Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1234 Recording caused by three

It has a close cooperation with the Rosenate family, and it is very contradictory and Bao Zi Xuan; Zheng Yurong can definitely pull to the Roselord camp.

In fact, from the Black Cloud Group excuses people, and then set up a competition company, the Rosenie family has already begun to plan. But now they have to admit that they want to rely on their own family; rushing the Black Cloud Group, almost impossible. After all, the fields of the two are different, I want to clean up the other party and I will start.

As for the means of assassination, the Rosenie family did not think about it. But entering modern society, this means is very unsuitable. And it is very prone to problems, the assassination failed, it is a situation that does not die. Some time ago, the Morgan family had such a big thing in Argentina. It is certainly able to see some clues in the Rosenian family who entered Argentina for many years.

In order to raise the German military officers and politics in the Second World War II, Jews. The Rosieman family will inevitably participate, this is useless even if it is denied. The Black Cloud Group intelligence personnel active in Argentina, the Morgan family may not know. But how much knows how many Roschild is only, but I don't know what the other is the purpose. In addition, the two sides did not tear the face, there is no need to bother.

And the Rosenie family is in Argentine, many are secret. They also worried that they were exposed, and they were Jews and the British family; the Argentine will never give up. And there is also a task, unless you receive a command, or if you find someone who needs to arrest or assassination; otherwise it will never appear.

Following the Morgan family a big loss in Argentina, if there is no contact here; no one believes.

What makes the Rosenie family feel unbelievous is that KGB will start. The black cloud person seems to have been involved in this matter, and there is no spider silk. Baozi Xuan also does what is the relationship between Soviet KGB, it is worth thinking. In addition, people themselves are strong, do not say no vulnerabilities, but at least not so easy.

If you really dare to use the assassination, if there is no success, it is also found to be a Rosielda family. Then, the entire family members don't want to have a peaceful day; if you want to adjust, it is useless. Faced to Ktril chasing all day, I feel terrible.

No one will use the assassination means unless it is no longer. At present, it seems that it has not reached the point, and the normal commercial competition is not yet; thinking about killing the opponent, it is very unbearable.

Since it is not good to get rid of the competitors, you can only use the most direct way and compete with the other person. But I want to compete with the Black Cloud Group, with the current technical reserves of the Rosenie family, is not realistic. After all, the family is mainly engaged in the financial industry, which is not deeply involved in the manufacturing industry. Invest in some companies, but this kind of slow industry; it is really not able to see, so there is no words.

The world's most advanced technology is currently

Most of the United States. While it is the chassis of Morgan and the Rockefeller family; the Rosenie family wants to enter and will be boycott. At that time, you can just face the Black Cloud Group, but also add two families in the United States. It is at your own risk, and I don't dare to play so.

Rapida thought that people from the Black Cloud Group. But here is the Xiangjiang, the Rosenie family, is not very suitable. Can only support an agent. It is a partner, and it is a long-term commercial tycoon in Xiangjiang. Many factors combined together, I really can't find a more suitable candidate than shark, or a partner.

The boat king said with a smile: "So Zheng Sheng wants to cooperate with the Rosenie family, and put together Bunxuan."

In fact, the boat king felt that there was no contradiction between the Bao Zi Xuan, and it must be misunderstood. It's just how it is used now, but I want him to continue to compete with Bao Xuan, and it is really not thinking about it. People can tell you the doorway inside the rare earth mine and does not take advantage of it.

That is the head of the head, if this time is thinking about dealing with others. The boat king really can't do things with moral complaints, and there is also an original intention of the lover who wants to alleviate the relationship.

People just told you that they want to let rare earth selling prices; they must recruit professional technicians to do system analysis. Good guys dig directly from the other company; how do this, people who can do this.

Zheng Yusong: "The Rosenie family itself has a close cooperation with Zheng's family, but you still want to strengthen some. The prospect of Xiangjiang is not very clear. Does the birthplace do not consider the future!"

"Zheng Jia has been engaged in real estate and jewelry industries; the jewelry industry is going, but the real estate industry, it can be very depressed in recent years. And this situation will continue, there will be no big in the Xiangjiang real estate market in a short time."

"Although rare earth minerals have made a lot of money, the rare earth has dug a day; if you want to guarantee your family's long-term richness, you must enter other industries. Banking, high-end manufacturing is a good choice."

"Although the boat king now has shipping companies and Jiulong warehouses, you can have four daughters. Don't you want to do more? What is your family! Life I, grass and wood. If you don't have a strong thing, isn't it white? I have been walking in the end. "

The boat king is in mind, after all, the sharks are still very reasonable.

Bao Ship King: "We don't understand the rare earth mine. It doesn't understand that it is very dangerous. The high-tech industry looks very attractive. The general people in the inside do not understand. And currently The Black Cloud Group has already had absolute monopoly. We can enter up to minus low-end products. Competitors are not only a black cloud group, as well as Japan, Germany, the major manufacturers in Germany, and the United States. "

"Even the US military has to come over the Xiangjiang, introduce technology and production line from the Black Cloud Group. Trimming the technical information mastered in Bao Zixuan, but more advanced than Americans. Competition with such an opponent, the final result can not be too good."

I heard the boat king said that Zheng Yu felt that there was a play. At least this old boy is already in the heart, otherwise it will not say concerns.

Zheng Yusong: "The business competition itself is this, is it because Bunzi Xuan is engaged in high-tech industries, it will not allow other people to enter. The boat king is mainly engaged in the shipping industry. Is there any other businessman in Xiangjiang to go to the ship. Xiangjiang so many ship transport Tycoon, although there is competition, but there is a good life. At least you can support many workers, this is undeniable. "

"Zheng Jia is a home by gold and silver jewelry, Xiangjiang playing gold row is not like it; don't I stop it, it seems that there is no reason."

"Bun Zixuan has a first machine, but we have a huge amount of money. I believe that in the past few years, don't say that the same bunxuan is flatterer, at least can stand firm."

Directly put the Black Cloud Group, even if the sharks are big and big, they don't dare to think this. Now the same boat king said, the other party will not believe it.

They still have many advantages, at least in the scale of funds, will never be poor than the Black Cloud Group. The true strength of the Rosenian family, I am afraid that the members of the family are not very clear. The funds that can be taken are definitely much more than the richest rivers.

How many people have been made in so many years, it is even more than a few years. The humanity means the market, the only lack is technology.

Get the most direct approach to technology is definitely digging people from the Black Cloud Group.

But at this time, the boat king may not dare to promise, not only the conscience will be condemned. It is even because I can't pass the old man, there is no way to explain my father.

Bao Yugang: "This time, I want to discuss experts and talents with Zheng Sheng to recruit rare earths in all colleges and universities. As for others, the package is really not too interesting."

"Especially for high-end manufacturing, there is no need to hunt. This time I don't participate, Zheng Sheng wants to do anything, I will not oppose it. But how is the Rosierde family happily, I believe you are more clear than me."

It is no longer able to continue to say this. Sailing from unnecessary disgusting, after all, two or partnerships.

Zheng Yu: "Since the boat king said, I didn't ask. As for the professional technical personnel of rare earths around the world, Zheng Jia completely agreed. I am going to let the second go out to exercise, let it make it fully cooperate with your son-in-law. "

Bao Yulang took the video tape directly, come over, just to see it again, but did not think about stay here.

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