Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1240 Decision of the boat king

At present, this is the case that it is clear that it is understood; then the package is not to take into account the homesickness of the hometown. It is Qiu Deguan that is not benevolent, but it can't blame him to be jade.

At the same time, this thing also gave the boat king a good class, before I was confident. It is considered that the package family is in front of the same town, or is very face, a phone is absolutely able to grab the shark with the handle. It can be in front of the interests, and the same township is not so important. It seems that you still want to be clear, you can't blindly confused; otherwise it is easy to shame.

At this moment, the boat king is somewhat admiring Bunxuan. Since Bao Huo's mining company splits, there is basically no contact with Xiangjiang merchants. Develop their own enterprises wholeheartedly, they are not tired by the outside world. Moreover, it can be seen from the relationship between foreign countries, from the other party and the Prince of Saarten, can be seen.

The Xiangjiang market is limited, and the future will develop in that direction, no one can expect. The rabbit three caves, Bunxuan is already going to front. The president, the chairman is a virtual name; there is no meaning at all. In front of the interest, you will sell you, it will never be soft.

I saw the helplessness of the boat, Wu Guangzheng asked: "Father, what do we want to do next. At present, the same bunxuan continues to communicate, even if there is no meaning. But Qiu Degen does not give face, if nothing is not done; So in the future, there is really no one who will take us when you are. "

After Qiu Degen hits, the king of the ship has already thought about it. If this time does not pay practical actions, then the package is in the Xiangjiang, which will definitely become a laughter.

Although it is finally dealing with sharks, it is not when it is still turning. You can take Qiu Deguan to take a breath, at least you can't let the old boy are so chic. At the same time, I want to let the Xiangjiang people know that the housekeeper, but to pay a heavy cost.

Bao Yugang: "Let the package of the package, and the associated enterprises in the same bag; all the accounts registered in the Far East Bank, all log out. At the same time, all employees of the package are required, no one can open the account in the Far East Bank. Now there is account Employees must cancel the account within three days; if you can't do it, once you discovered, all dismissed. "

"In addition, all cooperation with Asian TV stations will be paid, and the previous prepaid advertising fees are required. At the same time, the family, and all the company's employees, must not pass the hotel and amusement parks related to Qiujia; if found, directly removed."

For the package family, it is not directly removed. But the boat king believes that there is no package to dare to pass Qiu Jia's hotel and amusement park. And for Qiu Degen's amusement park, the main customer group is a general public. Super rich family can prepaid, you can't see it.

Wu Guangzheng did not expect his father-in-law so resolute, and suddenly understood what it means. It is true that the command must be resolute, but it is not discouraged.

The more you go to this, the more you have to unite. No one can drag the legs and dismantle, which will only make out the outside joke.

Qiu Degen concluded that Kuala Lumpur branch, did not do any stay, flying directly back to Xiangjiang. Although I have already hosted by Zheng Jia, I can pick up the boat king or try to pick up. The influence of the other party is not small, and it is very prestige in the same country.

Xiangjiang Chinese commercial tycoon mainly divided into two geography, and the strength of Chaoshan businessman is strong. Secondly, the businessman of the ancestral rejuvenation, everyone usually supports each other, meets things together; very small out of contradiction.

The boat king and Qiu Degen are the same as Ningcheng, Zhejiang Province, and the relationship is quite good.

Of course, this is also the reason why the boat king believes that it will be able to grasp the shark's handle, and did not expect to be a lesson. The more you feel the good people, you will be separated from Germany, the more people are angry.

Wu Guangzheng did not have nonsense, and directly took finance to Xiangjiang Far East Bank Headquarters.

Since the other party does not care,

Dare to expose the package on TV. So, you don't have to take any other old township. At this time, the two sides are already enemies.

Qiu Damheng saw Wu Guangzheng's face and suddenly feels nothing.

For the Asian TV report, he has seen it. Although your brother is doing, although there is no problem, it can increase the TV ratio. It can be sinful to the rush of the river, absolutely unable. And he feels that people will definitely retaliate, at least no indifferent.

Look at the scenery, Wu Guangzheng is in order to ask. But who let Qiu family have a mistake in the first, and he will say hello to others. Now people come over, definitely want to smile, absolutely can't stimulate each other.

As a long family, my father is not there, many things need him to make a master. Moreover, Qiu Jia is clearly cultivated according to the successor, otherwise it will never let him be responsible for banking. You know that this is the Qiujia core industry, if there is no tendency, how can he choose him.

Qiu Dadheng said with a smile: "Wu Xiong, we haven't seen you for a long time. How can I have time today, come over, I will not go, I can't go, I will drink two cups in the evening."

Although Wu Guangzheng is just a boy's son-in-law, it is a special situation in the package that it has become a boat king. In addition, people themselves are also a very powerful person, so in the Xiangjiang rich second generation circle, no one dares to look at him. Although it is Qiujia's eldest son, it can be in his home, and there is really no Wu Guang is so important.

In addition, there is too much power in the package, especially after investing in rare earth minerals, it is even more than that of other homes. Even if I don't know Wu Guangzheng, I will not give him a face, but I have to smile.

Previously, Wu Guangzheng is not bad, and the two are often accompanying the elders to attend various activities. I discuss between the elders, they will naturally communicate.

It can be a cancellation account today, not an old man with the other party. And since Qiu Jia is choosing, then it is not necessary to polite. As for the same hometown, still count!

Wu Guangzheng: "Qiu Sheng, everyone is an acquaintance, I don't want to say more. The Asian TV station reports, I want to be the most clear. So there is no nonsense. And my father-in-law gave Qiu Sheng called the phone; Qiu family is already Make a choice, then everything is good. "

"This time, I want to cancel a few company accounts, and take all the money. I hope that Qiu Sheng can cooperate, so unfair."

I heard the other party to say so, Qiu Daheng feels nothing. Bao family deposit in the Far East bank deposit, of course, this is only one aspect. The influence of the boat king is even more unparalleled, and many depositors come over, a lot is to look at the bag of jade. Now that the package will take all the money, it will not bring a chain reaction.

Qiu Damheng: "Wu brother, is it considering. If Qiu family is doing something wrong, we must improve. Is there any misunderstanding, please give me a face."

"Father came back this evening, when he made his old man in the same package of boat; be sure to give a satisfactory answer to the package."

Wu Guangzheng can know what his father-in-law is meaning, refused by the same town, is incomparably sad. Moreover, more important Qiu family has made choices, don't whom you do things.

Wu Guangzheng: "Qiu Sheng passed the phone, this matter is the best. And I am just implementing the task, not coming to find you. If you can't do it today, you should know what consequences."

The bank is the most important is credibility. If the package is canceled the account; the withdrawal is no money, then the reputation of the far East Bank will completely destroy. At present, Black Cloud Bank, HSBC, two strong situation have been formed. These small banks survive very difficult. At this time, they broke out unfavorable news; then the far East Bank did not need to open.

At the same time, Qiu Jia also didn't give the money to swallow the house. If you really do it; it is estimated that he can't get home tonight; it is likely to go to eat.

At this time, I haven't reported the father and my brother. Is the ratio is important, is it not important in the Far East Bank!

It is now necessary to appease Wu Guangzheng, at least can't let the other party cancel the account. If so, you can't alleviate a little bit.

Qiu Damheng: "Wu Xiong, Baojia in the Far East bank deposit too much, the total bank may not take so many cash. I don't know if I can only take a part today, there will be as soon as possible; I will never let you be difficult At the same time, I hope you can understand my difficulties. "

Wu Guangzheng also knows that the Far East Bank's funds are limited. However, the task of the father-in-law must be completed, so he said directly: "The cash is not enough to transfer, how much is it today. The remaining will go to other bank accounts, this thing is not available."

Seeing the other party is so resolute, Qiu Daheng can only agree. Fortunately, my father can come back this evening, and then let the old man want to think!

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