Since I have been named by Zhuang Shi, Wu Yizun can't be in addition to it. And this thing itself has a close relationship with him, the situation of Yonglong Bank, it is better to go there.

At this time, Wu Yice is also very difficult. After all, from Qiu Degen, there is no message at all. Although the two often gather together, Qiu Degen acts in accordance with the rules, and he has nothing to say. But no matter what, today you have to take out an attitude. At the same time, everyone must also unify the opinion. If you don't want to point, you may have no relationship with the Bank of Yonglong.

Wu Yizun's grandfather Wuyi Kang established Zhaon Silver, which was in Yangcheng in the early years. After the world's disaster, the family road is getting bigger. Wu Yi Sun Children's child is touched hard, although it is very intelligent, but because of poor family; caused by teenagers, only 14 years old to Hong Kong Thailan Silver.

In the case where there is no ancestral, it can only be started from heteroys. Wu Yi Sun has been cautious, retreats, hinders yourself from a hard environment. He is humble and diligent. In the cumbersome businessmen, he understands the business office, deeply booked Wu Ji Ming, gets multi-party guidance, 20-year-old deputy. In 1933, under the support of many friends and Peking Credit, she raised four thousand yuan for funds. It has founded Yonglong Silver in Xiangjiang, Xiandong Street, and the first year after starting a business, I will profit for more than nine thousand yuan.

To say that entrepreneurship is hard, Wu Yi Sun is more difficult than the other three. Make their character is extremely tough and never loses. But at this time, I feel that I am unable to go back, in front of the absolute strength, Yonglong Bank is pressed almost not breathed. If there is no Feng Xi, he thinks it will shut down the bank directly, or sell it. Look at the family and those industries can do, after all, it is 80 years old, some tossing.

Seeing that several other olders think about it once, Wujia people can't recognize, because it is not a family style.

Although the private bank of Xiangjiang is competitive, this competition is still very good. At least it will not fall in the stone, and the danger of the people. After all, everyone knows the truth of the lips, so keep other homes, just protecting themselves.

Wu Yice: "I deliberately used a Qiu family today, but Qiu Degen did not pay anything about the bank. As for the specific circumstances of the Far East Bank, did not disclose a word. Qiu Sheng is also in accordance with the rules, but can't blame him "

"But we can analyze from another perspective. After all, Qiu Jia exchanged loans with our several people. Not only, the black cloud, HSBC, and slag playing also exchange loans with Qiu family. Said that there is currently in the unveiled loans in Xiangjiang, in the hands of Zheng's bank. Instead, it is a very lack of bad loans in the hands of the Zhengshi Bank, should belong to the kind of money. "

"Even if Zheng Jiajia is big, it can face hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollar deficit. Therefore, Zheng Yumi thought that by issuing rare earth mineral bonds, raising funds. Zheng's bank, HSBC sinking, sure. But In front of huge benefits, and it is possible to fight us, Shen Batch will definitely give up some principles. "

"At the same time, he also has absolute confidence in rare earth minerals.

"Shen Wei knows what is the state of Zheng's bank, but the boat king can not be clear; so we can get started from this area. At present, we will collect our strengths. It is definitely not human opponents. The best way is from the interior Wattan enemy. "

"Of course, this is just one, the second point to see if it can contact the black cloud group. Bun Zi Xuan and Zheng Yu's relationship, it has not been good. The last time Black Cloud Bank suffered from the extrusion, the sharks were in the same way. If The head is willing to help, then things will do a lot.

I heard Wu Yizhou's analysis, and several other portions were still very recognized.

Liao Lie Wen knows, he also wants to make an opinion. Although these are uncle and forever. But at this time, he is a family manager, the chairman of the Bank of Current Bank. So directly said: "In fact, the boat king's two son-in-law has already contacted me; the meaning of the words is very obvious; ask if I have the meaning of Current Bank."

"Description Bao Yushang also wants to buy a bank at this moment, maybe it has an idea; maybe seeing Zheng Jia successfully acquired banks, don't want to fall behind. In contrast, the Bao Jiab is not allowed to be unfortunate; then You can use the lowest price to take the bank where you are sitting. "

Since you want to acquire banks, you must contact it in advance. Bao Yugang came aside from the past, so the two son-in-law will be handled as appropriate.

At present, only four banks are most appropriate. Compared to the Current Bank, the other three founders are still there. And some are not very convenient than the annual age, Wu Guang is negotiating; therefore, the first goal is put on the Bank of Current Bank.

Although Liao Lie Wen is weak, it has also experienced some wind waves, which can be difficult to have a little rich and temper. Plus two ages are not big, people also know. Wu Guangzheng will certainly put the first goal in the Bank of Current; may be in his heart, this is a good breakthrough.

In fact, no matter which bank acquired, it doesn't matter for the package. The Far East Bank is because in the same hands in the shark, they get the trust of Xiangjiang citizens; the Black Cloud Bank is because of the existence of Baozi Xuan, can become the first in Xiangjiang.

Baojia is in Shangji for many years, reputation has been very good, and believe that the people will definitely buy.

I heard the package of the family has stared on the Bank of Current Bank, and the other days of the doctors did not feel bad. If you want to attack the enemy from the inside, it is estimated that it is difficult, or even impossible. It turned out that the package also wants to acquire a bank, it is no wonder the boat king will be so supported. I know that there is such a problem in the situation of the Far East Bank.

It's very good to explain now, everything is for the sake. For super rich, it will be more convenient to have a bank not only enhance family strength. At least in terms of funds, it is not too worried.

The head of the bag is a good example, the construction of the black cloud town is so fast; this will definitely have the credit of the Black Cloud Bank. And the depositor will not have any comments for this, after all, the various subsidiaries of the Black Cloud Group are very well-established, and the revenue is super. Their deposits are given to high-quality enterprises, and they are not much better than loans.

Now the boat king also wants to enter the banking industry, then the survival space of small and small banks in the future will be smaller and smaller. If you don't want to measures, you may really exit.

Feng Yu Jing: "With the joining of Bao Zixuan, Zheng Yue's super tycoon, the Xiangjiang Bank's survival environment became very bad. Although our family has a small asset, but compared with super tycoon, it is far away."

"If you don't join, you can only be slaughtered. So I have a suggestion, that is, our four banks merge, from the new set up a bank, only this can have a line of life."

"At the same time, it intends to combine the alliance with the black cloud bank. Zheng Yurong, Bao Yugang, Shen Wei, I don't want to find a party, even if we gather four power, it is not necessarily an opponent. The household is very real, who gives The interest is high; who can make them earn money, naturally put the money in a bank. "

"It's not a good advantage in our customers. At least the bad loans of each family have been handled. As long as it is together, I have been working hard, I believe that Zheng Bank will definitely first."

It is still very reasonable to say, but I want four mergers, it is also very difficult. How to assess the assets, how to assign the shares, these are the problems that need to be considered.

I didn't talk about everyone, I know some of the situation of Zhuang Shiping helplessly: "We have four mergers, there will be a lot of problems. If you say that far water is not never thirst, after all, four bank merge needs a certain time. Shares allocation issues also need to consider, Time is definitely no time. "

"As for the cooperation of the black cloud bank, it can be considered. After all, Baozi Xuan also did not have the relationship between Zheng Yuxuan. But the premise of cooperation is capital, now there is what capital is cooperating with others. No us, black cloud bank still develops And you may not know. "

"The Far East Bank has separated the business of the Southeast Asia, which has been separated from the Southeast Asian business. It has set up Nanyang Far East Bank. Tong Xiangjiang Headquarters is just a partnership. At this time, Nanyang Far East Bank has been incorporated by Black Cloud Bank. Bao Zixuan will not have ideas for our banks, and they are not known. "

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