Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1248 Angry to the extreme

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I know that things have exceeded his ability, and Zheng Er will think about it to report on the company. In case it is directly filled, it affects normal work, then his sins can be larger. But there is so many brothers and sisters at home, and the whole thing is only the whole process; if he is full of fire, he is absolutely a lot of enthusiasm.

In the case of the squad, I still decided to return home in the evening. After all, some things have to face the morning and evening, and I have to take a knife, it is better to make a clear understanding. And the earlier, the sooner of being able to find a good response in advance.

In recent days, Zheng Yurong can be said to be a sense of enthusiasm. The five tigers of Xiangjiang real estate, and the jewelry tycoon is only one of him. Now successfully acquire a bank to enable it into the financial field. In the future, Zheng Jia Finan Channel will be more, or even do not worry about funding issues.

I saw the old two back to my family, and Zheng Yumi did not play. At this time, it should be the day of celebration, but it is not to let him cry. The son looks like this, so that the outsiders will see what it will. It's just a shame of yourself, is it a contradiction between girlfriends. This kid is really true, it really has this possible.

Zheng Yusong: "Go home, don't want to make your family happy! Men's Han Dynasty husband, was made by a woman; don't say that it is my son of Zheng Yong, I can't afford the person."

I heard the old man said that Zheng Erily responded. I really thought that I was by a woman! How can it be, what is he is, it has always been his ; it is still not a girl.

Zheng Erqi thought about it: "Dad, we were cheated by Qiu Degen."

I heard the son said that the Son is deceived by Qiu Deguan, Zheng Yu can think that it is impossible. Being jade is forced to walk without the road, how can it be deceived by deception. Qiu Deguan did this person to do business, and I really didn't hear who he deceived.

Zheng Yu: "What do you think about every day! Is it feeling that the management bank is too stressful; if you have no ability, let your sister or big brother to manage. Don't be doubted through the doubts, giving home."

I don't believe that it seems that I can only speak with the facts, otherwise the old man will definitely be silent in his dream. For the idea of ​​Zheng Yong, the family is clear. If you want to build Zheng's home into jewelery, real estate, banking, mining, high-tech and family, the imaginary enemy is only one, that is, the Black Cloud Group.

It is said that it is cheated, of course, will not admit; acquisition of banks are the key steps to Zheng Jiamai, how can they be deceived when they promote Zheng Jia strength to the Xiangjiang people.

Zheng Second: "Qiu Degen broke out the Far East Bank, and the Southeast Asia has been separated two years ago. With the Xiangjiang Far East Bank, there is no affiliation, and both partners belong to partners."

"Far East Bank is called Xiangjiang Far East Bank, but the company registered in Southeast Asia is Nanyang Far East Bank. We now acquire Xiangjiang Far East Bank, which does not contain its business in Southeast Asia. That is, Zheng's Bank wants to enter the Southeast Asian market, you must have a branch from the new group, otherwise there is no other law. "

"And now I want to acquire 18 branches. The black cloud bank has been rescued. At present, the black cloud has sent managers to enter and start with Xiangjiang."

"At the same time, Nanyang Far East Bank said that it will not cooperate with Zheng's bank. That is to say, we have lost the entire Southeast Asian business."

I heard Qiu Degen played this with him, Zheng Yu is very angry. Looking for a chance to retaliate, Zheng Jia has not eaten such a big loss.

Seeing his son to say, Zheng Yu said with the atmosphere: "What is the problem is one-time,

I am not so fragile, I can't collapse. "

After all, it is a typhoon-based person, and the ability to bear the ability is definitely much better than others.

This is the reason why Zheng Ergan dare to return home, because he believes; the psychological quality of the old man is absolutely able to live.

Zheng Er Level: "Far East Bank splits is just a small problem. As long as it is willing to spend money, it is still possible to build a branch of the Southeast Asian generation. After all, the Far East Bank has retained Nanyang bank license, but only need some time and energy."

"But Xiangjiang Far East Bank issues are even greater, at least in terms of loans, there are too many places."

"Xiangjiang Far East Bank has a total of 12 billion Hong Kong coins, may have 10 billion receipts."

I didn't come back to 100 billion receipt of bank loans. It is not just Zheng Yumi, and the whole Zheng family is already sitting. What is the concept, I need Zheng Jia Jin's silver to take out 10 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Zheng Yu said with nervousness: "If so, the Far East Bank has already closed, and it will not be present. And Qiu Degen has always been very stable, and there should be so many bad loans."

In fact, there is no investigation to sign a contract, and there is a big relationship with Qiu Degen's usual business strategy. Xiangjiang has recently been rapid economic development in China, and many people enter the real estate industry. Qiu Jia is just a building some hotels and tourism projects, and real estate is not touched. Make no chance to keep up, developing a lot behind other families.

It is important to know 20 years ago, Qiu Jia strength is much stronger than real estate five tigers; now this situation, there is a big relationship with Qiu Degen steps.

Try to ask such a person, how can it be investigated before the loan is clear. The 12 billion loans will not be returned. What is the concept of this, if you open a bank, then your family has already lost.

Looking at the family, I looked at him, Zheng Xiao Xiao knows; it must be clear about things, otherwise don't want to stop this evening.

Zheng Erwok's atmosphere said: "The problem is that Qiu Degen is doing this, just give us a seat next set. He uses the Far East bank quality loans to exchange other banks. And the date is the day before our purchase of Bank."

"That is to say, it has already started to handle this matter before the negotiations with the father, or there is no negotiations. Qiu Jia is operating the bank for many years, and he will definitely know the big banks of Xiangjiang."

"Now use high quality loans, exchange other people's bad loans, people will certainly agree. Even gave high subsidies, after all, the loans exchanged, basically never returned; some or even lenders have died. And the loans are exchanged. They are all reputable companies and individuals. "

"Not only will it be a burden, but also add a stable customer. In short, this bank wants to return to life, at least invested at 10 billion Hong Kong coins."

After that, the copy of the bank loan and the analysis report of what circumstances per loan will be handed over to Zheng Yu.

At this time, Zheng Yu also cares about what the style, immediately looked at it.

Fortunately, the bank loan contract is a unified format, just look at the specific amount. Mainly still watching the analysis report, after all, he does not understand the specific situation, or look at the analysis of the professionals.

He Sai's professional ability is absolutely no bad; Therefore, the analysis of each loan is very in place, at least the shark is to pick any problems.

Looking at some lending states is the already late, and the family has immigrated. How can this loan can be recovered; some is in prison, and there is no relatives.

Various signs show that this is a big pit. Qiu Degen wants to take him to death, combined with the attitude of the other party, the original boy has long been counted.

Qiu Degen and Baoyang were the same township. There was also a boat king in the same way. It was a play to see him; more likely, Zheng Yu started to suspect everyone in the surrounding people.

Although successfully entered the banking field, this cost can be too painful. 10 billion Hong Kong dollars Zheng Jia is to get it, but it will affect a lot of major projects. And no matter who is, it is 100 billion Hong Kong coins that are pitted by people, and it will not be comfortable.

Seeing the professional analysis report of the loan, Zheng Yurong thought about it, so he said: "Who is doing this report, it should be your new lawyer girlfriend!"

At this time, the family, especially Zheng Fu people, is also very strange. After all, Zheng Er is similar, the family is clear. I didn't expect to be a lawyer girlfriend; it seems to be greater, know what kind of woman is more suitable for him.

Zheng Erdo did not speak, just nodded and gave affirmative reply.

Zheng Yu: "What opinions she are."

Zheng Er Lee: "You can launch a lawsuit to Qiu family, but the lawsuit will win, but it is not a hope. There is also a direct application for bankruptcy, try to minimize the loss, then take a 12 billion Hong Kong coins Fund, drive bank; then actively open the Southeast Asian generation business. "

"Xiangjiang as the Asian Financial Center, is very radiated around the surrounding countries. It can take advantage of this advantage to develop banks."

"Current European business, customers will choose HSBC; Huaxia mainland business, will choose black cloud; US business is HSBC and black cloud; Japan business is Sumitomo Bank and Black Cloud Bank."

"Although Black Cloud Bank successfully acquired Nanyang Far East Bank, the digestion also takes a period of time. Xiangjiang Far East Bank also retains a generation of bank licenses in Southeast Asia, maybe there is only one line of life."

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