Two in Xiangjiang raised a lightweight character platform, coupled with Zheng Yu with its own strength. It can be said that the media is almost mad, and the people are even more. This is equivalent to giving money to the people, but can't let the opportunity to slip away. Whoever tells if the shark is to fake money, then it will become a crowd, which will be considered mental illness.

Before the Black Cloud Group held a press conference, there will be the latest model of electronic products; the sharks will not arrange electronic products, but gold jewelery is absolutely not lacking. And in order to make the conference smoothly, a small gift is arranged in the door. Wait until the end of the meeting, there will be gifts.

Before the reporter entered the door, I have told that Shen Yizhen and Baoyang will not accept interviews. So the purpose is obvious, only his family will accept interviews.

Zheng Jia and Singdao Daily relationship is better, it may be mainly the relationship between Sing Tao Daily and Black Cloud Group. And this time is mainly for Xiangjiang people, the local media audience will certainly be more wide.

Sing Tao Daily reporter first asked: "Zheng Yu, Mr. Zheng, Hello!"

"I am a Sing Tao Daily reporter, I would like to ask; this bond is only for Xiangjiang citizens!"

At that time, the three people negotiated is for the people of Xiangjiang. After all, they are easier to operate. The main customers of Xiangjiang Small and Medium Bank are the ordinary citizens of Xiangjiang and the casino. Only the deposits of constant compression of Xiangjiang citizens can achieve the purpose.

For the ability to combat other small banks, Shen Wei is very keen. After all, this is about whether HSBC can take the opportunity to take advantage of it. The boat king is now red, the sharks have just got a big moment, if they changed to a package, it will never be smaller than this.

Zheng Yusong: "I am a Xiangjiang people. It is mainly to give priority to Xiangjiang citizens. And the number of bonds issued is limited, so it can only say sorry to other people who want the country. Based on Xiangjiang, serve Xiangjiang, give Fengjiang River I have always been the fundamental of Zheng Jia's business. "

The old boy said that it is crowning, but people present are not a fool. Of course, listen to it, but no one will go to break. The core is to hit the Xiangjiang small and medium bank. The media has collected a gift of a lot of gifts, and it is absolutely can't get rid of gold.

Although the Oriental Daily is not too deep, it is mainly a shark, which is some of the people. How do you say that he is also a super tycoon in Xiangjiang, will definitely have any dislike. But even in the resentment, it cannot be manifested. Everyone is a person who has identity, and it is the Eastern Daily, after all, is the largest newspaper in Xiangjiang. If you want to cause a sensation in Xiangjiang, you must report it.

In fact, I just didn't let the first question, the Eastern Daily reporter is somewhat not. The Black Cloud Group held a reporter that the local media is their first question. Now I am now in the Sing Tao Daily, it is really unbearable.

Media reporters have their own pride, Ming Ping is the relationship between Jin Yong's grandfather. Many times it will look at high, so you can defare it to the Oriental Daily. But what is the Sing Tao Daily, it is very disintegrating.

Come over to participate in the press conference, definitely can't sin it. When you ask yourself, you should also cherish the opportunity. He is just a reporter, in Zheng Yu with this super tyranny, it is really nothing. But some difficult problems can still be considered.

Oriental Daily reporters stood up: "Zheng Sheng, hello! I am an Oriental Daily reporter. Previous Asian TV station reported the bonus of the boat and the heads of the bag and the heads of the head; the current company's rare earth minement did not sell price, benefit It is much farther than before. If the issuance bond is not because of the lack of funds, you want to take the opportunity to cut a wave of leeks. "

"Zheng Sheng has just acquired the Far East Bank, the funds are huge, and some things will inevitably do not suspect."

I heard this kid did this,

The shark is a bit angry. In order to avoid accidents, this will happen in advance, and this happens. It seems that some people can't be too good to him, and this kid is an example.

Fortunately, Zheng Yu is ready to prepare for this press conference, but it took a long time. So smiled and said: "Where is this reporter?

"Indeed, before the rare earth price is selling is not high. After all, my king is not the technical personnel. When I first furnished, it is not very understandable to rare earth minerals. All technicians, all the buns of the buns to bring Go. The personnel are recruited, I feel that we can't use it; there is not too much! "

"Who once thought that there were so many doors, and rare earth minerals in my first impression, as long as they dig out sales, I didn't expect to have so many technical issues."

"It's not too late to know now, after all, the rare earth mine is still in our hands."

"The funds of the issuance of bonds are used to recruit technical teams throughout the world, and strive to bring rare earth mineral advantages. At the same time, they will plan around them. With rare earth minerals, the local economy is developed. Zheng Jia it has real estate company, Baojia is also the world's first ship family. I believe that our two combinations must make the local economy more. "

"The mainland economy has grown rapidly in recent years. Zheng Jiahe Baojia will never let this thousands of chances of chance, and they also hope that the media report and supervise our work. Let Xiangjiang people know, we I have been doing things, I have not been complacent because of the previous achievements. "

"As for the cut leaves, HSBC Shen Ban is next to me. As long as it is the need for me and the king of the boat, I believe that HSBC is still able to provide financial support."

"I and the boat king are Xiangjiang people, I can't dare to kill the chicken to take the egg. I still have to continue in Xiangjiang, so there is no problem you say."

With this shark, the reporter will still choose to believe. At this time, the old kid may lack, but it is not to get to hunger.

Even if Zheng Jia is lacking, the boy's fund reserve is absolutely enough. As a shareholder of the rare earth mineral company, plus successful shore before the shipping crisis. Make the company's development of the company's company very benign, there is no problem. How can people try to make money against scams; they can't afford that person, and there is no need.

The boat king is in Xiangjiang business reputation, has been very good. At least the people trust, this point is strong than the sharks.

Then, mortgage is made in the name of the rare earth mineral company. It is not only HSBC, and it is believed that any bank in the world will not refuse. Even if it is Black Cloud Bank, it may agree to the loan.

Rare earth minerals may not play all the strength in the boat king and Zheng Yu. But in the head of the bag, the price will never be so cheap. If you issue a company bond in Black Cloud Group, it is estimated that the people of the rivers will never have any hesitation. But the head is not lacking at all, and everyone can only imagine there.

Issuance bonds is to recruit R & D teams, this reason is fully explained. In addition, it can expand the Zheng's banking business, and the purpose of combating the small and medium-sized banks in Xiangjiang, it can be described as much. Even the foreigner, it is necessary to admire the shark. People are indeed a good material for business, and others are really learning.

After that, some media reporters asked some other questions, Zheng Yu and answered very perfect. It may be a pre-prepared manuscript, but that is not important, at this time, Xiangjiang citizens have begun to queue.

And each household is queued in two places, one goes to other banks to pay money, one person is queued in HSBC or Zheng Bank to prepare for bonds. I am afraid of late, I can't buy bonds issued by the mining company.

Seeing such a scene, Zheng Yurong is very satisfied. For the acquisition of banks, you have undertaken so many bad loans, there is no other value. The heart believes that as long as it is good, the loss will soon earn it. At this time, he has been blown to the heavens by Xiangjiang Media; it may become the second person in Xiangjiang Wealth.

The shark is not in the wealth, but it has not achieved the surpassment of Bao Yugang, but the reputation is definitely not more than the difference.

Unlike sharks, it is a bit concern at this time. After all, HSBC has a back book for this matter, if there is a problem. Not only the money is damaged, the reputation will be a thousand feet.

But this is already like this, the bullet is emitted, and the last result can't control it. I only hope that the South Guangdong rare earth mine can not have problems, otherwise his day will not be better.

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