Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1242 Opportunity for Bank Expansion

At this time, Qiu Er rave into two difficulties; one side is constantly urging, while the side is not related to Zheng Er. On the other side, there is 100,000 fires, I can only go to Zhengjia Company to find someone. Unexpectedly, Zheng Er is not here, and today did not come over the office today.

Seeing that everyone looked at him like a fool, Qiu Erwood was very uncomfortable. I just worked urgently, I actually said that Zheng Second Less agreed to take 2 billion funds and deposit the Far East Bank. Ordinary employees don't know that the two people talk yesterday, only think that Qiu Er is really real.

The employee inside this, who doesn't know the status of Zheng Erhong at home. Don't say 2 billion, it is 20 million, he can't be the master. Is this kid, this kid has not awakened, it seems to be a brain guy. Besides, what is the far East bank now, the people of the rivers are clear. At this time, save money, isn't it nothing to find?

It is really good to be cheated, and this time I dare to say this.

In fact, Zheng Second is called back by his old man, and it is also a bit helpless. And I have promised Qiu Jia, how can I suddenly repent!

If you lose your bank, some things must be facing when they face it.

If you see the son's look, you know that things don't make. At this time, Qiu Deguan did not work hard to take care of him, and the most important thing is to appease the depositors.

Time came to noon, when the bank was playing. Qiu Degen asked: "Is it nothing to do, otherwise you will not look like this."

What kind of personality is my son, no one is more clear than him. If you can pull the deposit at this time, it is definitely not this state. It is inevitable that there will be a swing in front of other brothers, and there is a sense of wave.

Now this looks, it is the feeling of being played.

Qiu Deguan: "When chatting with the other party, there is no evidence. This is the basis for our relationship with Zheng's family, otherwise things will be difficult. A little advertising fee, for Zheng's family, but now involve By two billion funds, it will inevitably consider it. "

Fortunately, Qiu Erhong is prepared, and there is a video in the content of the office.

Qiu Erwu seems to catch the life-saving straw, and then said: "The main conversation was conducted in the office, I have a video."

Hearing here, Qiu Jia people suddenly had a bottom gas. There is evidence that Zheng's family is absolutely afraid. Daddy didn't give the video content to the package of the first boat, it is estimated that Zheng Yu will not be better at that time.

Qiu Degen has a deeper consideration, perhaps to others to maximize the benefits.

At this time, Zheng Jia, the shark is to explain Zheng Er Lead, how to do it next.

Zheng Er Level: "Dad, Qiu Lao 2 has come to the company to find me, always so hiding is not a matter."

For Qiujia people in the past, Zheng Yurong of course know. And in order to avoid embarrassing, he has never passed the company. At this time, you can't meet each other, it is estimated that the package family is waiting. From Bao Yusheng, I don't care about the hometown of the hometown; it is not difficult to see that it is absolutely very angry. If you find Zheng Jia with the evidence of this matter, then you will absolutely anger and him.

Although I can't guess now, I don't even have to guess; it is definitely Zheng Jia, and it is possible to suffering without evidence. Moreover, Zheng Jia's strength is not more than cesus, or maybe the package is stronger; but you want to directly deal with Zheng's family, it is not so easy.

Zheng Yusong: "Why is this in the past, it's not just because Bunzi Xuan is a wireless shareholder; it is to attract Qiujia. I don't really like this, but doing business is really wisdom; Go to the next few decades. "

"The development of Black Cloud Bank is very fast, and a lot of deposits can be absorbed each year. Make the entire Black Cloud Group has no funding pressure.

Zheng Jia is obviously behind. But now I have set up a bank directly. The people will not believe that it is not easy to get a license one aspect. "

"Far East Bank is not large, it is very suitable for our home. At this time, Qiu Jia was in a crisis. The Far East Bank will not guaonate. It is a good bank with 2 billion funds.

What did you say, what is the meaning of Zheng Er League. Or the old man is long-term, and it is also more insidious, you are still far away.

Zheng Er Lee said: "Qiu Jiane can agree! After all, they are not stupid, in case of the jade, then we are not a person outside."

Hearing here, Zheng Yu said with a smile: "Do business is valid, but Bao Yushang is lost. If you don't fight, or don't get stainless, you will never give a good break; you will wait Look at it! "

"How long does it take for it, Qiu Degen will come to seek. Wait at that time, we have said it; now you can consider the problem of renaming the Far East bank."

The ability of the old man, Zheng Er Shandu is absolutely believed. The family strength is very good, it is a good thing for him. There will be more property distribution, not so powerful with other brothers.

At this time, Bun Zixuan is also paying attention to this, and the Far East Bank Xiangjiang business he can't see. But in the Southeast Asian network, it is very attractive. Qiu Degen has begun in Southeast Asia in the 1960s, not to say deeply rooted, at least the outlet has been set up. The main cities have the branches of the Far East Bank, which is a valuable wealth.

At present, the outlets of the Black Cloud Bank in Japan, the United States and Huaxia mainland are gradually improved. Southeast Asia is the next expansion target. At this point, the chance will definitely can't let go.

Bao Zi Xuan said to Yuan Tianfan: "What is the current far East Bank, Qiu Degen can support it."

As the generals of the Black Cloud Bank, Yuan Tianfan can be the moment of focus on the movement of the Xiangjiang other banks. Compared to other companies under the Black Cloud Group, bank revenue can be significantly weak. Such a good resource has not been used, then his leader has no ability.

It is the best way to expand out of the bank's development and expansion. The market that is currently suitable for the Black Cloud Bank is nothing more than a Southeast Asia. However, the local power is complicated, and it is not so easy to rank. The acquisition of a bank with ready-made outlets is a very suitable choice. The Far East Bank has long been planned, and even a few Far East bank employees, but two salary.

Yuan Tianfan: "Single Single Today, the depositor will extract more than 430 million Hong Kong dollars from the Far East Bank; and if the incident is fermented, it is expected that tomorrow will exceed 500 million."

"Far East Banks plus all branches, existing fund reserves are up and down in 9 billion Hong Kong coins. However, they can also come from the Southeast Asia to collect funds in Xiangjiang; coupled with Qiujia own funds, and funds obtained from other channels, perhaps Adhere to around a month. "

Hearing here, the head is still very satisfied. Whether it is true, at least the data survey is very detailed. And Yuan Tianfan is not a person who is unless, and it will not hide what this is.

Bun Zixuan: "It is too long in the middle, and there may be a big variable in the middle. You must fill in a fire, the Black Cloud Bank is not receiving the draft and check of the Far East Bank; "

The Xiangjiang Banking industry, there is still very trusting each other. Even if Blake Tong Huifeng is hostile relationship, the two sides still admit the checks and drafts of each other.

Accounting per month will be calculated, and it can be said that it has been formed with a benign cycle.

Although the Far East Bank is not large, the reputation is still going. The Black Cloud Bank did, apparently not to look at the business reputation of the Far East Bank. Combined with the current special case, there is no different in the snow.

And Bunzi Xuan is doing this, and the people of Xiangjiang will not say anything. The recording is played, although it has further improved its positive image, but also reflects the side of his overbearing. Plus bag rifking is an entrepreneur, not a star, and many things don't like to be exposed. Asian TV stations do, the other party will never have fun.

Yuan Zhujong immediately understood what it means, the boss would like to speed up the Far East Bank to cover the footsteps. It seems that Black Cloud Bank can start the Southeast Asian market, which is a good thing for him.

Yuan Tianfan: "I know what to do, but the Southeast Asian market is not peaceful, and powerful security power is needed."

Bao Zi Xuan said: "That is what you need to consider, I only look at the results. At the same time, the Group's subsidiaries will cooperate, even though let go."

Listening to the tone of the two, it seems that the Far East Bank is already a pocket. As everyone knows, you want to get this fat institution and company, but there are many.

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