First prosecute Qiu Degen, there is no basis; a business is willing to fight a wish, and you can't make someone else. Who makes you too confident, I haven't carefully investigated it before. And for industries that don't understand, they will die, they don't pit. Secondly announce banks to bankrupt; Zheng Yu can not lose that person, and in the future, Xiangjiang will become a laughter.

In addition, there are other industries, it will inevitably let the entire family have seriously affected. In the future, the people or partners will believe that Zheng Yu is like this, the reputation is very poor. Talents who are only in the mountains of mountains will announce money, otherwise anyone will do it. Then there is only the only way to leave, and take a huge amount of money to go in; otherwise there is no way.

Zheng Yusong: "The analysis is very reasonable, at least our family does not have this quality. At the same time, we must pay attention to it; you have to pay attention to it."

I heard the father didn't make a bank, and I care about my girlfriend; what is the operation. In fact, Zheng Yu is just wants to transfer the topic, and I don't want to worry about my family. And he is really very recognized to my son just interacting with girlfriends. It is always much stronger than those stars, at least in critical moments, I can help.

At this point, the family is waiting for Zheng Yur's answer. After all, he is the Lord. In fact, the sharks have the same idea, but it is a bit unwilling.

He is still analyzing, who is giving him a pit. Although Qiu Jia is involved, there is absolutely another person. Otherwise, you can't do it at Que's courage, and capabilities. Bao Yugang with Qiu Deguan is likely to sing a double spring. After all, the two have no contradictions.

And the Far East Bank Southeast Asia generation branch, all of which were acquired by Black Cloud Bank, indicating that Bun Zixuan also participated in it. In this way, everyone has prepared a big net, waiting for himself to drill.

Zheng Yusong: "Since our Zheng's family has entered the banking industry, then it is absolutely not easy to retreat. 10 billion Hong Kong dollars also lost, at least for the current Zheng family not much."

"I will go to the sink, I believe what he should know."

At this time, shark is very clear in concentricity. It is currently able to help him only sink. As for now looking for a Rose, a Rose, that is, it is not to find yourself. It is not equal to cooperation between themselves. If there is a change before cooperation; then people may think about it.

HSBC is very competitive with the black cloud bank, and is currently in the lower wind. If there is no support, then Shen Yiben Xuan is in the upper ground to rub the friction. The enemy's enemy is a friend, plus usually cooperated; even if you have given him a pit, but in front of the interests, you can only continue working.

Both parties are considered to be all districts, and they have no other options.

Unlike Zheng's family where to analyze strategies; at this time, there is less than ten kilometers from Zheng's home.

Bunzi Xuan Tong Qiu's father and son are dining in the restaurant. After all, this is a good job before. For Yuan Tianfan, it is the time to arrange his time. It can take the minimum price to get the best interest; then what is the relationship between your hard work.

The future Buffett will take auction every year, although the bag is rich, although it will not do it; but with partners, or other people with interests, it is still necessary.

Qiu Deguan said with a smile: "Banheng, though we haven't had a short time. But it is true for the first time to eat together, can think of me Lao Qiu, my pleasure."

"The last TV station, there is no allowance to report it, so I am very sorry for this."

How to say that Qiu Degen is also a well-known commercial tycoon, which can put the gesture so low. Baozi Xuan is not good to say something more; if it is in other requirements,

That is too much.

Nanyang Far East Bank sold 2 billion Hong Kong coins to the Black Cloud Bank, it is itself a man's attitude. And in exchange of loans, Qiu Jia is also to choose to suffer when trading with the black cloud. If this can not pay sins, then the bag is really too difficult to wait.

Plus this report, there is really no big impact on him;

And at this moment, Qiu Jiao is in the same way, and the sharks will not swallow this. Although this time, Zheng Jia was seriously damaged, but the sharks were tossed so many years, and the price has reached the size of 100 million HKD. In most eyes in the world, 100 billion Hong Kong dollars may be an astronomical figure, which is an indispensable existence. But in front of the super tycoon, there is nothing.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Where is Qiu Sheng, this time everyone is only required; therefore don't be polite. If it is not because of this report, it is estimated that sharks will not go to the clothes. We also It is impossible to drink alcohol here. Anything in the world has causal relationship. You can earn money, you can see the enemy's unlucky, there is more happy things than this! "

It is said that the bag is very business reputation, never pit people; but that is also division. Similar to the sharpel, always like to find trouble, will definitely retaliate. And the head is rich or not, and the shot is at least a billion.

After two people, two people have a few words, seeing time is almost.

Qiu Daheng said with a smile: "Banheng, hello!"

"It has always been the banking business, but now the bank has been sold. As a homemade, you can't go back to grab your position with your brother sister. I want to ask me to refer to a bright road, see that the industry is suitable for Qiu Jia, It is more suitable for me. "

This is a good thing for my father and son two-year-old, asked by his son. How to say that Qiu Degen has been business for many years, and where you are, let it ask for a young young, and you will be a little uncomfortable. However, Qiu Dasheng does not exist these problems, although he is bigger than the age of Bunxuan. The person is a teacher, one is a creation, one is a rich second generation. Of course, the former will be more convincing, and it is also more convincing.

Bao Zi Xuan said with a saying: "I can do it, I don't know what Qiu lives like."

This means, what you like.

I saw the two fathers and sons, and Bao Zi Xuan continued: "Qiu Sheng is a business predecessor, should know more about doing business more than I do. There is no business in the world can't do it, as long as you can make money; don't violate the law , Morality, public sequence, then doing business, it doesn't matter. But the premise is to get huge profits, otherwise it is futile. "

I heard what I mean by Qiu Dasheng Lima. This is handed to yourself, then according to the choice; Bao Zi Xuan is helping out, and even gives other help.

Qiu Daheng said with a smile: "I am very interested in the manufacturing industry, and this is the strength of the birth."

I heard the son interested in the manufacturing, what is the meaning of Qiu Degen. This small child has long advised the family to enter the manufacturing industry, always engage in travel and resort. In particular, after the strong rise of the Black Cloud Bank, it is even more proposed to sell banks and then enter the manufacturing industry.

Now, when you are in front of the buns, you have already thought about it. At this time, Qiu Deguan did not know, let his son choose to be correct; but things have been here, or listen to Bao Zixuan.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "If you want to enter the manufacturing industry, after all, all industrial foundations start from the manufacturing industry."

"But there are many kinds of manufacturing, I don't know what products you like to produce."

This is an opportunity to choose, you must grasp. Fortunately, Qiu Dasheng is ready, and it is not in hand.

Qiu Damheng said very firmly: "It is manufactured in the short term to manufacture automobiles, and more complex products."

It seems that this kid is aware of the previous opinions, it is not asking for comments, more like buying technology and production lines.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Since Qiu Sheng is so confident, and this business can absolutely do. If there is a need, the Black Cloud Group is willing to help."

"The previous period can be available to other companies. For example, the US and Europe's electronic enterprises need to have a variety of products to produce a variety of products for their fundamental. Wait until the time is mature, in R & D, it may be better."

"As for the choice of factory address, it seems to be more appropriate than the deep sea. You can find it in the past, the ear is empty, seeing is true."

"At the same time, any technology, equipment, production line, and black cloud group can be provided, this is not worried."

It is so good to get the head of the bag, then what else can be said. Plus this sale of the Far East Bank, but make a lot. Let your son to the mainland building, absolutely enough.

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