Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Shot from the 1227th video tape

But I want to buy myself, it is very intriguing. Zheng Er Shao is absolutely not lacking, but also take the initiative to meet him. Explain that the other party wants to expose this thing with a TV station; the little money is small, they are not careless.

Then there is only one possibility, the content report is beneficial to Zheng Jia. Thinking of this, Qiu Errowow suddenly understood. It turns out that this kid, please drink it, it is necessary for TV station resources.

Qiu Erwei said with a smile: "Zheng Shao; everyone is a friend, talk to it!"

"Although the Asian TV station is not wireless, it is also a TV station. Report is a news that is good for Zheng's home, there is no problem. Our two are the world, and the relationship between us is not more."

"And you Zheng Shaoji is not a lack of money, and you will not rely on selling news to make money. That kind of news, you can't see it. As for valuable news, more is for family completion tasks."

"I am also sincerely make friends with you, can't let friends are difficult."

I didn't expect this kid and quite understand that there is no performance. The top family of Xiangjiang is very strict for children's education, and the boy is even more. Just but the young people love to play, no one can't stop.

Moreover, sometimes it is not what they want to provoke beautiful women, can't stand on their body. Of course, Zheng Erhizhong is an exception in the Chinese mainland. Self feeling is too good. Xiangjiang people are superior.

Zheng Er Less: "Or Qiu Shao knows me, the news content is beneficial to Zheng's family; but the ratio of the subsequent view is absolutely not low."

"Bun Zixuan yesterday, the same bag jade is just a video of the Jockey Club, I don't know if AV is interested. If not, I can only go to wireless. Nor threatening Qiu Shao, just want to make friends with you."

The last double bag will cause huge sensation in Xiangjiang. The front richest and current richest, negotiating together, definitely a big project involving tens of millions. If you direct exposure, you may have to bear two anger.

Two people are talked, just don't want others to know. The television is exposed, meaning that all the world knows. There is no good provision, although Qiu Jia is so powerful, but in front of Bunzi Xuan and the boat king, it is absolutely not enough. However, it is important to bear great risks, although the ratings are important; but for the ratings, it affects their own safety, it is absolutely not available.

Qiu Er Less: "Zheng Shao, this is a hot lax, I don't know where you are giving. Advise you still don't make anything exciting, double bags have great influence in the world. Qiu family does not dare to sin them, So please forgive me. "

I heard this kid not to eat this set.

Zheng Er Shao smiled and said: "Qiu Shao does not want to make a distant thing, the TV station will win by the ratings. Now wireless is so strong, if you don't want to countermere; Maybe after a few years, Seiwei can only have memories."

"And you may wish to look at the content in decision, maybe you change your mind!"

Look at the final return, but you are really inconvenient here. Two two few quickly ended drinking, driving towards the TV.

Come to the TV station and enter Qiu Erhong Office.

Seeing Qiu Er Shandou withdraw from the small movie video tape, Zheng Erwei will certainly understand what it means. I didn't expect this kid, I would play it, I can try it next time.

Bunzi Xuan and Bao Yulang quickly appeared on the screen, first package the boat king invited Bunzi Xuan into the main rare earth company; and give the price very cheap, I didn't expect Bao Zixuan directly refused.

Then, it is actually the way Bunxuan to teach the business, of course, mainly about rare earth sales.

This is very intriguing, when the boat king is entrepreneur; Bao Zixuan may not be born. It is said that Bunxuan is too mad, it can be said. In short, it is very difficult to feel that if you are a boat king, you will never want this video being known by the outsiders.

In fact, the father of the father made his son to see the video to Zheng Yu, and thought it was somewhat improper. But there is nothing, after all, in the technical field, Bunzi Xuan can give anyone in the world.

Just I didn't expect that the shark gallblad in the same hand, and the video was copied. Now I have to get the TV station, when I arrive, the image of the boat king; it will definitely be affected.

The content of the video is really not involved in confidential information, just some of the doorways in rare earth minerals. At present, companies that have actually operate rare earth minerals, that is, there are still few people; all the top of Xiangjiang, maybe it is already known. Only Zheng Yumi, the boat king Tongbao Xuan has some contradictions, and it is unpleasant when they are.

In this regard, there may also be contradiction between Zheng Yurong and the boat king. It is not yet intensified, or there is no possession on the desktop.

I saw that Bao Yugang tilted to Bunzi Xuan, and his heart was definitely unhappy. If there is no boat king, with the strength of Zheng's family, it is absolutely unsaining the attack of Bao Zixuan.

Moreover, Baozi Xuan will definitely deal with Zheng Jia. After all, the last time Black Cloud Bank suffered from being squeezed. Qiu family also started by the banking industry, of course, knowing the door behind this.

Qiu Er Level: "Zheng Shao; Bao Zi Xuan, Bao Shi Quan, Baoyang, and Zheng Jiazhi. Qiu Jia has no ability, and it is also a courage to participate."

"This video, although it is possible to mention the ratings. But the risk is too big, there is no power."

I didn't expect that the other party directly refused, it seems that this kid also knows the seriousness of things. Even Asian TV stations don't dare to play, then who dares to play this video.

Thinking of this, Zheng Erlus suddenly said: "Qiu Shao, is there a bold amount. The news media is mainly fair, fair, public report. There is no confidential information of the double bag, and this is not reported."

"Qiu Jia core business is banking and hotel tourism. According to the two industries, it doesn't matter. Don't you want to make a point of grade; this report will make the double bags do not have a quick, but you can take Qiu family. How is it. We have been reported by gossip media every day. Is it really going to find a newspaper in the past.

"News media reports as long as they are true, no false and exaggerated components; then what is wrong. The double bag is a well-known person, and some media report is normal."

"Wireless Shao Yifu can be a funny role, if you don't take out your strength; Asia wants to survive in Xiangjiang, but it is not so easy."

Although I know that this child is used in the presence, it is still very reasonable. Reporting this video content and is absolutely very beneficial to him.

As for anger, naturally there is a family to bear. Father is not saying what is going on! So, make a big event, let him look, at least let Xiangjiang people know; he Qiu Er is not a place, just there is no platform before.

Now Zheng Jiaqi, you have to take it.

Qiu Erdo said with a smile: "Zheng Shao is really thinking about me, I should have a much gratitude. But after all, I have to bear a big risk, just take me as a gun, I have to give some sweets."

"Your company next year's advertisement should be tilted to the subsequent."

This is a typical benefit exchange, and I didn't expect this little child. Asian TV ratings have been not high, and Xiangjiang is still a more recognized wireless TV station. But what is also a publicity; before the old old man gave him authorization, otherwise, I will really be shameful.

Zheng Er Shao smiled and said: "What is it? No problem, we can sign the contract at any time."

I heard the opponent's refusal, Qiu Er Shao understood this is ready. However, as long as it is able to get the benefits, then everything is good. And it is not worried that the other party will repent, and he also records the contents of both parties. When coming in, the video recorder has been opened, just worried that this kid is not honest.

Qiu Er Less: "Since Zheng Shao is so cool, I can't recognize it."

"At noon tomorrow, Asian TV station will surprise you."

At present, Qiu Degen is in the Southeast Asia, and the day after tomorrow can come back. At noon, it is just on the plane, that is, the following people want to contact.

Zheng Er Shao smiled and said: "Qiu Shao's strength and ability, will never doubt. The tape is placed here, I hope there will be a surprise tomorrow."

"It's still early, we will continue to continue."

I heard this kid so much, Qiu Erwu was not vague; smiled and said: "I will come out, I believe they are willing to know the young people such as Zheng Shao."

Beautiful female star is not allowed to contact him, but newcomers may not be within the limits. And many newcomers who have just entered the row, I don't pay more about some giants.

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