Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1229, Ship King's decision

At this time, Ba Yu just felt that it has been said. As for what is the idea of ​​Baozi Xuan, he can't manage it. As a business contest, the front of Xiangjiang has a low gesture very low. Everyone has a man who has identity, and you can't ask for a sin to the head of the head. That will be more accomplished, and the whole package will become a Xiangjiang laughter.

But it was so embarrassed that the sharks were in the same way, and there was no, the boat king was absolutely unwilling. But the urgent urgency is to find evidence, so in this regard, the boat king has absolute confidence. Previously, the Xiangjiang TV station was three-legged, but with the 1978 Yichi TV closed, there is only two TV stations that have great influence.

And both of them have a feature, Wireless Shao Yifu, and the Assets Qiu Degen with the package of boats are the old township. Usually get together, at least a lot of things will be tended.

Bao Yulang did not have nonsense, and directly called Qiu Degen. The other party actually dares to express no mistakes, if not given a statement, don't get along with it. In order to help the fellow, the boat king did not take care of Qiu Jia business. Now I am playing this set with him, then I want to get the house care, it is not so easy.

What makes him feel incredible is that Qiu Degen is not in Xiangjiang. And the phone has not been opened, is there any hidden love? But no matter what to say, Qiu Degen is more difficult to blame.

Qiu Degen has just come to Kuala Lumpur, and the phone is immediately hitting; time is just right. I thought it was that the family didn't worry, but after listening to the phone content, the heart began to be unclear. Bao Yugang Tongbao Xuan chat content was played, and it was still through the Asian TV station.

At this time, Qiu Degen has not been in the mood of the market. Bunxuan may not be too worried; after all, there is not much business transaction. But the boat king is the kind of person who Qiu Jiada customers and absolutely can't sin.

Without any hesitation, Qiu Deguan called Qiu Er Shao to call. First understand the situation, then explain to the other party. In fact, it is now explaining some awesome; after all, things have happened, can only try to make a rescue.

Qiu Erwei heard the report rate and felt that this sale is very cost-effective. It not only allows the TV station to increase the rate, but also a huge advertising fee of Zheng's home in the next year. When I thought about how my old man rewarded him, the phone came in.

However, I didn't imagine the praise and praise, but the face was lid.

Qiu Deguan: "What is the situation, why is the TV station play Bao Zi Xuan and Bao Yugang talks. Must be clear, who is to give you the material."

"Otherwise, you will not be single in the future, even our Qiu family will have a big hassle. Bun Zixuan has not yet said yet, but the boat king has come to ask for guilty."

"Although our family has a little money, can I pay for the anger of the two richest rivers before and after Xiangjiang! Don't move your brain before doing things, don't dry every day."

Although I feel some tricky, I have never thought of so serious. The old emotions are so excited, but they are not many. Qiu Degen is also a well-known commercial tycoon. It does not say that Taishan has collapsed before, and it does not change color, at least because of the loss of business.

What is the situation today, perhaps things are complicated than he imagined. Zheng Jia's kid is obviously aware of this result, otherwise it will never be so generous.

Qiu Er Shao quickly said: "It is Zheng Jia's old two to come to me, and the videotape is also provided by him; and also signed an advertising contract in the next year."

Zheng Erwume is still very credible, after seeing the video tape broadcast; Rapida with a bottle of champagne to the Asian TV station, directly sign the contract. It is also a celebration of champagne, but it has just left out.

Qiu Degen heard that his son said, and he didn't play it. Directly said: "Do you look at Qiu family is not very difficult,

Want to pour point oil on fire. "

"What is going to have a brain, obviously Zheng Yumi, Bao Yugang and Baozi Xuan three games. This level of confrontation is what our Qiu family can participate!"

"This thing is sinned, sinned the boat king and Bao Zixuan, I will want to cooperate with two in the future; it is almost impossible. We can develop together in Xiangjiang, and the homolog will play a lot. Why wireless TV is influenced Big big, and Zheng Jia is also a wireless big customer. No wireless, but looking for our home. "

"Is it still not enough to explain the problem! I will go back this evening, think about how to be good."

"Now, no matter who asks, you must have received anonymous express; send it directly to your office. As for the family, don't worry, they will clear the relationship."

It has been guilty of Bao Yugang and Baozi Xuan, but it can't be guilty of Zheng Yu. Now I can only go to black, so that other people are unable to take care.

Qiu Erdo is not stupid, of course, knowing the meaning of the old man.

At this time, the family, the father of the package looked at the TV comment, it was really gas.

Bao Yugang: "Father."

The father of the bag thought: "" With Zheng's family is still broken! In the future, maybe it will be killed by them. "

"Your ability, as well as people on the shark in the shark. But the way to the evil road; than the other party is very far. Cooperate with such people, will definitely suffer."

In fact, the boat king is also very helpless. At this time, there are too many projects in two cooperation; single rare earth minerals are difficult to cut. No one can eat alone alone, after all, the funds involved too huge.

But the father said it is still very reasonable, and continues to cooperate, it will be very dangerous.

I also felt that my son was difficult to say, the old man said helplessly: "This home is your support, I just mention a suggestion. What is wrong with you, I am not involved."

"Otherwise, you can't put your hands, it is easy to lose judgment."

The old man said with a hand, and the Wu's house immediately advised him.

If you are not the old man, you have to make your son to record the content of the conversation, and the boat king will not do this. Don't take the video to Zheng Yu, and will not take the next thing. Without the participation, the boat king will do this. It feels helping, but it is helpless.

At this time, the grandfather has already understood what is going on, and it will definitely not participate in the future. People are old, it is easy to make mistakes. The lessons learned in a few mistakes have been enough, but they don't dare to continue.

Qiu Degen dialed the phone of the boat king, and some must face it.

Bao Yulang is not polite, directly said: "Lao Qiu, what is the meaning of the time; Baojia seems to have not sinned you!"

At this time, Qiu Deguan understands that things must be taken to himself. Selling Zheng Jia, and it is not possible. And the shark's relationship is absolutely more crazy than the bag jade.

As for Bunzi Xuan, this image is relatively positive, perhaps uncomfortable; what should I make too much.

Qiu Deguan: "I am sorry to think, you also know that I have been in Southeast Asia in the last time. The TV station is handed over to the old two, but I have criticized him. When I returned to Xiangjiang, I must bring him You have lost your sin. To kill, there is no complaint, I only hope that you can get angry. "

Lightweight, but also gone; where to eliminate it.

Bao Ship King: "I don't want to hear you explained, just want to know if the sharks have sent the video tape in the same family. To tell the truth, everyone is still a friend, otherwise the enemy."

I heard the king of the boat is so strict, Qiu Degen knows that this is really angry. But now I have already sinful, but I don't dare to sell Zheng Jia.

Qiu Degen: "I have been investigated, and I have repeatedly confirmed. The video tape is anonymous to the TV station, and the second sees such a good content. I feel that I can improve the ratings, and I don't want to think."

"At the same time, it has already launched a survey, and it will definitely give birth to a satisfactory answer."

I heard Qiu Degen said that I received anonymous express, the boat king was very atmosphere. This is obvious to play horses and play it yourself!

Bao Yugang said abnormally seriously: "Qiu Sheng, everyone must be responsible for what they say. Everyone is the same township, and at the bottom, I think that I have to take care of the same township. At least if I have a business, I will be tilted to the hometown, absolute Will not find the second home. "

"If Qiu Sheng is still this, then there is no need to cooperate in the future."

In fact, Qiu Degen knows that even if Zheng Jia is booting, it will still lose the family business. And compared to Zheng's family, the advertising cost of the package is limited. Up to some of the bank deposits will be lost, but I believe that Qiujia is still able to cope.

Qiu Degen: "Where is the birth of the birth, you all say that we are homosarism; and this matter is that Qiu family has a mistake, it is inevitable."

I heard the other party or this attitude, Bao Yu just didn't say anything, and did not hang up the phone.

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