Sitting at the Chairman of the Far East Bank, Zheng Yurong is very emotional. Zheng Jia has entered an important field, and the future family will inevitably get better and better. It is all said that he is relying on his father-in-law, but there is an effort in this, and outsiders can know.

From only one game, it is now across jewelery, real estate, mining, and banks; not that person can do. The noble person is naturally important, but personal capacity is absolutely undeniable.

Zheng Er Shao smiled and said: "Dad, how to deal with Qiu Jia people."

Zheng Yusong: "If Qiu family can, the bank will not be acquired by our family; all dismiss, one will not stay. Today, they will go, tomorrow; I don't want to see a Qiu family work in Zheng's Bank."

It can be said that shark is still doing it. In fact, he does this, and it has a big relationship with the depositors of the bank hall. The people of the Xiangjiang people are not done, but it is because before Qiujia can't trust. Of course, in the same manner, it may have a big relationship with Qiu Jiazi.

Although his son may have obvious, he will never admit it. The winner of the throne thief, this is the reason why it is constant. Since Qiu Degen has sold Far East Bank, then Qiu Jiazi naturally is not suitable for continuing to stay in the bank.

Zheng Second is still a little in this moment. After all, it is a matter of being in charge of a bank. Fortunately, I gave a comment in the old man, let the lawyer girlfriend come to help; so it seems that the old man likes high education.

The shark is not known, is because of his preferences and preferences, the women who intend to communicate with high education are highly academic intellectuals. But these people are basically playing, but many people are sin. Fortunately, Zheng Jiajia is big, and the loss can also hold it.

The words of the old man are the mandes and must be unconditioned. Zheng Erhong came to the bank hall and said to the bank employee: "I don't want to emphasize anything. In short, the employees who have the relationship between Qiu family, please take the initiative to leave. Now the Far East Bank is surnamed Zheng, I hope that you can find your identity and position."

I heard that Qiu family left directly, and there was no opinion on this. Yesterday, Qiu Degen has greeted everyone, and it is not too capable. And this is a human condition. After all, the entire bank has sold to Zheng Jia, and the family is definitely inconvenient to continue to work inside. Qiu Jia himself has an enterprise as an aspect, even if nothing is, it is impossible to send the fence.

Moreover, Qiu Degen treats the family is still good, everyone has arranged a position. In fact, there is still a little, in case someone leaked the news, I also worried that I was unclear.

After all, many people in the family have participated in the loan interchange; let Zheng Yu know, will be retaliated. Even so, the other party will also retaliate, but I don't want to pull too much hatred.

Solve the Qiu family, Zheng Erhodo began to call him a lawyer girlfriend. But let it think that the other party does not care about him, and even the phone is not connected.

The old man asked him to take a girlfriend, but it is very formal. It is absolutely unable to find a woman to pay, Zheng Er Shao can not say hard.

At this time, the so-called girlfriend is looking at the information about Zheng 2. Of course, it includes several days in recent days, and there are a variety of places with Qiu Lao, as well as reports on small stars. Most of these rich families, most are playing. As a lawyer, you don't want to play feelings.

The female lawyer is called He Sai, and the wealth of the same bag has some relationship. The prostitute of the black cloud group legal adviser is also a granddaughter who is a granddaughter He Wenjin. But what is the same as others, and there is a heart to prove yourself; therefore, there is no relying on the family, just think about the use of the professional knowledge to solve the problem.

As for the understanding of Zheng Er Less, it is really an accident.

At that time, because of a lawsuit, he had a sin. When I saw He Sai, I would like to retaliate. Zheng Er Shao is just also, although it is not a big character, but there are some hero plots.

This appearance appears in the novel's hero to save the play, he is still very happy to show.

What is not a celebrity, but Zheng Erwak is in the Xiangjiang River. The ancient and dampness is arrogant, that is also to look at anyone. In the super tycoon, they are nothing. If you let the super rich know, dare to move his family, there will be no good fruit to eat.

Therefore, I didn't dare to do it, just left a whistle.

Zheng Erhong is not bad, plus the wearing and talking is good. At least the first impression is very good, how long does it come to graduate, and I don't know what the other is thin; I will be familiar with the two, and I will often help Zheng Er. Recently, I don't want to continue to contact us before.

Although He is not a big family, but in the river legal circles, it is still very influential. So He Sai didn't want to have any intersection with Zheng Erqi, otherwise it will be more depth.

Since the phone does not pick up, then go directly to the law firm. I manage a bank in one person, I really don't have the end, although the old man is arranged to help, but still don't worry.

To say management companies, Zheng Er, business, may be very far away. But pursuing a girl, it is definitely a good hand; saying that it is not a manner. Directly purchased 99 roses to the law firm, although there are some old soils, but many women really eat this set.

In Zheng Er Shando, the face, and the three guarantees; He Saiyi agreed to become a Zhengshi bank legal consultant, and he would help Zheng Erily plan.

Since the woman agrees, then everything is a lot. And from so many days, Zheng Er Shao knows that this woman is in the company's management, is not a hieraser than him. With such a talent assist, the big brother is definitely not his opponent.

He Sai Yu is a career woman. Since I promise Zheng Second to help; I will definitely go all out, which is also a challenge to prove your ability.

However, after viewing the loan contract left by the Far East Bank, He Yizhen was very surprised. After all, it is a lawyer who is born. It can still remember the people's life lawsuit in Xiangjiang recently. Far East Bank a lot of lenders are not in the world, and most of them are some leather bags, and they have not repayed and enforce their ability.

Why is this loan to put out, I can't imagine. More than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, it is likely that it will not receive it back. What is the concept, even if Zheng's family is rich, it is estimated that it will be a layer of skin. What is even more incredible is that many of these loans are exchanged from other banks; and they are only exchanged in recent days.

Previous banks belong to Qiujia, then Qiu Jiao is so self-evident, it is, it is, it is, I want to pit Zheng Jia. And the purpose has reached, the two parties have reached, and Zheng Jia officially took over the bank.

In the bank treasure, there is still billions of Hong Kong dollar funds, but there are nearly 20 billion deposits inside, and the loan cannot be recycled, you can say that Zheng Jia wants to operate normally; at least invested 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, otherwise it will no way.

If Zheng Yu does not invest in the large-scale payment of the household, Zheng Yu is not invested, and Zheng Bank can't hold it.

To make clear the loan, start to view each branch. However, the entire Zheng's Bank only has several branches of Xiangjiang and the casino. As for the branch of the Southeast Asia, it is not reflected. He Sai Yizhang passed the investigation of the relationship, it really didn't know, and I was scared. As early as two years ago, there were 18 branches in Southeast Asia, the Far East Bank had been separated from the head office, and Nanyang Far East Bank was established alone;

In other words, Zheng Yu spent 10 billion Hong Kong coins, just bought several plains of Xiangjiang Far East Bank, as well as bank licenses.

It is a pit by Qiu Jia, and the transactions may be a plot.

He Saiyu quickly organized the information on the investigation, he would give Zheng Er Level, at least let the other party have a number in his heart. The Zheng Bank's water is really too deep, she has decided to quit. I haven't trapped it too deeply, otherwise Zheng Bank closed, and her life resume will have a stain. A female lawyer who value is very valued, but this is not allowed to happen.

Although it is not interested in the management of the company, it does not mean that Zheng Seconds are stupid. What is also a well-known university graduated, it still has some skills. Plus He Sai's explanation, suddenly understand the truth. At this time, Zheng Erjie is very unclear, and has begun to ponder how to report to the old man.

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