Far East Bank is a small bank, many things can not be followed. Although HSBC lost its quasi-line status, it is a huge thing in Xiangjiang. Rank to launch the SMB private bank, it will inevitably be boycotted and dislike; if severe words, it will eventually lead to the Governor and Financial Sector.

Although I don't care about this, I am not willing to give yourself trouble. The acquisition was successful, or the small banking was crowded down. Now the shark is to deal with the small bank, perhaps it is a chance.

Without HSBC, the bad guys let the sharpel do the same, even if the Hong Kong Government can't pick any problems. The Black Cloud Bank brings the stress to the sink. If you don't want to do a way; then HSBC's status will be more embarrassing.

If the Xiangjiang small and medium banks are all acquired or merged, HSBC survival space will undoubtedly increase. Then, with the advantage of the European market, although it is impossible to fight the Black Cloud Bank, it is absolutely able to compete. The more I want to think about the plan, after all, I really don't have to use HSBC to bear, and put the pot directly to the shark.

It is necessary to plan to make a government department to find HSBC. This thing HSBC must appear with a Savior of the king, absolutely can't be a fire, or provoked the culprit of the war.

Shen Wei: "I don't know what Zheng Sheng has the idea. If the program is feasible, HSBC will certainly support."

Before you sink, you don't look at the shark's strategy, but the purpose of the other party is very strong. With HSBC swaping back to bank loans, more is a scorpion; its true purpose is to borrow money and cooperation. The loan as a collateral is used as a collateral, then everything is very good.

As for other cooperation, Shen Wei really dares to agree. Far East Bank is such a big hole, and it has just started; there is too many business contacts with such a bank, and it is easy to eat. But let the other party pick up the way, and make trouble to other small and medium banks in Xiangjiang, HSBC is very feasible.

Even if you do something, you can push the shark, HSBC will never have any losses.

Zheng Yusong: "First of all, I am preparing to use rare earth minerals to make a scorpion, and I will issue rare earth bonds in the Far East and HSBC. After all, with the popularity of Baozi Xuan, rare earth minerals are fried very hot."

"As long as it is a bond, it is necessary to attract more savers. This bond is only for Xiangjiang people. After all, the customers of each small and medium-sized bank are basically the cultivar of Xiangjiang."

"They will definitely extract funds from other banks, then buy rare earth bonds, then funds will inevitably flow to the Far East Bank and HSBC. Wait until the deposit consumption of small and medium banks is almost, then we can take the opportunity."

The shark is very simple, but Shen Dab class can be a smart person, and the horse will understand what it means. Use rare earth minerals to make a scorpion, promise high income; absorb funds on the market.

But there is a big variable in this, when the future is redemption; the capital is insufficient, or there is not so high income, how to do it when you go. The Far East Bank closed him uncomfortable, but HSBC absolutely could not be involved.

Shen Wei: "Zheng Sheng's strategy is very good, but how to solve the redemption problem. Want to let the depositor will take the money from other banks, inevitably use high income to attract. But too high income, rare earth mineral income may not be able to And now the rare earth company doesn't seem to be Zheng Sheng, and Jiansheng has a power of the Zhengsheng's business mineral company. It is better than Bao Zixuan; these are the problems that the deposices will consider. "

It is also more professional and worried about it. Fortunately, there will be a strategy in the same morning; smile and say: "I will design the bond into two modes. The time is particularly short, but the benefits are relatively general, only more than the current bank; Redemine with rare earth minerals.

"Another time is relatively long, the income will be considerable. At the same time, the agreement can be signed. When the rare earth mineral company is listed, it can replace the corresponding stock. This gives us a buffer period, you can use a lot of things."

The same design is quite reasonable, and the depositors are confident and then purchased long-term bonds. After all, you can get a rare earth mineral company stock, no one will refuse.

If you don't understand the situation of the Far East, plus itself is financial practitioners; you may be interested in yourself.

Shen Wei: "Currently, I want to issue bonds in the name of the company, I have to get the consent of the boat king."

In fact, this is also one of the eyes of the sharks to find the sinking, with the relationship between him now and Bao Yugang, the other party will definitely not buy. But I will come out, so the situation is different. The two have not been in general, and the boat king is not good. Many things in the most important package, you still need to rely on HSBC, you can't do things too much.

Zheng Yusong: "This is also the purpose of I came to Shen Shu class. I rely on me, Bao Yusheng may not buy it. But Shen Da classes go to the horse, there are few people in Xiangjiang will refuse."

It's really to let yourself find Bao Yushang to negotiate, and you will refresh it; it is really a rare opportunity. Only have constantly compressing the living space of small and medium banks, the better of HSBC will be better.

Although HSBC is an old bank, the advantages of Black Cloud Bank are more obvious. In Xiangjiang because there is a huge business volume of the Black Cloud Group, as well as 100,000 employees; these are the best customers. Moreover, there are also the most advanced ATM machines in the world, and deposits don't need any handling fees. It is just two thousand thousandth of the payment; and 50 Hong Kong dollars will be capped. This trick has attracted a lot of customers, especially the small vendors who have to save money in the middle of the night, and night field practitioners.

Since competition is just the Black Cloud Bank, you can only think about it from other aspects. Xiangjiang small and medium banks are undoubtedly a good goal. And this time, Zheng Yu has come to the same, and Shen Wei does not use any risks.

HSBC helps to issue bonds, you can also get a considerable procedure. No matter how it is, don't eat a loss; for this kind of good thing, I will not refuse.

Shen Wei: "I will call Bao Yusu, see where he is, we have passed him."

Hearing here, the sharks have mean in the same way. It seems that as wealth is continuously improved, Shen Wei also knows the gap between the super tycoon in Xiangjiang. It will definitely let you come over the office before you put it. If you want to have respectable respect, you must have a peer strength.

Since it is decided, Shen Yizhen has no nonsense; Zheng Yu is very urgent, even some delays.

As for the boat king, jade, at this time, I was listening to the second son-in-law in the report; he did not think that things would be so serious. Just want to have a breath, I didn't expect that the last alley was cheaper; and the hometown will definitely think that the package home is an help.

After all, in other people, Baoyang and Zheng Yu are partners. Helping outsiders to acquire homosents, it is inevitable that they will be ill. I am busy with a circle, do a bad person, and finally it is the same. At this time, the king of the boat is like a fly, don't mention how difficult it is.

Wu Guangzheng: "As our households log out all the accounts of the Far East Bank, after all the funds are transferred. The major companies in Xiangjiang and the public are imitated; making the Far East Bank's fund reserve decreased with the naked eye. The last is really I can't support it, so I was cheaper with Zheng Yu. "

"At present, Qiu Jia has sold the overall out of the Far East bank to Zheng Yu, and has completed all handover."

"Zheng Yurong has changed in the Far East Bank, and the situation has changed. It is just a guarantee that the depositors are not taking money; even many people also put the funds from the previous money from new."

Wu Guangzheng is not bank practitioners, of course, I don't know Qiu Degen to dig a big pit with the shark. In his opinion, the package is busy for half a day; doing a wicked person, and finally, I made a wedding dress for Zheng's family.

At the same time, I am also emotion, Zheng Yu is not happy; and the ability to grasp the time is very accurate. At the beginning, I thought about how to revenge Qiu Jia, I didn't expect to buy the Far East Bank.

The strength of the package is absolutely absolutely more than Zheng Jiaqiang. The boat king as the river is not short, the foundation is better than Zheng Yu.

Then as the founding shareholder of Bao Huo Dong Mining Co., Ltd., directly letting its wealth double. The shark is to acquire a lot of shares, but it is still a lot than that. But I didn't expect that the other party directly acquired a bank; if it is developed, then wealth and influence beyond the package, it may be a morning and evening.

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