Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1256 of the people's crazy

In fact, Bun Zixuan also wants to go home to see, after all, I haven't seen the child for a long time. But Aiza will return to China tomorrow, and if it is not accompanied today, it is too ruthless. Come over the Xiangjiang so many days, the two are not idle. If you can't pregnancy this time, you have a problem with your body. Even for a long time, it is meaningless.

Moreover, Aisa feels like it seems to be as meant, after all, it will be prepared before. Now go back and check it, eat a fixed pill. At the same time, I don't want to make this man in front of this man, my wife just gave birth to a child. I didn't have to go home every day. Although the reasons are very sufficient, it is inevitable that some is a sense of sin.

Early the next morning, Bun Zixuan sent Aiza to the airport. But did not get off the bus, after all, the airport, the reporter, the dog is very much. It is not good to cause unnecessary trouble, and Aiza also accompanied by bodyguards, plus private aircraft, not worried about safety issues.

Although Aisa is not satisfactory, it must be left. When you choose this man, you have been destined.

Just when the head of the head is in the car in the car, the Xiangjiang Financial Circle broke a big news, and suddenly let the people boil.

Zheng Yue, Chairman of Zheng's Bank, Zheng Yu, Jewelry, announced on the media, with the name of rare earth minerals, issued company bonds. Divided into two long and short-term patterns. And the so-called long-term time is not very long, only three years; than ordinary corporate bonds can be short.

But the yield is even as high as 72%, which is a very horrible number and is absolutely unbelievable. The most valuable actually, after the bond expires, has the right to purchase stocks. Even if the short-term bonds in 45 days, there are 3% of the benefits. However, there is too much higher interest than other banks. The extent of rare earth minerals is hot in Xiangjiang. It is the existence of ordinary citizens. I didn't expect Zheng Yumi and Bao Yugang actually to issue bonds in the name of the company.

This kind of good thing can be found in the lantern. As for the security problem of funds; it is not worried, there is also a HSBC's backorsement. Therefore, the people want to go home and go home and go to buy bonds.

Seeing the madness of the public, Zheng Yurong is very satisfied. It seems that the bank will make money, single bond issuance, HSBC's profits exceed 1 billion Hong Kong coins. You know so much money, if you buy gold, you can kill people.

Of course, it will not help, not to bear such big risks. Although it is a friend, but the brothers still have to count the accounts; at the same time, it is necessary to explain to the board of directors; therefore the fee is charged, but there is no less.

Bao Yugang also knows that Shen Yu is difficult, and he also hopes that the other party can help to buy a bank, there is nothing to say. As for sharks, I don't dare to mention any requirements. His bottom sink can be described as a clear; at this time, Shen Batan puts forward any requirements and can only consent without condition.

In order to make a lot of the moment, the sharks also deliberately invited a press conference. Shen Yu and the boat king are also in it, the purpose is very obvious, that is, let Xiangjiang citizens look at a few people's attitudes and the courage.

Shen Daban, sharpener, the boat king jointly held a press conference, but also issued bonds for rare earth minerals. The Xiangjiang Media is so crazy. If you don't have it, you don't say that you are a journalist. At the same time, tomorrow's headlines have been scheduled, unless the World War, it is difficult to have this news.

The shark is the same as this bond, and it is also the main person in charge. In addition, Zheng Jia has acquired the Far East Bank, it is a spring breeze, and life reaches a small peak moment.

Therefore, Shen Yu and Bao Yu did not compete with him, plus this press conference home or at Zhengshi Bank Headquarters. As the host, it must be the protagonist today.

At this time, the headquarters of the Far East, the door plaque has been replaced.

Zheng's bank has become mainstream elements and can be seen everywhere. The purpose is to let Xiangjiang citizens know that Zheng Jia has a bank; can rest assured that the deposit is bold and carry out business.

Zheng Yong first said: "Do you all the friends, everyone! Although everyone is an old acquaintance, basically know me. But still have to introduce yourself, I am Zheng Yu."

"Before operating jewelery, real estate, and mineral industry; the previous few days have just been fully acquired, and the Far East Bank has been renovated to Zheng Bank. After entering the banking industry, it is necessary to have something to do; at least Let Xiangjiang citizens know that Zheng Jia's pattern and courage. "

"So the first business is to let Xiangjiang citizens are affordable. At present, rare earth minerals in South Guangdong Province, mainly with Zheng Jiahe Baojia Holdings. Recently, it is necessary to upgrade and transform from South Guangdong mineral equipment, requiring some funds. At the same time, long-term planning will be built for the surrounding generation, the construction cycle is three years. "

"Three years later, the company will be listed, this is the wish of my and Bao Yugang."

"To be honest, bank loans can also solve these problems. It is not to use bank loans, Zheng Jiahe Bao family can also take this money. But Mr. Yu Jun is in order to let the people know that our two are responsible, but also want to promote Zheng's bank's business development. Decide to issue a company bond, and only issue two modes. "

"Short-term bonds are 45 days period, up to 3%. Long-term bonds are 3 years, with 72% of the benefits; after the expiration of the right to exchange mining company stocks. This is a generous treatment, I also Don't have to introduce, the people speak on a conclusion. "

The media also has a smart person, of course, know the road inside. The shark will issue bonds, not just because of the money; more want to open the Zheng's banking business.

Previously, the Far East Bank suffered a crowded wave, making Zheng Yu with the number of households after the work. This is certainly unacceptable for super tycoon. What to use to attract customers, become a key.

Although I don't know how to persuade the boat king, I will make some compromises for this shark, and even give some interests. As for the sinking, why will it participate in it, better explanation. HSBC Bank is the main distributor of this bond, and they earn profits, absolutely very considerably.

Shen Wei knows that he talks because it follows the process. He just came over and not prepared to accept interviews. Today, the shark is the same as the protagonist, you can't make it, you can avoid recruitment. But the expression of this expression still needs to be present; Shen Sajia said very seriously: "Mr. Yu Yugang and Zheng Yugang have found me, want to issue bonds in the name of rare earth minerals. HSBC has made detailed assessment, think of rare earth minerals The company's prospects are very bright; and the profits are very considerable, and all the conditions for issuing company bonds. "

"HSBC became the main distributor of this rare earth mineral company bond, will assume 70% of the release. At the same time, it will retrieve the people's confidence."

How much issuance is taken on HSBC, and the reporter will not pay special attention. But you can have a book for this matter, it is inevitably the investigation is very clear. At the same time, rare earth minerals will inevitably be available.

It is the bond issued by two super tycoon, and there is a HSBC's backorsement. If this is a problem, then who can believe it.

The boat trip said: "The rare earth mineral company has been recruited worldwide, and will purchase the most advanced inspection equipment; strive to maximize the interests. The company's bonds will be used in this area."

At this time, Baoyu must have to stop, the larger the issue of bonds in the rare earth mineral company; the smaller the deposit size of the small and medium-sized banks, the greater the probability of the crowd.

Can the package can acquire a bank, successfully entered the banking industry; at this time, it is definitely a chance to be a thousand.

In many tycons in Xiangjiang, the first asset ranked first, has always been his bag jade. That is, recent years, Bao Zi Xuan exceeded. And this gap is gradually increased. The high-tech enterprise of the Black Cloud Group may not be suitable for the package. After all, the whole of the rivers seem to be in addition to Bao Zi Xuan, no tycoon really knows technology. But for the operation of a bank, he is absolutely more professional than Bunxuan. And he also has his own air, Shen Ya retired is a morning and evening; as a director of HSBC, he knows some of the ideas of board members.

If Shen Wei quits from HSBC, even if you can't be a bank manager; there is still no problem with the counseling of the consultant. Daddy gave him a little shares, at least you can leave some things. For the ability of sink, and the people in the banking field, the boat king will never doubt. The development of the future Baojia Bank does not necessarily be different than HSC. Of course, this is just a wish, but Bao Yugang is still very confident.

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