Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1241 Chance of Bank Expansion

Since there is no other party decision, you can only let employees get a good job. The longer this thing is, the worse the Far East Bank, and there are many deposks outside. And it seems that Wu Guangzheng's impact has begun to start fermentation, a lot of customers who come over, they have not dared to put their money in the far East bank.

Fortunately, most of the funds of the package are in HSBC and foreign banks, as for other small and medium-sized banks; more attitudes, relative; not much. Otherwise, you will let the Far East bank kneel down; even if this, it is difficult to return to blood in a short time.

The most important is the influence, I believe that there will be a media to report this; after all, at this time, the topic of the most popular in Xiangjiang, the Non-boat king Mo.

Qiu Degen was very tired back home. It didn't be so catching; who would let Xiangjiang emerged in this side, and he must have to deal with it. As a family first generation entrepreneur, as long as it is back, the family will have the main bone.

The important members of the Qiu family came to the study. Everyone understood that the crisis must be resolved as soon as possible; otherwise the Far East Bank will be very dangerous, even other companies that are tired and unlucky together.

Qiu Degen: "What is the boss, banks today."

As an entrepreneur, even if the son is big, it will not be assured to complete the company to him. Especially the family core industry, even. Therefore, the leaders of the Far East Bank will report a major event that happens to him. Therefore, when Qiu Damheng is negotiating with Wu Guangzhi, Qiu Degen already knows that the package will come over.

Just want the boss to report it in person, after all, it is not very clear inside the phone; and the people who report people only know a probably, after all, there is no personal handling.

I have already reported to the old man, after all, this thing is too big; it has exceeded his ability and terms of reference.

Qiu Damheng: "This afternoon, it is when you are still on the plane; Bao Jia Wu Guang is coming over the bank headquarters, logout all the accounts under the company, and take all deposits."

"And there is no room for discussing, don't talk about anything at all."

I heard the package home did this, and Qiu Jia people did not expect. After all, this is the rhythm that never cooperates. According to reason, it is reasonable; it should not be.

Qiu Er Level: "People pay for money, you agree. Will not appease, now make up the wind and rain, how to retain it."

I heard the second brother actually said that Qiu Dami is really unsatisfactory. Why do packs of family come over, don't you have some points!

This thing is that you are getting out, let me call you. Then it was still in turn, I really didn't speak. Qiu Deguan did not expect the ship king to do things so much, it seems that this time is indeed touching the bottom line. But since it makes choices, and there is no other choice, then you can only go to black. At least you must grasp the Zheng family, otherwise Qiu family does not say that it is not ambiguous, but at least there will be better.

I heard the old two to the boss, Qiu Degen is also a headache. Every rich is desirable, and children are in groups. But after the children grow up, people will make people a headache.

Every child wants to perform well while suppressing your brothers. Family assets are huge, they can be limited. Every child wants more points, it is best to control the entire family. Therefore, the battle between each other is inevitable. And this kind of battle will be reflected in all aspects, and the family must not be peaceful.

Qiu Degen understood very much, this matter is definitely not on the old man. It is the second to prove that herself, but it is also his refusal to provide any information for the boat king.

For anonymous recording tapes, this explanation; if you do anything is angry,

This is playing the boat king.

Qiu Deguan: "Things have passed, saying what it is. It is a matter of how to deal with the crisis, not complaining. At this moment, the family must be united, unanimous; otherwise it is difficult to turn this difficult."

"The family of the package, I have a responsibility with the old two. It is caused by the wrong mistake, the boss is only working properly."

Everyone also knows that the family unity is more important. It must not be chaos, otherwise the consequence will be unimaginable.

Seeing that the sons are not quarreling, Qiu Deguan continued: "This thing is because of Zheng's family, there is absolutely to take them over. You have passed by Zheng Jia in the past tomorrow, let them go to the Far East Bank, some funds Enter. The shark is to be a smart person, absolutely know how to do it. "

This point Qiu Degen is still very confident, if the other party disagrees. So talk about the same bag of boat, I believe that Zheng Jia will not be better. If Zheng Yu is admitted to them, it is estimated that Pao Yusheng will not call him.

In Qiu Jia, Qiu Degen is the sacred purpose, and anyone must do it without condition. So a few sons have no opinions, and they don't dare to have comments.

Qiu Daheng: "Father, Zheng Jia can have the best funds, but the things that the package can be started to be fermented. People who come in today are basically scared; with more and more know, banks may face Sudden the wind wave. "

"At present, although the Far East Bank funds are still relatively abundant, there is no big problem in a short time. But the time is long, it is very likely that you can't top."

Small and small banks, most worry about having a big customer. Although the package cannot be considered the biggest customer, it is not small. Moreover, with Qiu family is the same township, they all take the money; if it means that the bank is very risking.

Regardless of those, for them, small and medium banks can attract them more interest. But the premise is that funds are also secure; if there is a risk of funds, interest is in terms of high.

Qiu Degen: "It will improve the deposit interest in tomorrow, and it will be good for this time."

For small and medium-sized banks, since the trust crisis is exploding, there are two best methods. First, improve bank interest, so that the depositor can make money. The second is to find a big bank to do your back book, such as the previous HSBC unconditionally support, then save the depositors. But at this moment, Huifeng Bank cannot have no conditional support; after all, the influence of the boat king in HSBC is not small.

Then you can only improve deposit interest; ask for rich insurance, I believe many people are still willing to take this risk.

But at this time, Qiu Degen is obviously judged, and the fear of Xiangjiang people on small and medium-sized banks.

Early the next morning, the bank just opened. All company employees under the package; all comes to the Far East Bank, the purpose is only one, withdraws the household.

Although a family business staff, there are not many deposits in the Far East. But it can't affected, so that yesterday is still watching the people, I don't dare to put the money in the Far East Bank. Commitment to high interest, in short, it is necessary to take the money.

Far East Bank can only rely on temporarily close the window, increase the queue time to deal with. At the same time, the funds are also attached from Qiu Jia's company, and you must pay the crisis in front of you.

At the same time, Qiu Er Shao Shao was crazy together with Zheng Er Shao. The old man said tomorrow, Qiu Er is less. So I went on a new person, I went to Zheng Liu Shao.

Similar to this kind of good thing, Zheng Er Shake will not miss it. When drinking, Zheng Erhong said that he would transfer 200 million funds to the Far East Bank tomorrow.

However, when I got up the next day, Zheng Erdose received a phone call; the money did not dare to mention anything.

Now put the money in the Far East Bank now, I am almost in the dog. The boat king has been angry. At this time, it helps Qiujia, isn't it not to be touched!

Qiu Degen personally took the town bank and did not give the depositor to explain the Far East bank. But the effect is not obvious, and at least there are not a few leaves.

Now I can only hope that Zheng Jia will collect funds, but let the public cancel the doubts and can increase the bank's fund reserve.

However, left and other right, etc., it can't see Zheng Jia people. There is no way, you can only call the second phone.

In fact, after Zheng Xiao, Qiu Erwok didn't feel right. After all, when the other party leaves, there is no way to make a deposit. Is there anything in this, so I tried to call to call, at least to remind each other.

However, it has not been thought of that Zheng Er will shut down directly. Is it that I forgot to charge last night, it is not like!

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