Zheng Yong's move, let a person have a little, that is, the owner of the bank - Qiu Degen. What is this situation, how to make a shark and Bao Yu just issued bonds together. The voids of the Far East Bank are not small, and no one is more clear than Qiu family. Can be careful; even if you don't know, you will be absolutely clear. Because Qiu Jia also exchanges loans with HSBC, why do you have this way; you can't understand it, you must have interest transport.

At this time, Qiu Jia has quit the banking industry. If you speak inappropriate speech, it is really cheap and selling. And even if you speak on the media, no one believes. The Xiangjiang people will laugh at Qiu family without this matter. Bank can't help but say, see good people's business, but also heart. Then there will be a laughter in the future, and even think that Qiu family does not have anything.

When Xiangjiang Small and Medium Bank Holding Family wants to find Qiu Jia to negotiate, Qiu Degen is directly decided; at the same time, I don't know anything, and I don't know any information. This is the most basic business principle, Qiu family will never make people pick any problems. Moreover, the Qiu family does not get any actual benefits, will only be shifted by people; Qiu Deguan is not stupid, it will not be a water.

Yongheng Bank, formerly known as Yongheng Silver, from Feng Yujing in 1937 in Yangshi, originally operated golden silver to find out business. After the second battle, Yongchen Silver No. Hengjiang reorganized business, and there were nineteen people in the early days. After a period of system development, Yongheng Bank won the Xiangjiang government to the bank license in 1960. In 1979, the head office was rebuilt into the general office building of the building, as an extension.

At present, Yongheng Bank has more than 30 branches and representative offices in Xiangjiang. It can be said to be a large private bank.

It is also a legendary figure that the founder Feng Wei is also a legendary person. Although you live in the countryside since you live, and there is not much reading, but you have a smart, there is less. At the age of 14, in order to help the family solve the difficulties of life, he left the towel, and went to the 13th line of Yangcheng "Anfa Silver" as an apprentice. Due to diligence, it is not shameful; so quickly familiar with the financial operation process; and has a unique insight.

In order to better show your own talent, in the middle of the year, he and his friend founded "Yongheng Silver" in Yangcheng. Soon quickly achieved significant results. However, the matching against Japan war broke out, he moved the silver number to Zhan City, and the business development was basically in the pause state.

In 1945, the war was basically over. He moved to Xiangjiang and restructure "Yongheng Silver" in Xiangjiang. Due to operation, and the social environment gradually stabilizes, Yonglong silver number is developing very quickly, and sequesions in the casino. In 1960, "Yongheng Silver No." is registered as "Yongheng Bank" Co., Ltd., Mr. Feng is selected as the first chairman.

It can be said that Feng Yujing also has seen the big wind waves, or the old man who came over from the war; many things have been light, at least not affected by the outside world. It is now a situation in this situation. It is the difficulties he has never encountered in the finance industry; it can even say that Yongheng Bank has arrived at the edge of life and death.

Nanyang Commercial Bank was founded in Zhuangshiping on December 15, 1949, founded in Xiangjiang. The founder Zhuang Shiping is also a legendary figure.

Zhuang Shiping, Chaoshan, born in 1911, as early as 1949, Jianjiang Commercial Bank was founded in Xiangjiang, and the second year found Nantong Bank.

Zhuang old, in the economic society of Xiangjiang, gradually has huge influence and cohesiveness. The capital strength of Nanyang Commercial Bank has also become the second place in Hong Kong, China Yin System in the 1970s;

As for innovative banks established in 1948, it has been held by the second generation.

Liao Lie Wencheng joined the Bank of Communications in 1930 in 1950. 1961,

The Bank of Communications is crowded, although HSBC and Standard Championship issued a joint notice to open a rumor for the Current Bank. However, his father is reluctant, and Liao Lie is dangerous to the manager of Director; and lead banks in 1965 to the Xiangjiang shares and crowded incidents.

It can be said that the ability is not better than the creation, and people are getting more younger, absolutely calculating the richness of the year.

As for the Yonglong Bank, on February 25, 1933, he opened in Xiangjiang Wenxian East Street, named Yonglong Silver, capital HK $ 45,000, business to change, exchange, deposit, all ports, Valet trades stocks, gold and domestic public debt, and the results are increasing year by year.

In 1937, in order to expand its business, moved to No. 1 No. 1 in Xiangjiang Queen Avenue. In 1941, the Pacific War broke out, and Xiangjiang fell. Yonglong is the same person in peace, transferring the casino to continue to operate the bank, and set up a Yonglong Golden No.1, Wusheng in West Yue. And in the casino, Liu Cheng has actively cleaned up the old account, and the customer is known. Until 1945, the war was over, returning to Hong Kong.

The founder Wuyi Sun Ben is a family of rich, but the family is in the middle of the family; can be stoveted in Xiangjiang, absolutely a person who is superior.

At this time, the four major private banks of Xiangjiang, Yongheng Bank Feng Jingjing; Nanyang Commercial Bank Zhuang Shiping; Chubing Bank Liao Lie; Yonglong Bank Wuyi Sun Ju, is discussing the countermeasures.

According to the size of the bank, and the influence in the industry; Yongheng Bank Feng Weijing is stronger than the other, at least the number of branches. It is the first to speak by him, which is applicable to anywhere and occasion.

Feng Yujing said: "At present, the living environment in Xiangjiang is more difficult. It is basically not the survival space of these small banks. Zheng Yumi has acquired the Far East Bank, and the strong enters the banking area. Now issue rare earth mineral company bonds, if Don't want to address measures; several of us may also step back Henglongzhuang, the rear dust of Qiujia in the distant East. "

"Not afraid of jokes, single day today; Yongheng Bank has been taken over $ 300 million Hong Kong dollar funds. That is still a large amount of withdrawal needs to make an appointment; if you don't want to have a strategy, you may double it tomorrow."

I heard Yongheng Bank was taken from 300 million Hong Kong dollar funds one day, and several other people were not too surprised. Their situation is almost, and even better than the other party. So many funds were not sold by customers, mainly because the scale is small than Yongheng, but according to the ratio, it is the same.

I know that I have to express my opinion, Zhuang Shiping is open: "Nanyang commercial banks are almost the same, even worse. It is no longer a bank's thing, so we must join."

With the strong rise of Black Cloud Bank, especially the other ATM machine has spread in Xiangjiang Street. It makes our previous advantages wanted without departure, and there are few people who come over the bank in recent years. Fortunately, there are some The old customer foundation, no longer didn't eat. "

"But now Zheng Yumi will come out again, if you don't find a strategy, you may really have to eat."

"Wu Sheng is good with Qiu Deguan, I don't know if he has to leak the far East bank. You know each other, you can do it."

"Although we all know, the Far East Bank; that is, the current Zheng Bank has a lot of bad loans. But what is the situation, it is certainly not the data of Qiu family. Although this involves bank secrets, at this time, Qiu Jia has also the same far East Banks don't have any relationship. Don't you look at us unlucky? Can you read it in the past, a little useful news! "

Zhuang Shiping's so-called advantage is that their banks have branches in the remote place, which can serve some markets that have not been seen before. Many are older people, if there is no accident; it is basically not going to other banks to open an account, the customer is still very stable.

However, the Black Cloud Group does not need to open a branch, and an ATM machine can solve all problems. If it is not really, then two. Make the size of these banks, the growth rate is very slow, and there is no increase.

But after all, there are some foundations, serving existing customers, and don't go close down. However, Zheng Yumi is too embarrassing, I want to kill everyone, and I don't stay at a little.

As for the Qiu Jia, it is because Wu Yizu Mono Qiu Deguan intersects the opposite; often drinking tea together. Want to use Wu Yizhou to listen to the specific situation of the Far East Bank, at least in his heart.

But who wants to think, Qiu Degen is completely done in accordance with the rules, and who is not given. And it is clear, it is not involved in any matter in the field of Xiangjiang Bank; attitude is very resolute!

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