Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1243 Bank expansion opportunity

To do it, you will do it, and it has always been a laboratory of the Black Cloud Group and the head. Make the entire enterprise employee in this style, the problem can solve the problem on the day, will never leave it tomorrow.

On the night, the Black Cloud Bank's branches; all received a notice. Not receiving the draft, checks, and remittances of the Far East Bank; unless sufficient margin is sufficient, the business of the far East Bank will be suspended. Each branch does not dare to neglect, print the notice directly; post it to the bank's most eye-catching position.

In terms of the Far East Bank, we will also pay attention to the movement of the Xiangjiang other banks. The report of the Black Cloud Bank just posted, Qiu Jia Tuan was a message. In fact, it is not only the news of Qiu Jia to get the news. At this time, even the Shen Yizhen of HSBC, has also got a message.

Because Pu Weisheng became a sin, the Board of Directors of HSBC extended the deadline of Shen Yizhen. After all, a suitable successor is not so easy to cultivate. There is currently no suitable candidate, and Shen Yizhen has no old confused; let him continue to stay, maybe it is the only choice.

At this time, Huifeng Bank is reported to Shen Yu to Shen Yu: "Big Class, Black Cloud Bank just issued a notice, without departure, will not recognize the vote of the Far East Bank; and refuse to pay the payment business "

I heard the hand, I mean, I mean. So smiled and said: "Bunzu Xuan's ambition is getting bigger and bigger, but this matter, HSBC must participate. The Far East Bank's business in Southeast Asia is really attractive."

"At present, Black Cloud Bank builds in China, the United States and Japan's branches have been almost the same. At least major cities have outlets. So Southeast Asia is their next step in attacking targets. It is definitely can't watch the black cloud bank to open up, We don't do anything. "

The Black Cloud Bank does not have a Southeast Asian network, and HSBC is not much in Southeast Asia. It is the layout of the Far East Bank that year.

Notify HSBC banks, like black clouds; in the case of no margin, refuse the draft and check of the Far East Bank.

In fact, this time I thought about continuing to support the Far East Bank, but it was difficult for the boat king. Compared to Bao Yugang, Qiu Jia is in the eyes of the eyes, it is not a star half. And the boat king has killed red eyes, this time is stopped; it is definitely ugly, it is estimated that the two have not been doing.

You must know that Bao Yugang is also a director of HSBC, many things must be supported.

In the Black Cloud Bank notice is not half an hour, HSBC has also posted a similar notice. It means that the draft and check of the Far East Bank, HSBC is already not admitted.

The biggest two banks in Xiangjiang also launched at the same time, and suddenly let Qiu Degen are nervous. Even if you can keep the Far East Bank, the business reputation will also be destroyed.

Check and bill of exchange is definitely the embodiment of bank reputation. With the biggest two banks in Xiangjiang do not recognize Far East banks and checks and bills, then the people will not believe even.

Other small and medium banks look at the two biggest banks, and they also dare to accept the drafts and checks from the Far East Bank. It's just a night, the drafts and checks issued by the Far East Bank, just useful in its own bank.

No one is stupid this year, there is still a deposit in the Far East Bank, and the next day, they must take the money in the first time, and maybe it will be late, there may be no more left.

It can be said that this is the crisis that Qiu Degen has never met for decades. Last night, several of the same towns wanted to help, they also refused with various reasons.

Bao Zi Xuan took the hand very well understood that Shen Yu is definitely the boat king in the back. Compared to Bao Yugang, Qiu Degen is not so important.

Qiu Degen knows that it is useless to find other people.

Only the beginning of this matter can only be found, Bao Yugang, Zheng Yu, and Bunzi Xuan. But first, he still wants to be with sharks for a while. After all, it has doubled the other two; Zheng Jia has a little handle in his hand.

Dialing Zheng Yurong, Qiu Deguan said with a smile: "Zheng Sheng is a good means, it is estimated that now is waiting for my phone!"

It is still very right. Zheng Yurong, of course, knowing that Qiu Degen will call him. After all, it can help, will help, people who dare to help; even unique.

But definitely can't admit, otherwise it is not to be touched!

Zheng Yu said with a smile: "Where is Qiu Sheng, we are friends. Now Qiu family is difficult, Zheng Jia is absolutely help. The phone is not very convenient, it is better to meet more."

Take a copy of the copy, Qiu Degen came to the agreement.

It is about 10 minutes, Zheng Yu is coming over. Although Qiu Degen, although the other party is deliberate, it is not angry. Selected place, getting more close to Zhengyu; Now let him wait, it will give it a way to give it a next Mawei; this is in the business negotiation, it is normal.

When I came in Gu Zheng Yu, I quickly said: "Sorry, a little thing delayed for a while, let Qiu Sheng have waited."

Qiu Deguan said with a smile: "Zheng Sheng is a lot of nobles, and it is a big figure in Xiangjiang, not who meets, can see it at this time, it is very grateful."

Zheng Yong said: "Where is Qiu Sheng said, you and I am a friend. I know that Qiu family is difficult, Zheng Mou can be placed."

If you don't understand what you have, you will definitely feel that Zheng Yu is really enough. But the more the other party, the more it, but the more resembled in Qiu Degen.

But when you can fight, you still have to try to fight, after all, no one will go with money. If Zheng Yu is refused to help, then Qiu family will definitely lose the Far East bank, perhaps only sell to HSBC or Black Cloud. As a bank created by one hand, Qiu Deguan will not be willing.

Seeing Zheng Yong's standing, it should be very interested in the Far East Bank. Perhaps it is the benefit of seeing Bunzi Xuan's establishment of the bank, Zheng Yu wants to follow.

Qiu Degen is really not very optimistic. Zheng Yong may be able to call the wind in the jewelry industry, becoming a benchmark in the real estate industry. But bank operations is absolutely a line. The Far East Bank has developed so many years, still survive in the sketches; there are many secrets that are not known in the foot.

As for Bunzi Xuan, it is possible to establish a bank, which is based on its own power. Plus my own timing, the time limit control is very accurate; after receiving the bank, all handed over to professionals, they are not involved.

It can be said that these conditions are missing. The shark is the same strength, it is to have to be people and employers;

What is the company's son is in the company, and in the Xiangjiang is also known. Maybe Baozi Xuan will face this situation, but the black cloud does not have these problems at this time.

Qiu Deguan said with a smile: "Everyone understands people, and it is a friend. I also have different Zhengsheng polite, before listening to Laolang, Zheng Sheng is ready to save a money in the Far East bank, I don't know when I can go."

I didn't expect Qiu Degen to say directly, it seems to be ambusted. However, this is good, so as not to exchange too much. Now Qiujia, don't say everyone shout, but it is absolutely a kind of respect. Then don't have to be polite with it, it is still straightforward. Uu reading

Zheng Yu said with a smile: "Maybe the old second does not understand the situation, maybe it is misunderstanding what I mean."

"If Qiu Sheng is secretly loved, Zheng Jia is willing to take 200 million Hong Kong coins and purchase all the shares of Qiujia in the Far East Bank."

If you want to use a regional area of ​​2 billion Hong Kong dollars to acquire the Far East Bank, win sharpecles to export. If you have seen it, you really don't have such a person who is not face.

Qiu Deguan said with a smile: "Zheng Sheng, it seems to be prepared. But Qiu Jia is not a master of anyone, and I am a little thing here, perhaps Zheng Sheng changed the idea."

When I finish, the video of the two two in the Asian TV station will play it clearly. It is the content of your Zheng Jia deliberately leaked the double package, Qiu Jia is also a victim.

Seeing Qiu Degen came with him such a hand, it was also suffering from his son. How can I be so unknone, I actually grab the handle.

However, if you think about it, Qiu Degen can give yourself; at the same time, the boat king is so dealing with Qiujia's relationship. Explain that the other party will definitely do not sell Zheng Jia, then there is still what is much worried.

Zheng Yu said with a smile: "Qiu Sheng gave me this, how can I do it, it seems that the two are drunk. Maybe I will pitting Zheng Jiahe Baojia relationship, but will there be a big impact!"

"My co-bag jade is just partnership, and the two sides take the needs."

"Discover the Qiu Jia, Far East Bank will definitely can't keep it, Zheng give the price, other competitors can not give it."

The old boy said so, Qiu Degen did not think. But let's think about it, the sharks are still very reasonable.

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