Just after the boat king left, Zheng Yu leised satisfactory smile. His player is very deep, self-with copying function. It can be said that I have just played content, that is, the dialogue of the head of the bag and the boat king, all by Zheng Yu with copy. And he has thought about how to make the tape to play the biggest value. The boat king wants to set the outside thing, and the relationship is not so easy.

Now since I have cooperated with Zheng's family, then I can't have other ideas; I have to go to black. In fact, Zheng Yu has a worry, that is, the Roschild family strength is too powerful. Single one of them works with others, it is very important, it is very easy to be eaten. Even if the boat king does not say, he also knows what the Rosenie family is relying on.

Although it is already a few hundred years ago, many traditions still have not changed. Even now the relationship between the Rosena family is still very chaotic. Family women have never married, they are inner marriage in the family. The name of the United States guarantees family bloodline, but it is because of what, outsiders are definitely unclear. Perhaps only the core members of the family can know one or two.

Although these are not related to cooperation, the more retains the traditional family, the easier it is to do things according to the previous manners. Roschier's family is already very rich in Napoleon. At that time, the funds could be bleeding to get it. In case it is not going well; he will not stand it.

It seems that Bunzi Xuan hires so many security personnel; so many bodyguards are, it is really not that this child is too installed. Because he knew that there is a competitor; if you are dangerous, then you don't have the opportunity to revenge.

Therefore, be sure to pull the package, although the two joints are united, the strength is still right. But it is much better than the previous Zheng family than before. And you can also use the package boat king influence, and go on a few together.

Last time I was awkward, I didn't have the family to work with Zheng Jia. Compared to the famous name of Zheng's family, the boat king is still trustworthy. Only more families will be wrapped together; at the same time, the Rosenie family can also pay attention to it.

But this thing is still to give a person who is absolutely relieved, and it is a big loss last time. If you don't do your relatives, then let your child go to handle. The old two is very suitable, knowing a lot of fox dogs; although these people can't help you, but who is wrong, it is definitely a hipster.

At this time, Zheng Erhong is thinking about the beauty of life, and it is very uncomfortable to receive the phone. I can listen to the voice is actually the old, and I haven't temper. After all, there is no old man, he is nothing. Women, friends are with him, they all want to gain benefits. This point is clear; but it is always good, others are still waiting until the two less thanks, I really don't care much. And to women, there will be no feelings in the world; at least I have not let him meet the unusual girl.

I heard a woman's voice next to my son, Zheng Yu is really angry. How two sons are like this,

How can I be assured to give them my family. What can be said to be a parent son, which must be cultivated. If you can't be talented, how to get a job.

Zheng Yusong: "Every time, every day is this; when you want to go. For you half an hour, immediately go to my office."

I heard the old man and the fire, Zheng Er Shake may not be slow. Hurry and start to wash, wear clothes. Regardless of a woman, now he has to hurry. The old man is so anxious, and it must have something to explain. The last time I passed the Chinese continent, I have already worked. If you don't grow, it is estimated that the company's management right is completely free.

It is good to know that the old man may find him at any time. So the hotel is very close to the company. You don't even have to drive, you can go. And it is not married, and it is not misunderstood. As for the report of unscrupulous media, Zheng Erwok has never worried.

In 27 minutes, Zheng Erhong feels in on time.

Zheng Yusong: "You are not so causing medicine, but get up so late, is it too much. I have come over. I have come to the company for 2 hours. Before half an hour, the boat king just left the company. People come over 8 o'clock, It can be seen that it will get up in the morning and work attitude. "

"How do we work hard to work in this man, it is to give you to squandering."

"Last Huaxia mainland is your first time to pick up the big girlfriend. But a mess, but also a lot of sin. This time, this time is not letting you talk about the same amount, but to recruit professional technicians."

"You first look at the video, then talk about your point of view. Our industry is getting bigger and bigger, is it alone in your big brother. It's not what I said, the ability is generally, and you are this work Attitude, the company is handed over to you, it is necessary to go down sooner or later. Estimated me this home, it will be lost by you sooner or later. "

"I hope you are good, I don't want to say more."

Zheng Yu opened the video, and Zheng Erwok saw seriously.

Daddy is his diner, if a unhappy, there may be no money to eat. After all, I have to eat a meal without a meal, even a few months of people in ordinary people.

I saw that Bao Zi Xuan and Baoyang just chatted, Zheng Er Shao Shao was incredible. How to make him talk about these two people, is there a relationship with Zheng's family? But now it is not considered these, or first look at the conversation content of the two, and finally decided.

Baozi Xuan said that rare earth minerals need to recruit professional technicians, and suddenly understand what it means. Although he is fun, it also knows; what can be played, the premise is what is. If there is no money at home, then there is a big matter, no one can recognize you. Of course, women will not follow you, everything premise; it is based on normal operation at home, and it will bring huge profits every year.

The most important thing is to consider how to operate a good company and make money is king.

Zheng Er Less: "Dad, what you mean is letting me recruit rare earth experts from all over the world. However, I don't understand this, I don't know who has this."

"Can you give me an assistant, otherwise a person is really hard to complete the mission."

I heard this, Zheng Yurong is both gratified, and it is also a bit helpless. This kid mentioned that someone gave him as a assistant, and it was also known that he had a few pounds, and there was a self-knowledge.

But the brain is not good, if there is such a talent under the hand, use it to recruit!

Zheng Yusong: "Don't I do business? Don't understand you can learn, nor waiting for you to make money. In Europe It is true to practice, and it is not afraid of spending more money. "

"There is also this time you don't have a comment. I'm listening to the advice. I still have to learn more now, I hope you don't mess with the matter. I am you, there is no way. You can give unlimited times You will have a chance, but the competitors can give us how many opportunities for Zhengjia. "

"Now Xiangjiang put the real estate market is very short, so there is also jewelry and rare earth support. But if you can't do it, do you want to die."

"I have already touched the Rosenie family, which will set up a high-tech company with them. But the high-tech industry, the core is not funds and markets. But the technology and talents, Bao Zi Xuan can become the river of Xiangjiang; not people It is an excellent engineer, and it is a super genius who is not a winning number. "

"Cooperation with the Rothslus family, do not have to worry about funding, do not have to worry about the market."

"So this time you don't just recruit rare earth related talents, as long as you have a person '' '' '', you must pay attention to it."

"How much is your spending, I don't give you a restriction, these money is used to eat and drink, I can do it. Because, you may not be inherited."

I heard the old man said that Zheng Erwa will of course understand what it means. If this is not good, it is estimated that it may really have to be free of charge. At that time, it is definitely a big brother to inherit the family, and that kind of life does not dare to think.

Old, there is no problem in the housekeeper; if you are not there, reach yourself to the big brother. Give it not to be on the one hand, the most important thing I can't go.

It is even more shameful, at least in the circle, it will definitely be a thousand feet. Although Zheng Er Shao is stubborn, it is also necessary to have this kind of thing.

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