Bay Guo Taiming created Hong Hai in this year. To know that although the other party is Lin Baixin's son-in-law; but the scale of assets and strength in the starting stage are limited. If Qiu Daheng can seize the opportunity, then they will do better, after all, the starting point is much higher than Fujikang. Although personal compensation is less than Lao Guo, in front of a powerful financial strength, it is still possible to make up for some gaps.

The head of the bag must not enter the field of works, and the products of their own brands have not produced, and there is that Kung Fu to take care of other things. You can let Qiu family will play with Lao Guo. I believe that I have my own support, I don't have to make some achievements. Unless Qiu Da is too uncomfortable, even if Zhuge Liang is helping, it is difficult to get into things.

Therefore, after communicating some specific details, Qiu Da is clearly stated that in the near future. It is necessary to start the project in the first time, and I have a perfect sentence to the dinner today.

Into the sharpel, the next morning; I didn't go to the company, I have never passed the bank. It is directly to HSBC Shen Yu office, and some things have been can't wait, and they must be solved in the first time.

Shen Yizhen did not expect Zheng Yurong to not ask, after all, this old kid is proud of the spring, rarely take the initiative to come to HSBC. Different from the past, because there are rare earth minerals in hand, Zheng Jia will cooperate without lack of banking. There are many foreign banks, willing to give them loans. Plus last time is indeed pending Zheng Yu, so that it has been influenced in mainland investment.

So in recent time, the two people contact is really not a lot. However, Zheng Yur's size and body size is too large. In Xiangjiang, there is only the ability of HSBC and Black Clouds to undertake their business. Zheng Yong is related to Baozi Xuan, all in Xiangjiang is clear. Therefore, the other party will never look for black cloudwork, then HSBC is its only choice.

Shen Yizhen did not dare to lose Zheng Jia's big customer, and it was so powerful by black cloud. If he is a grave, then his big class is really dry. Therefore, the relationship between the two parties is that the heart is not announced, and the surface is absolutely!

I said: "Zheng Sheng, hello! We haven't seen you for a long time, how can you come over? I have a heart to prepare. As a big customer of HSBC, it can be darent slow."

I didn't expect to be so polite so that the sharks were more confident. In fact, you can do this, and it is also the situation. With the problem of Xiangjiang, HSBC has become very embarrassed in Xiangjiang. Black Cloud Group has an unexpected rise, especially the development speed of Black Cloud Bank; let HSBC lose the status of the central bank.

Make the current SF's depositor's depositors in Xiangjiang, which can be a lot compared to Black Cloud Bank. The other party has an ATM machine's murder and also has strong security power. HSBC has competed with its competition, not saying that there is no advantage, at least not inexpensive.

In addition, there are many people in the dark, and there are still few relatives, and customers' boost speed is very normal.

Zheng Yu said with a smile: "Shen Day is said, you are old friends. Just don't work today, but not just acquired a bank! Something I want to ask you."

For the moment to pay attention to the economic development of Xiangjiang, especially the dynamics of major banks; the sharks have acquired the Far East Bank, he will of course be clear. But with a proud personality, you should not ask him. Although this Chinese tycoon does not say, it is absolutely nothing in the bones.

How do you say that he is just a professional manager of HSBC, a senior working. At present, HSBC's class is respectful, but that day is left; maybe nothing. But even after death, it is still the future generation in the holding company.

Shen Wei: "Zheng Sheng said where, what should I ask? I don't dare to say other industries, about bank operations or some opinions."

"I will restore the review and draft reputation of the Far East Bank,

It is supported for old friends. "

Before the black cloud bank, HSBC's second announced the check and draft of the Far East Bank. Now Zheng Yu has just come over, there is nothing to say, Shen Wei will immediately return to the vote and bill of exchange reputation of the Far East Bank, which is a premium.

But Shen Xiang said this, but people did not move. He also wants to wait for the shark to make a trick, you want to get a recognition, you must take your strength and sincerity. Zheng Yu is not a person who is free, it is impossible to suddenly visit HSBC. There is definitely there, and he basically guess.

Far East Bank Southeast Asia generation business is all black, the shark is not known; but Shen Yu as an old man who has worked for many years, the speed of the message is absolutely no slow. Plus the exchange of non-performing loans with the Far East Bank, HSBC also has participation. Although it is responsible for the manager of the credit department, it is necessary to nod to nod to the major event decisions.

Just I didn't expect the sharks to acquire the Far East Bank, it was obviously not being blinded by Qiu Jiake. When I know, the two sides have reached a transaction, saying is late. And he will not take the initiative to tell Zheng Yu; if people can believe it is on the one hand, more importantly, will cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Seeing Shen Yu's expression, Zheng Yu will know that the old labore has definitely knows what the Far East Bank is. It's just a master, it's not willing to say.

I can't mention it, but he can't say anything. After all, there is something to ask for people. At this time, the initiative is in each other.

Zheng Yusong: "Shen Big class should know what the Far East Bank is, so I want to ask you to help, and give a suggestion."

In fact, about this, there is no way to deny it at all. Although there is no business in the Far East Bank, exchange loans HSBC can participate. And the other party finds the door, enough to show that there is no way to go, or there is no other good way. Otherwise, Huifeng will not come over, after all, Zheng Yumi is different, and in Xiangjiang, it is absolutely super typhoon.

Shen Wei: "Far East Bank has exchanged loans with HSBC, there is nothing to be afraid of you. HSBC also contact Qiu Degen, I want to buy a branch in Southeast Asia, the Far East; But I didn't expect that the other party directly refused, but also said that it has been all sell."

"Later, the survey found that my most worried things happened; Far East Bank Southeast Asia Branch, all were taken up. This is not a good thing for HSBC. As the biggest competitor, Black Cloud Bank is strong, HSBC But the more dangerous. "

Unexpectedly, I didn't have to reserve it, and I also worked out; it seems that I am in the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan.

But this is not the chance of Zheng Jia! If the old boy is not wants, then he can't get any benefits.

Zheng Yusong: "Shen Day class, about Southeast Asian branch or small things, the current biggest problem, is the Xiangjiang Far East Bank has too many bad loans need to be handled. Many lenders have died; there is no family; now I am a fight, I hope you can give a finger Ming Road. "

Who will not investigate before the acquisition is clear, what is used now. But many things need Zheng Yumi to assist, even if you think so, it is absolutely unclear.

I said very seriously: "We are friends, as long as you can help, you will never resort. Therefore, there is a matter of Zheng Sheng to say, Shen Mou must do our best."

Saying is good, you can't do this. Helping your premise is not to harm HSBC and your own interests, and no one will help others without any reason.

Sinking this person, no one can do it, want to maintain a good relationship with the other party; the benefit is very important, and it can even be said to be the only standard. According to reason, the boat king bag jade has a better relationship with the sink, but he will first consider HSBC and yourself in front of the huge benefits. Therefore, Zheng Yu did not dare to expect the other party unconditional help, because it often means more.

Zheng Yu: "This time I want to make a transaction with Shen Saban."

"Far East Bank has a few loans, which is exchanged from HSBC. I know that you pay for some of the fee for Qiu Jia, but I hope to be redeemed back. Of course, I will not let old friends help, can make some compensation in other respects "

The sharper is very obvious, and the previously exchanged loan contract is changed. Such HSBC will lose, but Shen Yizhen is personal, and the participating people can get interest. It is not to tell Shen Wei. HSBC is not your home, even if you suffer losses, it doesn't matter.

The same requirements are excessive requirements, but as long as it is an agreement, there is nothing risks. The result of this operation may make people mistakenly think that HSBC and the Far East Bank have not exchanged loans. As long as the board does not know; the following people are comfortable; the revenue of Shen Yu will never be low.

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