Remember [New] for a second,! At this time, Zheng Erju is full of heart, finally the power is in the grip; and the old man is basically recognized. At home, you can have a big brother with your big brother, you can develop like this, beyond your morning and evening. It is still a long-distance, and now I have considering the acquisition of Nanyang commercial banks, then it means that he has greater rights and more funds.

In the past two days, Zheng Erjui has been busy in the bank, seeing the number of accounts every day, letting it like. Still open the bank to make money, compared with it, selling jewelery and real estate, more slower than this money.

At the same time, the boat king is in the family. Two son-in-law Wu Guang is reporting to Bao Yushang, and the father-in-law is more concerned about the bank's things in the last two days, making his son-in-law busy. Banks currently can acquire, there are so many people.

Wu Guangzheng: "At present, I have already tried to expose the Liao Lie Wen, who has come to the Bank of Currants. The other person also feels that Liao family may not keep banks, so there is not much exclusion. But I want to acquire a lot of families of the Bank of China, and recently, Liao Lie Wen Yun Yuan Tiangan exchanges very frequent. "

I heard the black clouds participated in, and the mood of the ship king became complicated. In Xiangjiang, if there is a person who makes him taboo, then it must be the same name. Bunzi Xuan This person always makes people feel unpacked, and how much is it, no one knows. The Daily flow of the Black Cloud Group is really scary; at least the package is not compared with it.

Bao Yugang: "Bunzi Xuan is really a person who doesn't live loneliness. The Black Cloud Bank is already the first in Xiangjiang. This kid is still not satisfied. However, this time is four banks, I want to take the strength of the package. A bank is not a problem. "

"Doing a business, it is a price, Bao Zixuan even in the rich; you can't swallow four, and each family gives a high price. Ski is expensive, and more than a few more contacts, can't be in one The tree will hang. Banks are choosing a buyer, and we are also choosing banks. "

"To make them have a sense of compression, it doesn't matter how much money is taken if necessary."

"Look at the package of the family, but now it is too strong for HSBC. Some things are unclear, Shen Wei is still good, one, but Shen Wei, what is the color, but I can't say it."

I want to complete the rules at the business field, it is not realistic. If so, I definitely can't make money. And running ship business, maybe, who will give goods; this is through HSBC, but can not check. If you seriously pursue it, you can't live well.

In addition, I saw the shark, I have already taken a bank, as a more rich package home, absolutely can't be backward. The funds are still safe to be safe; the more wealth is, the more like this, the boat king is also considering the future of the family.

Compared with the boat king, the other tycons in Xiangjiang also began to act. Zheng's home enters the banking industry, they certainly can't be backward. No one wants to hold a bank, but there is no way to achieve the identity of HSBC's directors.

At this time, HSBC in Xiangjiang,

It is not the same as before. It makes it possible to make the Director of HSBC, it is not possible to have a chicken rib. Baozi Xuan's first entry into the banking industry, now Black Cloud Bank has become the largest bank in Xiangjiang. Moreover, branches are more all over the world, and the security is definitely guaranteed.

At this time, Li Chao and Li Zhai are planning, and their two families enters the banking industry.

Double Li is very clear, standing on one, I want to enter the banking industry. The competitors are really too much. At this moment, it is not a way of talking; so if you want to achieve the effect, you must join us.

So the two started talks in a teahouse.

Li Chao: "Li Sheng, Zheng Yong has entered the banking industry. And the rare earth mineral bonds currently released, but the Xiangjiang financial industry is turned down. I don't know what you have."

Although the two are not shares in Bao Huo's mining company; but other industries, especially in real estate, they don't make money. It is actually a difference than the bag jade, but it is absolutely not bad compared to shark.

Li Zhai knew that Li Chao was will definitely be a big move, it seems that this time is to cooperate. In fact, the two have the same purpose, alone, even if they get the bank control. But you want to develop, or you get people trust, it is not very realistic.

Li Zhai said with a smile: "Li Sheng's idea is unable to meet, for the long-term development of the family, must have its own bank. But from the current situation, a single acquisition bank is basically unrealistic. For Li Sheng's , As well as business, it is absolutely believed. "

"Cooperation is a win-win choice, our home has no reason to refuse. In order to express sincerity, if you really acquire it; then the bank management rights can be handed over to Li Sheng, but our family must occupy the same shares as you."

The partnership is not so simple. If the two headsmen have disagree, then the company will inevitably operate. Even if there is no difference between the head, it is difficult to ensure that people can't afford to moth. Unless there is no way, or the company's body is too big. Otherwise, this is a super tycoon, but I really don't want to make a business with partnership.

Li Chao did not expect that Li Zhai can do not manage right. This is definitely not as simple as you trust yourself, maybe more to make it feel free, and he also has more things.

Since this is sincere, if this is refused; then it is estimated that the two will want to cooperate, and it is not realistic. The entire Xiangjiang, the most ideal partner is really a Lishaki family. The two strengths are quite, and there is no big fish to eat small fish. Plus two people are talking, it can ensure that there is no big problem in the next 20 years.

As for 20 years, if the size of the bank is particularly large, you can completely split. If you don't go on the size, then there is no need to continue to operate; directly selling may be the best results.

Li Chao said with a smile: "Thanks Li Sheng's trust, but in the financial sector can not be good at it. Therefore, the issue of management is said, first, how to get a bank holding power."

"At present, according to what I know, the boat king bag Yugang family is ready to move, Wu Guangzheng is frequently contacted by Liao Lie Wen of the Bank of China; you are the strength of the two, and a lot of things, many things have to be prevented."

"And even if the acquisition is successful, business development is also a trouble. At present, the largest banks in Xiangjiang, the black cloud mainly engage in the business of the United States, Japan, Huaxia Continental; HSBC is more in Europe and America. Xiangjiang small and medium banks, mostly Operating the business of the casino and Xiangjiang, the most Southeast Asia generation has some branches. "

"Recently, the Bank of China Southeast Asia, has been incorporated by Black Cloud Bank. The shark is with Qiu Deguan, but now I know there is not much. Plus the current Zheng Jia is a spring breeze, can only beaten Detourene in the belly. "

"So we will face cruel competition after we have acquired the bank. It is a good relationship with HSBC. It is because Shen Wei knows that we have no competition. Now enter the banking industry, you want to keep the directors in HSBC, Not realistic. "

"It is therefore necessary to find black cloud, HSBC or a foreign big bank; only this, uu reads the book Our bank can survive in the competition."

Liao Lie Wen is also not stupid, Wu Guang is in touch with him, is the wind that Liao family took the initiative. Its purpose is very simple, let more people know that Currant Bank has been seen, not buyer. In order to raise the price, this is the most normal business means.

For the purchase price, Li Zhai is not worried, after all, as long as the buyer is united, the premium may be small. Even if the premium is in two financial resources, it is not big. It is now a future development issue; it is easy to play Jiangshan. It is difficult to hold it.

With the strength of the current two, the bank is not closed, but it is very difficult to develop and grow; if so, after the acquisition, what is the meaning!

Li Zhai did not expect that Li Chao people actually knew that the Southeast Asian branch of the Far East Bank was acquired by Black Cloud Bank. It seems that this guy seeks the banking industry not a day two days.

Black Cloud Bank enters the Southeast Asian market, will inevitably be warmly welcomed. Unlike their real estate business, Bunzi Xuan can have too many high-end manufacturing. Just built a factory, it is a huge promotion of the local economy. Then they want to enter, it will be very difficult!

Is it just a business in the two places in Xiangjiang and the casino, and the two strengths have seriously matched.

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