Unlike Zheng Er Shandu, I don't know how to report to the old man. At this time, Qiujia is a lot of peace, at least Qiu Degen is very satisfied with this situation. The Far East Bank has sold all over, and finally can sleep well. And in this transaction, Qiu Jia can be a profit.

Far East Bank's equity is sold, a total of 800 million Hong Kong coins. This is still in the Sale of Nanyang Far East Bank, or no problem is there. But this is small money, and the real big money is to exchange loans.

From all major banks, including the Black Cloud Bank, a total of RMB 10 billion Hong Kong dollar loans were exchanged. Some loans are basically ready to give up, or do a good job of sales. The loans exchanged by the Far East Bank can be a reputable enterprise or individual. And all of them have collaterals; even can't be said to be loans, they can be called a wealth.

Also can not only earn interest, but also have a long-term cooperation with a good reputation. This is what I don't want to think before, I didn't expect to be easily realized. In fact, in addition to the Black Cloud Bank Yuan Tianfan, the big banks in Xiangjiang believe that Qiu Jia is already doing the worst plan, may make the Far East bank bankrupt.

Just I didn't expect the bank to sell the bank to the shark, so very obvious, obviously I want to call people. Qiu Degen's business has always been cautious, and it will never deliberately go to the pit. Combined with the TV station covered double-package recording, it may be absolutely Zheng Yumi to participate in this.

The fairy fight, the mortal is. At this time, Qiu Jia and Zheng's family must have something to do, and maybe it is no such thing as a sold bank. And everyone gets benefits, this time will not have to join in the fun.

Qiu Degen said to the family: "No one is thinking about the bank's things, but it is not allowed to continue to operate the bank. It is my family. Qiu Jia can grow, Open your support. Now there are several ways to choose, the first is to continue to work in Qiujia, but must start from the head. If the feeling is not good, I can fund him to study abroad. "

"But only responsible for living expenses and tuition fees, other expenses will not take place."

"In addition, the family can also fund him, go out to start a business. You can do it, you can see your own ability. Don't feel small, too low end, don't do it. It sounds tall in the bank, but recently; There is no southeast business support, and the Far East Bank can't operate. "

For the Song Qiu Deguan, it is already in place. After all, the money is not a wind blow. If someone is still dissatisfied, then such people don't have to be rational.

Seeing that everyone did not speak, Qiu Deguan continued: "What choices are finally made, where to register in the past. I hope you are so self-study, one step by step."

Then call the boss and the old two to the study, and they still have to count this battle.

As for the other people of Qiu family, there are some relatives' relationships; Qiu Degen has given choices, which is not concerned.

Both of these are biological sons, don't have to have so much counseling with them.

Qiu Deguan said with a smile: "Boss, banks have always been responsible; with me, this exchange loan, how much our family is profitable."

Bank is sold, Qiu Daheng is still a little reluctant. After all, the bank is responsible for him, and the position will be very embarrassed after the sale. As a homemaster, add Chinese tradition; future family needs him to inherit. So the most important industries in the family when they are young, must have to manage. It is now sold directly, although it is forced to be inside, but the heart is still uncomfortable.

Through this exchange with other banks, he discovered that the original bank loan can operate. I just heard of it,

I didn't expect reality to actually exist.

In fact, this is the current normality of Xiangjiang is still not strong for major banks, and there are many small and medium-sized banks; if the small and medium banks are all acquired or merged, then they want to do this; it will be very difficult, or even impossible.

Qiu Dadheng said with a smile: "Since our home is a quality loan, all other banks are all bad loans. Therefore, it is not taken from 10-30 percentage points, and it is 15.5%. That is to say by exchange loans. Total Holley is 1.5 billion Hong Kong coins. This is still a time, if you give more time; I believe it will definitely reach 2 billion Hong Kong coins. "

Qiu Jia can use 10 billion Hong Kong dollars to exchange 10 billion non-performing loans from other banks in Xiangjiang. People engaged in banking business are homes, of course, know that there is the road. Previously, many people thought that Qiu family was forced, and the funds were insufficient. Therefore, it will do this, after all, in the 1970s, there is a bank.

But I didn't expect Qiu Jiahui to take this step. After all, once the news is exposed, the bank will definitely go close. This kind of killing chicken is getting eggs, but it is not possible, otherwise it will be endless after suffering.

Just I didn't expect the next day, I will sell banks to Zheng Yu, so obvious; this is looking for a good pick, clear people. Zheng Yurong has worked with HSBC banks, so there is not much business contact with other banks. And even if you tell him how it can be, the transactions of both parties are already reached, and they will only be added.

I don't want to remember and mourn you, I feel that you are looking at people joke. This kind of labor is not pleased, no one is willing to do it.

Qiu Erwu did not expect to earn so much money for a night. It is necessary to know that the far East Bank can sell up to 1 billion Hong Kong coins. I didn't expect to double it directly; if there is a rich insurance, there is no problem in this way.

At the same time, it also understands why old is so generous; actually funding other people in the family and study abroad, now everything is explained.

Qiu Deguan: "Although this is a lot of profits, it is also accompanied by huge risks. If the sharks do not pick up, it is estimated that it is our Qiu family. Good everything is expected, we also The sharpel is completely guilty. "

"At present, Qiujia strength must not be more than others, so it must be low-key in the last period. Especially old, don't let people catch any handles. For a while, where, where is the hotel project handed it to you."

"As for the boss, you will work in the TV station first; wait until I have the same buns, Qiu Jia's next project is handed over to you."

Father is about to meet, and Qiu family knows. However, at this time, the idea of ​​the two is totally different, at least Qiu Er will be very lost.

Qiu Jia's main body is in Xiangjiang, this is not denyed. The Singapore project is not large, the past is responsible, the same fair is similar. But the order of the old man does not dare to define, can only point up.

In fact, Qiu Degen thought is very simple, and the second is not stupid, just like it too much. And I like to compete with the big brother, in Xiangjiang, there will be difficult to retain. And Zheng's family will definitely launch a retaliation, and the shark is not a master that is easy to lose. This time, he was put in Qiu Jia, no blame.

As for the heart of Qiu Dasheng, it is very happy. The ability is finally recognized by my father. Banks have been sold, then TV stations are undoubtedly focus. And this is not the most critical, the old man will have a big action after the worstener of the bag. And it has been clearly stated, and the next item will be handed over to him.

Enter a new project, similar to entrepreneur; at least a lot of things need to participate. Then it is undoubtedly a kind of exercise, Bao Zi Xuan said that a feasible project is absolutely different.

At this time, although Guo Jia Lao is in the mainland, but the days are called a moisture; it is absolutely much better than they stay in Xiangjiang. This should be grateful to the head of the bag, if there is no point to point, Guo Jia will not enter the food processing industry.

At present, the old man is still very good. If there is no accident, there should be no big problem in 20 years. It is better to do something else at all.

The brothers and sisters are many, if they can't make a point of grades; it is estimated that family inheritance rights is not so easy.

Qiu Daheng said very seriously: "Father, when you meet with Bao Xuan, I can learn it next to it."

This idea is very good, at least look at how people talk about, do business.

After getting a definite answer, Qiu Dasheng is very comfortable. If you can take the opportunity to go to the line, then for future development, it is absolutely no harm.

Qiu Jia's two brothers left the old man with different moods. Qiu Deguan also understands what is going on, but this time you must make a decision; otherwise, when the retaliation is really coming, Qiu Jia must not hold.

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