The two can be described as in the same way, and they have been playing very open at night. Early the next morning, I found that I can see how crazy in the same room last night. After a smile, I will return to the office.

Since promising Zheng's home, then do things, then you can't yet. And I want to get the advertising fee, I have to take my sincerity. If you play each other, the advertising fee of Zheng Jia in the future can completely don't completely Losing a big customer, it can be added to the snow on the TV station that has difficulty operating difficulties.

Time came to 12 o'clock in noon and went to the Xiangjiang Mid News Time. This time, the same episode, Qiu Erwa came directly to the broadcast hall. I said to the head of the news channel: "The midday news cancels, insert an emergency news."

This kind of thing is often happening in the TV station and is not strange. Seeing that Qiu Er Leung is so serious, the person in charge of the news is not afraid. After all, the TV is surnamed Qiu, the boss is not there, that is, this is said.

Look at the tape, you can't see what the content is. I will start playing directly, and Qiu Errowow's temper knows, but it is not good.

At this time, the people of Xiangjiang people have lunch, and the TV will basically open. The midday news of Asian TV station is still a loyal audience. Let the public feel that it is incredible, there is no news, but two people are chatting.

I saw the rumor between the ship's king's bag, and the citizens came to interested. The last double package will cause huge sensation, so that Xiangjiang citizens are enjoying.

I didn't expect to have been taken over, but I was taken again. The picture is clearer than the last time, this is the masterpiece. By reasoning that two people negotiate, it should be very confidential. Most of the pictures are the heads of the head, then the photographer is likely to be the boat king, otherwise it will not explain the fundamental explanation.

Such a clear picture is obviously one party deliberately. And from the perspective of the shooting, the boat king bag jade is just a bigger. But some things are not passing, after all, the video shows that the bag must directly refuse the boat king. And also teach the other party how to do business, such a shameful thing, Baoyang will deliberately disclose.

How to say how the boat king is also a famous typhoon person, and it is already very shameful by the junior. Now how to do business, I will definitely can't go. You must know that Bao Yugang's time is larger than Bunxuan grade.

Bao Yugang is eating at home, suddenly picking up two girls to call, immediately open the TV. I saw that he and Bao Zi Xuan's talks were close to the end, and suddenly felt the situation. What kind of person is Bao Zixuan, will definitely think that he is deliberately recorded. This is not a glorious thing in business cooperation; commercial reputation will definitely be damaged.

But this is not the most terrible thing, Bao Zixuan saw it; it will completely lose the trust just established. If you don't explain it, you may have not used it in the future.

At the same time, I want to know that this thing is inevitably Zheng Yurong. Because only he has already contacted this video tape, the rest is home. For the package family, the boat king is still confident. And he already thought that the shark's trend player itself has a copy function. How to be so unhappy, actually turned the empty.

The old lady must see that he wants to be the same as the buns and the relationship. It can be used now, what is the use, Bao Zixuan is certainly thinking that he is deliberate.

Bao Yulang did not have nonsense, pick up the phone directly and gave Zheng Yu. I know that many things have not been tonic, but they are in the same pit by the sharks, and I am really uncomfortable.

At this time, Zheng Yu has just read the subsequent news, and it is still very satisfied with the efficiency of the second son. It seems that the son still has the ability, but it has not been played before; there may be no matter what it takes to use it.

This kid may need to work out, but doing destruction,

Absolutely a good hand. Although it is not a brilliance, a family needs a variety of characters, perhaps the old two can take another different way. Recently, a lawyer girlfriend graduated by a famous school is not so complicated if the woman's home is not so complicated;

At this time, the shark is already intentionally cultivating the grandson, and the current two sons are really satisfied.

Zheng Yu said with a smile: "It is Banheng! I don't know what to call me."

I heard the shark, where is the same, and the bag is really angry. So directly said: "Zheng Sheng, I am taken as a friend, but you don't think some excessive! What do you have a scale and bottom line, how to feel that I have a good bull."

The boat king is a good temper. The two have met for decades, as if she has never felt so angry. In fact, it is also understood that it is the same. No matter who is, it is unknown, it will not be happy in my heart.

You can't recognize it, especially this time. Even if the other party knows is what you did, it can not be recognized. Otherwise, the two will meet, how to get along.

Zheng Yu: "What is the birth of the birth! I have been doing the best friends when you are doing you. If it is under, then you will be sinful."

I heard the other party installed, Bao Yu just knew; if you didn't come up with conclusive evidence, the sharks would never recognize it.

Bao Yulang said with a smile: "Since Zheng Sheng has understood, then the package is not able to say. But I want to say, people are doing, the sky is watching. If it is not your own, Otherwise; if you find evidence, you can't get along with you. "

Hanging up the phone, Baoyang just gave the Bun Zi Xuan to the phone. At this time, the head is in the same way as Aisa, as for the Prince Surdan, has returned to Saudi. After all, so many entrepreneurs have to go to investigate, and must be prepared in advance.

For the Asian TV station, Bunzi Xuan just knows. Xiangjiang is so big, there is any wind blowing; the first time will report.

For the conversation of the two, it was reported again. The head is still a bit atmosphere, and looks at the picture angle, as well as the clear level, do not guess it, it must be a bag of jade. Two people chatting is in the box he arranged, if it is an ordinary reporter; it is not so big at all.

At the same time, the first rich is also reflecting, and many things can't fall. This time is a camera, what to do next to a sniper rifle. Can't have too strong subjective consciousness, otherwise you don't know how you lose.

I heard that the boat king came to call, and this bag is not polite. Director said to the bodyguard: "Tell the bag Yu Gang, don't call it later. I know that this thing may not be his intention; but when the negotiations are recorded, it is not a gentleman.

For the rich rivers, the head is unhappy. In addition to some other people who can communicate, others are still good. Pao Yugang never allows the video content to expose, definitely giving others. And this person doesn't have to think about it, Zheng Yu did not run.

It's a waste of time.

I heard the bunxuan is not connected, and I suddenly understand what it means. The boat king also faces the face, and it will definitely not put the position too low.

Bao Yugang: "Zheng Yong has been united with the Rosenian family, ready to enter high-tech fields. And the first step is to dig people from the Headquarters of the Black Cloud, I hope that the birth is good."

Baozi Xuan did not expect Rosenie family to participate, it seems that the last time I rejected them, it has caused the other party. Although it has passed the peak period, the strength of the Rosierde family is now stronger than the Black Cloud Group.

It seems that I have to find some allies, otherwise it is difficult to win in confrontation.

It is a matter of urgent to grasp Zheng's family, at least to let the sharpel know. No before, it was not a power, nor because of his temper; but did not take a hand, and did not encounter a suitable time.

Zheng Jia's strength is seriously damaged, and the Rosieldate family will definitely be in its cooperation. Dug from the Black Cloud Group, Zheng Jia is not the only one. Moreover, people have developed hundreds of years and must have their own talent channels.

As long as the sharks are in the same way, the other tycoon in Xiangjiang should not dare to make it with the black cloud; and they have no connection with the Rothschild family. Things still have to plan, although the timing is still not mature, but also let the other party pay a certain price.

Before the Soviet Union disintegrates, Bunzi Xuan didn't want to have an external branch; but whoever dare to move, then he is not the master of anyone.

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