Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1226 Recording caused by the sensation

I am very happy to see my son is thinking, Zheng Yu is very happy. Explain that this kid can also cultivate, if nothing does not care, just know to enjoy. Perhaps it is really not suitable for inheriting the family, after all, Zheng Jia needs to have the ability and responsible person to the rudder.

Zheng Er Shao said very seriously: "Dad, is our family to fight with Bao Xuan, this time must be fully prepared. The Black Cloud Group has been in the past, without the full grasp, can not shoot easily."

"Bun Zixuan is the UK Oxford and the US MIT outstanding graduates, these two schools are world-class universities, but I don't recommend the two schools to recruit talents. After all, they cooperate with the black cloud group too close, there is What kind of wind blows the grass; Baozi Xuan can know in the first time. "

"And the top talents of the two schools are basically absorbed by the Black Cloud Group. Or enter the company's work in the black cloud, and in the past, there may be no soup."

"But there are still many well-known colleges and universities; in addition to Oxford, the UK is also famous universities such as Cambridge, Imperial Polytechnic Institute; they now want to work with Massachusetts and Oxford. Some schools have good resources. But the funds are not necessarily very bad. "

"Although the Roslide family can think of these problems, they are not suitable. After all, there is a game between the UK and Israel. There is no problem in our home, as long as the money is given, there is not so much political attachment. Condition. So I want to implement it according to my own method, I don't know how my father is. "

For sharks, as long as children think about it, they can't care other. Anyone will pay some tuition fees during the growth process. For this money, the sharriaries are also lost. And I didn't expect my son to think of such a thoughtful, and even he would not be able to think of this. Last time I passed the Chinese mainland, although I have a lot of things, it still grows a lot.

Zheng Yusong: "You can have this idea very well. After the last incident, you have a lot of mature. I am your old man, of course, I will fully support you. Don't have any concerns, even if you lose money, Zheng Jia also lost. But be sure to know, what is the loss of money. "

"It is necessary to do it. If you just say it, you can't do anything."

"First hand it over to you a task, just see the tape. You have also seen it. Find a suitable opportunity, send it to TV station. I have to know this matter in Xiangjiang, at least let Bao Zi Xuan remember the boat king."

"The package is absolutely impossible. Many things must be pulled a package, only so that we can work with the Rosenie family."

I heard the father wants to expose the content of the tape, and Zheng Er League Licheng mean. This is what I want to burn Duan Xuan. I have been helping you, but I will give me this hand. In the future, the two sides will never be hearty and negotiated.

Even the conflict will be burst; when Zheng Er Shao is also a feeling of ginger or old.

Zheng Er Level: "Dad, I have a good relationship with Qiu Degen's home. Asian TV station is so powerful, I believe they will never miss such a strong news."

"Although the wireless ratio may be higher, Baozi Xuan is one of the wireless shareholders. And his relationship with Shao Yifu is good, so the wireless playing the same bag Xuan's related content, it will definitely ask."

Zheng Yong is also emotional, and the son has made great progress in recent time, is there a high person pointing. So curiously asked: "What people have been made recently, there is no other meaning for the father; can make a good friend, absolutely support."

I heard here, Zheng Er Shao knows that I can't hold it, and my father has asked, then I can only tell: "I just finished a girlfriend, I didn't say that I didn't agree with my family."

"She is a lawyer, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania; the family is not very good, but the family is not very good, do you always want to find a door to a door?"

I heard the son's boyfriend, a lawyer who graduated from the American school, and the shark gallbladder thought that he was noticeable. After all, don't you always like models and stars? But this is very good, it means that people have matured. For the big family, although the stars and models are beautiful, up to a vase. OK, the son wants to marry the star, the sharks will never agree.

The lawyers who graduated from the school are different. As the age increases; will become more mature, the ability will continue to improve. As for a girlfriend who is looking for a door, it looks good. But the two son capabilities are general, if there is no helid assistance; the last will be, it is really not good.

Zheng Yusong: "There is time, bring me to see. I know what kind of woman is suitable for you, and it is also a progress."

At the same time, the boat king family, Bao Yugang is introducing his father.

Bao Yugang: "Just I have already seen the video content to the sharpener, and clearly indicated that it will not participate in the action against Bunxuan."

"Listening to Zheng Yong, the Rosenie family is preparing to enter high-tech fields. In recent years, the black cloud group makes money, and people who are red are certainly."

"The Rosenie family must have heard of you, this time, the shark is just wants to use the opponent in the influence of Xiangjiang, excuse people from the Black Cloud Group."

I have heard Zheng's family and I have to engage in things, and the father is a bit atmosphere. Now the two are partnerships. If the processing is not good, it is likely to let Bao Zi Xuan have a hatred.

Family of Bao ": The shark is to go to the black, so some relationships are still broken. There are many examples that have been chaos, and the package can definitely can't make this mistake."

I feel that the old man is very resolute, and the boat king can only point the mind. Now this situation can not be violated by the lord. And he didn't want to continue working with the sharks in his heart; this person is as ginkably like an external number. Continue, but it is very dangerous.

The boat king said very strongly: "I know how to do it, Bao Zi Xuan can tell me so much. Explain that the other party does not want to fight, but also want to alleviate the relationship."

"I will split with Zheng Jia as soon as I will continue to cooperate."

But the two don't know, this time Zheng Erhong is digging pit.

In a well-known nightclub private room, Zheng Er Shao Shaozhen is chatting with Qiu Er.

Zheng Er Level: "Qiu Shao, I heard that you have recently been arranged by the old man to the TV station. That is a good job of everyone; Yan Fu is not shallow!"

Qiu Degen has no way, compared to Asian TV stations, Song Guan and Far East Banks are Qiu Jia's main body, or it can be said to be the core industry. But since the TV station has been acquired, it must find someone to operate. I know that put my son on the TV station, which is put the wolf into the flock.

However, the TV station must have some people to manage, and it is not assured to others. It can only require the son to pay attention, although the effect is not very obvious; but this kind of thing is in Xiangjiang, the problem is not big.

Two young masters, doing more excessive wireless; wireless TV desk is not like ranking first in Xiangjiang!

And there is also your own tube, and you will not make too much move.

Qiu Er Shao Shao is very like Zheng Er, is the old two; the father is rich, and the big brother will manage the company above. Before, it was a famous son of Xiangjiang, but with more and more industries in recent years, he gradually manages the company.

Because of the age relationship, add some madness before it is. Make the old man's trust in his trust, can only manage the company is not a particularly important business; it is a kind of exercise.

Qiu Er Level: "Zheng Shao, if you ask me to drink, it is to take me. If you still don't want to contact it, you will be awkward."

"The temper of our father, all in Xiangjiang know. The beautiful female star of the TV station will not touch it at all, I think you should have heard it!"

Although I can't completely stop my son, after all, it is a young man; the blood is just right, and the girlfriend is normal. But also know, for the staple, well-known actress must protect it. That is the guarantee that the TV station can survive, Qiu Degen is still very strict in this area.

Qiu Erhui touched several times, plus the old man in the middle, did not think about anything.

This matter, Xiangjiang is reported that Zheng Er will not know. It is said that the other party is a joke, and Qiu Erhong is normal.

Zheng Er Level: "What is Qiu Shao? There is half price between us, no one can joke."

"This time I come out, there is a major news; if Qiu Shao feels right, you can sell it."

Although this kid is not reliable, after all, it is famous. Daddy is a super rich in the top ten in Xiangjiang, saying that there is a valuable news.

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