxiang came to Baozi Xuan. Laughing and said: "Banheng, this Saudi prince is doing something, everyone is old friend, but you have to reveal us. If you have money, you can never eat eating."

Bao Zi Xuan wants to say: "Saudi has grown in the growth rate of food in China in recent years, and wheat has reached the top ten of the world. So it is looking for food deep processing enterprises, uu reading Increased product added value."

"I know that you want to invest in oil in Saudi, I have a good idea. But there is a problem, but you must be familiar with it."

"In the Middle East, the real estate business is really not very suitable. After all, there is a land issue, religious problems, king room ideas, etc., it is necessary to consider it. If it is not good, it will lose his blood, so I hope that you can be cautious."

"But the production of manufacturing is not so much restrictions. But you have not entered this industry, I don't say much."

After all, there are Chinese, there are several relationships. If it is a shark, then it doesn't matter if you lose it. But it is really impossible to do that other people.

Not to eat together, after all, real estate industry gatherings. As a few protagonists today, many people are waiting for them. It will be chosen to leave.

To say that harvest the biggest as Guo Qisheng, I didn't expect a oil deposit; actually let Saudi prince pays attention to it, and even look at it. It seems that I have to do some industries, this is absolutely thanks to the head of the bag. Thinking that the other children have just been born, maybe my wife should look at it.

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