I heard it, I really want to hit people. What is the meaning of sharks, see that he is too stable in HSBC's big class! HSBC lost its rule and monopoly in Xiangjiang Financial Industry, making the board of directors to trust him. It's hard to exchange bad loans, think about it today can have a good benefit. I didn't expect the shark to make him illegally, and the board was cheated.

HSBC is not a person who said, now the general manager, but always stare at him. If you make a mistake, it is estimated that London will never give up. If you really agree to do this, then you will be lowered by sharks. Working is working, I can't do anything. Because a little money will sell the company's interests, who will use this person will use, which company dares to use!

I said that I laughed and said: "Zheng Sheng may not understand the bank's mode of operation, this is no wonder; after all, it is mainly engaged in jewelry and real estate industries."

"Bank loans must be reported to the board of directors, even if only loans are going out a dollar. On the second day of the exchange of loans from the far East Bank, London has been known; so I am not a way."

Sinking is obvious, and now exchange loans have been filed in the board, do you have a direct back to the pot. Money is not this kind of earning, at least you can't get a joke with your career.

Although I don't know if I'm saying is true, I have lifted the board of directors; meaning is already very obvious, the shark is not much nothing. And he didn't want to Shen Xi, and it was impossible to agree. This is just wanting to make the other party feel embarrassed; it is a friend, and I will refuse my friends.

Next, if Zheng Yu is asking for the request, if it is not particularly excessive requirements, Shen Wei naturally will not refuse. This is the true purpose of sharks, in short, today, you must discuss inexpensively on Shen Yu.

Zheng Yu said with a smile: "Since Shen Dayan has reported the board of directors, then he didn't say it."

"But there is still a more worrying now, that is, the Far East Bank loan. So many bad loans, basically don't come back, please help me with a way."

"Bank is directly closed, I can't afford it, but more important to Zheng Jia business reputation, it will be a thousand feet. But I want to travel to the Far East bank, at least 15 billion Hong Kong dollar or more. At present, the family can solve some, But it is still something. Therefore, I hope that Shen Day class can help me. "

I heard the other party is a loan, then things will do a lot. Zheng Yu is still a lot of good assets in the same family, as long as it is willing, then everything is good. And open the bank, not to provide customers with loans, earn interest!

As for the 15 billion Hong Kong coins, you can drive the Far East Bank. Shen Wei is really believed that there is no difference between the difference between him.

At this time, Shangdong is almost all bad loans, all taken by Far East Bank. The amount is absolutely not small, and it may only be bunxuan to eat, there is nothing, other so-called tycons, there is no so good appetite. If HSBC has so many bad loans, although it is not closed, he will definitely be dismissed directly, and he supports the day.

Shen Wei: "The money is so solved, is Zheng Shengzhen to do this! To know that the Far East Bank has lost its business in Southeast Asia, there is no advantage in Xiangjiang. If you continue to operate, it is likely to be a no hole."

In fact, the shark is to understand this truth, so I want to find a sinking cooperation. The loan borrowing money is just the first step, and there is still actions. Since I have already raised it, then he has no scruple.

In fact, Shen Yu is not so good, mainly to let the other party feel that it is concerned about friends. What is the character of the shark, Shen Dab class is still very well.

Zheng Yu: "Shen Dayan,

Now, all Xiangjiang knows that Zheng Jia acquires the Far East Bank. If the acquisition of direct loss is 10 billion, it will be closed. I am not willing to be on the one hand, but more important people will see Zheng Jia. Therefore, some things are not a problem that makes money, but more importantly, family faces and inheritance issues. "

The family name, maybe very illusory, but sometimes it is very important. But he is a foreign man, nothing more about. And the loss is the money of Zheng's family, and it is no need to take a point from his pocket.

Shen Wei: "Since Zheng Sheng has decided, then as a friend, there will be unconditional support. Therefore, there is still what is needed, as long as you can help, please say it."

As long as it is the old kid, it is good, so that it doesn't matter. Where is the HSBC under the HSBC? I believe that after the union is completed, there is really a higher ability to have a higher level.

Zheng Yusong: "To tell the truth, there is also a real estate business. But operating banks, it is absolutely a door. At present, HSBC is in the Southeast Asia, there is almost no business."

"Although Qiu Jia took the branch of the Southeast Asian generation of the Far East, it was sold to Baozi Xuan. But the bank separated from the bank, the head office is still preserved in bank licenses in Southeast Asian countries."

"That is, as long as it is a far East Bank thought, you can establish a branch in Southeast Asian countries. But but the strength of the family is affirmative, it is definitely can't afford it, the business is definitely not enough."

"The Black Cloud Group acquired the business of the Southeast Asian, the Far East, making HSBan inevitably falling in the future. Zheng Jia Tong Bao Zi Xuan's relationship, I want to Shen big class in clear. And I doubt that the far East Bank acquired the trap set above , With the boy can't get a dry system. "

This is to find HSBC cooperation and jointly operate the Southeast Asian business. However, the purpose of sharks is certainly more than this, otherwise it will never go around so many circles.

Shen Wei: "At present, HSBC has cooperation in Southeast Asia, before cooperation has been very good. Rank to replace partners, is not a wise move. And Zheng Sheng's bank has not yet established. Plus the Southeast Asian generation complex, or Be cautious. "

"But as long as there is a customer agreed to choose the Far East Bank, it will never refuse; at the same time, employees will be required to be actively recommended."

What is customer needs, this is just a trust. Is there any customer need, HSBC does not recommend the Far East Bank.

Zheng Yusong: "Since Shen Dayang said so, then according to what you said! But Far East Bank's European and American business, I hope that HSBC will give support."

It is said that shark is big, and I didn't expect such a big. What is the size and volume of the Far East Bank, actually trying so much business. HSBC's development has been hundreds of years, but they don't dare to say that there is no problem in all places in the world. Each bank has its own scope; other banks are powerful, come over Xiangjiang, but also to find HSBC cooperation, at least come over to worship the pier. Of course, it is a few years ago, the Black Cloud Bank did not rise before.

The shark did not understand anything, and ran into the banking industry. I have thought that HSBC helped to address European and American business, and wouldn't you move the cake of other banks.

Shen Wei is very formal: "Zheng Sheng, this thing is useless even if HSBC promises you;

"So I want to enter the country market, it is best to find the country's most powerful bank to cooperate. Only in this way is not easy."

Hearing this there is so many doors, it seems that the banking business is responsible for imagination. Before, I thought it was too simple, and it's okay to acquire banks, it's absolutely to find trouble yourself. But now it has been a foregone, and you can only take a step.

Zheng Yu is still very unhanse. In addition to the loan matters, other issues have not been resolved. How can you go back? At least you will take something. So smiled and said: "Shen Sheng, Zheng Jia just entered the banking industry. There are many small and medium-sized banks in Xiangjiang, they are not bigger than HSBC. Is it possible to consider dealing with them, try to compress their living space."

At present, in addition to Black Cloud Bank, HSBC, Song Bank, Huaxia Bank, and some foreign capital, and some foreign capital. For example, Yongxiang Bank, Chuaxing Bank, Nanyang Commercial Bank, Yonglong Bank, etc.

Zheng Yur's consent is obvious, it is to deal with other small banks; thus enhance the status of the Far East, and extend the living space.

Small banks are acquired or merged, meaning that the previous business scope and customers will be acquired or replaced by other banks. The sharpener is really not small, but HSBC can get any benefits, is the problem that Shen Yu needs consideration.

I didn't get started with small and small banks, that is because of anti-monopoly, there is no such problem. It is also a monopoly of the Black Cloud Bank, and the size of HSBC has no black cloud.

If there is Zheng Yu with trouble, it can really do it.

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