Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1260 Soundweaking Alliance

Remember [New] for a second,! Listening to Shiping said that the Far East Bank Southeast Asia business has been separated two years ago, indicating that Qiu family wants to retreat. Even so, it is still acquired by Black Cloud Bank; in this view, the Xiangjiang small and medium bank crisis events caused by the Far East Bank crisis. As of now, Black Cloud Bank is the biggest beneficiary.

Why can Zhuang Shiping get news, everyone will not doubt. Nanyang Commercial Bank, the main business is the financial relationship between the Southeast Asia, in this regard, they are more professional than the Far East Bank. Therefore, there is any wind blowing in the Southeast Asia, and Zhuang Shiping will know in the first time.

Just everyone didn't expect that Bao Zixuan was so young, it would be so low. I know how to make a big fortune, and I will never have a sound. This is definitely a person who is more dangerous than Zheng Yurong and Bao Yushang, saying that it is now also to put them in several banks. Shopping malls, such as battlefields, don't talk about what your relationships and relationships.

Moreover, there is no relationship with the Black Cloud Group, Bunxuan comes from the rise to the time. I didn't have a few banks with their banks. Their life is very easy to be taken.

Liao Lie Wen: "Although Black Cloud Bank's threats are also existed, no matter how it is trying to try. Bunzi Xuan's commercial reputation is very good. If the bank is not operating, I really want to sell banks to this rich."

"At least the treatment of bank employees can also improve, it is for their final welfare."

In fact, Liao Lie Wen is clear; in these few, Currant Bank will inevitably first. It has been stared on the boat, which is so easy to get out. Since banks have been acquired, they are not avoided, of course, we must maximize benefits. The Black Cloud Group acquired any company. It may be related to Bao Xuan's performance, because in his view; more spend more money is not a matter of business compared to commercial reputation.

After all, make money for the head of the bag, it is easy. It's really dismissed to billions of Hong Kong coins and waste too much time. Of course, there is only the first rich dare to be so arrogant, and other tycons are really doing. Black Cloud Group employees are well known, believe that employees will not exclude themselves acquired. After all, many of them are old people who have been for many years. Liao Liewen, I hope they have a good destination.

Liao family that may be capable, can also stay in the bank to continue.

If it is purchased, Liao family must leave. There are many people in the package of boats, and there is no work space originally controlled. However, Bun Zixuan does not exist these problems, only one mother and wife at home, plus two daughters who have just been born.

Family staff never participated in the company's affairs, which will be much better than it.

Differentiated tiles to solubilize the jade plan is useless. Several bank merger proposals have not passed; then there is only one program left to cooperate with the Black Cloud Bank. As long as it is to get the leading support, I believe that this crisis is not worth nothing. But everyone consistently through the establishment of an anti-shark alliance, the target is straight to sharper.

In fact, this so-called alliance,

There is no role at all. After all, for a few binding, as long as there is enough interest, it will soon get torn.

At this time, Baixuan is accompanying his daughter at home, so many days have not returned home; there is still a little false. Fortunately, there is a child, and I will not put all my husbands all, otherwise it is really unclear. Mother can not ask more times, my son often doesn't go home, I have been used to it; plus now there is a daughter-in-law, there is a contradiction between the husband and wife, isn't it?

Even if Bunxuan is at home, I can't help. It is also good to leave a few days, the man can't always stay at home, after all, there are companies to operate, there are so many employees to eat.

I suddenly received a call from Yuan Tianfan at night, Bao Zi Xuan knows that there is an emergency. Otherwise, the other party will not call him so late, it seems that several banks have already sleened.

Yuan Tianfan said with a smile: "Boss, did not bother you to rest so late!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "Sleeping is not so early, is there another few banks can't hold, have contacted you."

After the net is waiting for one and a half months, it is certainly not Zheng Yumi. Although it is just the first day today, several other banks must feel the crisis. In recent years, Xiangjiang Bank closed, bankruptcy, and has been acquired. Countries are a bit of power, but the gap between HSBC is getting bigger and bigger; plus the shark with stirring, of course, will feel the crisis.

Yuan Tianfan: "Just Chengxing Bank's Liao Lie has called me to call me, indicating that Yongheng, Nanyang business, CHING, Yonglong have already formed alliances. Common for anti-bag Yuang, Zheng Yu and HSBC; ask us not to join."

The Bank of Communications, Liao Lie Wen, is more familiar with Yuan Tianfan, and it is impossible to go directly to find the head. Through Yuan Tianfan, if you can achieve the best, it is not too much for others.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "What do you mean?"

Since the bank has handed over to Yuan Tianfan management, then you should choose to believe. Since the birth of the daughter, the head of the bag is not enough. Therefore, for banks, don't want to participate too much. After all, Yuan Tianfan has no problem, so that it will be better to play freely.

Yuan Tianfan: "The so-called alliance, more is a placement. The name may be good, the actual significance is not big. Although the Black Cloud Bank also has a deposit, it is not large. Therefore, there is no need to participate in the fine. When we are exhausted, we are not late. "

"And I really have participated in, but it is not conducive to the next step. Enterprises who acquire allies, they are not good."

Baozi Xuan: "It is good to do according to what you mean. After all, in the financial field, you are experts."

Get it absolutely authorized by the boss, Yuan Tianlifai horses understand what to do. Following such a boss, I don't know if it is lucky or misfortune. But it is possible to plan the company in accordance with yourself, you can display it; from this area, it feels very good.

Received Yuan Tianfan refused to join the league phone, although it is expected, there is still some unwilling.

Liao Lie said directly: "Yuan Tianfan refused, saying that this is what we are; Black Cloud Bank will not participate."

Feng Yujing said: "It is still enough for our strength. It still needs itself; since the head is in the best, we must be strong."

"I will improve bank interest tomorrow, see if I can keep some customers."

Early the next morning, Zheng Yu has learned four banks while improving bank interest, and interest rate is even surprising. It means what it means, this is definitely good in advance, and the purpose is to fight against him.

Zheng Yu said to Zheng 2nd: "We have to increase publicity in our side, absolutely can't give Yongchen's one more opportunity. In the TV station, advertise, don't worry about cost; to let Xiangjiang citizens know that Zheng Jia's strength."

Zheng Erhong because the bank has a greasy, coupled with new interactions, let the sharrians are very satisfied; therefore is reused, the current banking business is basically handed over to him. After all, I just took over and the people were unstable.

Don't do anything, but spending money for Zheng Erhong, just simple. Regardless of the TV station, it is reasonable; if you can solve the problem, you will never talk nonsense with the other side. So at noon, the major TV stations began to cover the open publicity, coupled with the top version of the newspaper, so that the rare earth resources were once again fired.

The advertising effect is very good. In just a day, HSBC and Zheng Bank sold 4.8 billion rare earth companies bonds. However, it is a short-term bond that most of them are short-term bonds. It seems that Xiangjiang people are too conservative.

But there are so many sales a day, still very happy. Zheng's bank's cash increased, then other bank funds will be reduced. There are not much time for the other four banks, I believe that it is a morning and evening that is closed or acquired.

After the shark is returned to the home, I said to Zheng Er Shao: "I have recently paying attention to Nanyang Commercial Bank, and the opportunity of rare earth companies cannot be there. Therefore, I want to have long-term development, I have to have my own strength and channel. Far East Bank Southeast Asia generation business is acquired by Black Cloud, but we can also think about it from other places. "

"Nanyang Commercial Bank's main business in Southeast Asia, so you can acquire it, to supplement your own weakness."

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