Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1262, the tycoon in action

Remember [New] for a second,! At this time, the two tycons have fallen into two difficulties, and the acquisition bank is easy, but it is very difficult to survive. Whether it is Yongheng's Feng Jing, or Yonglong's Wu Yizun is a old elder generation in banks for many years. Is it absolutely not in the financial sector than the two people. But now Yongheng Bank and Yonglong Bank are struggling, even in the edge of the closed.

Perhaps two people in capital is not lacking, but the company acquired, if you can't make money, where is the meaning of the acquisition coming over. Is it convenient for accounting; perhaps you can persuade yourself, no one can stand up.

Li Zhaili: "Li Sheng, maybe I can find the black cloud Baozi Xuan to charge."

I heard what I want to find Bunxuan, Li Chao people immediately understand what it means. In fact, we look for the cooperation of the Black Cloud Bank and is also in its plan. After all, it is more worrying about Shen Xuan, or the same Bao Xuan cooperation is more peaceful.

The head of the bag is also transferred to the asset, otherwise it is impossible to toss in the Middle East so much. However, the construction of Black Cloud Town has not stopped, even more than a thousand miles away. So things is very good, the first rich will never leave.

As for HSBC, it is not allowed, what is the idea of ​​the British? No one is caught. Although HSBC is once a quasi-central bank, Shen Yu is in the case of knowing the regression of Xiangjiang; it has begun to go to the central bank, and I don't hesitate to give up a lot of privileges. With the strong rise of Black Cloud Bank, HSBC's status becomes more embarrassing, or maybe not possible.

The same is ready to go to work, it is to find trouble. They are all Chinese people, and most industries are in Xiangjiang. Real estate is an industry that has a very high policy and resource requirements. Rank to go to a new market, absolutely playing. Keep the local development of Xiangjiang, the Black Cloud Bank is obviously more appropriate and convenient.

And it is important to be important, they want to acquire banks; they really need to be headed, at least they can't fight with them. If the Black Cloud Bank joins in, the probabilities of successful acquisitions are very low; at least in the funds, and the bank employee level, the black clouds occupy an absolute advantage.

Li Chao: "Bun Zixuan can give us this face! When the Huo Dynasty is split, we have not stood here. And we are with the Huangpu company, there are some entanglements. Last time shark When you do things, you will buy the company's stocks directly. "

"Although I bought it back, I didn't make anything."

In fact, the relationship between the old super-bags, Li Zhaiki is of course clear. But he said that it is really a bit gas. At least Bao Zi Xuan has always contacted him, it can be said that both relationships are quite good. Before Bao Huo's demolition, Li Zhakei deliberately called Bun Zixuan, expressed his resolution to support him.

At that time, the bag of the bag did not want to have anyone with Zheng Yugang, and there was no consent, so the company must split. But this situation will definitely be remembered in his heart, but also indicate that Li Zhai is not a person who falls in the stone.

When the Black Cloud Bank suffered the crisis, Li Zhaoshi did not pay the money to the bank, but in contained a few billion Hong Kong dollars. Although the amount is not large; but it is not easy to take so much money.

There must be a black cloud town, inevitably thank Li Zhake. If there is no other party, it will never be so smooth. The head is rich, but it is owed to a big man. Although not for your own business, now let the bag must sell a face, the other party should not refuse.

Li Zhai: "About Bao Zi Xuan, I will get it. Although there is no 100% grasp, more than 70%, still very confident."

"And even if the package is unconfil, we will acquire banks, and there are markets that can be excavated. Li Sheng feels how far Bay!"

The other party is not a person who is unless, and it can be said that there is a story between the two people. It seems that Li Zhai is smarter than imagining, at least in terms of making friends, it is absolutely strong.

Referring to the Bay Market, Li Chao people immediately understood what it meant. The relationship between the bay and Xiangjiang rivers have always been subtle. From the colonial era, there is already a lot of contacts.

Li Zhaoji has invested in real estate business a few years ago, it can be said that there is a deep and thick person in Bay. There is currently no bank to be responsible for the business between Xiangjiang and Bay; most of them use cooperation methods. If the bank succeeds in acquiring, you can really operate the financial accounts in the two places.

It is also strange that the Black Cloud Group has not entered the Gulf Bay investment. Most have brand stores in several well-known cities in Bay. The factory can be a family, but it is very strange. When the manufacturing industry in the lower Bay Bay is not bad, there is still a racked place in Asia.

In fact, the Bay Bay authorities invited the Black Cloud Group to invest in, but they all gave Bunxuan to refuse. At present, the Black Cloud Group is really not suitable for the past, but it is also unable to completely sin. Therefore, in the name of Yulin Institute of Technology, cooperation in several universities in Wan Wan. It is mainly for the chip field, and this bay is still some technical advantages.

Li Chao said with a smile: "Then trouble Li Sheng, if you can persuade Bao Zi Xuan to help, the future is a lot. Black Cloud Bank is not only available to give certain support, banking equipment, is also in the world. Leading level. Now there are so many small and medium-sized banks have become more difficult to operate, and there is a big relationship with the popularity of the black cloud bank ATM machine. "

"And now the banking industry, information storage is very critical. This is to ask Baozi Xuan's kid, or buy equipment from the Black Cloud Group. It doesn't matter for us, but the money will be spent. Technical you me Don't understand, but you should pay attention. "

"Plus Li Sheng has considering entered the Bay Market, then I am more confident. This is the road that many banks have not passed by many banks; if they have successfully opened the Bay Market, it may be looking for us to cooperate with us."

I heard Li Chao said that the other party is absolutely studying. And this person is too savvy, working with such people, and how it is not known. But at this time, the family has no other choice, only one step will be taken.

Li Zhakei: "It is also necessary to make a detailed plan. This is really looking for a professional consultation. As the business is getting bigger and bigger, we don't understand many areas, it is very important to keep up with the times."

"Bun Zixuan and Bao Yugang have been exposed, and there is a problem from the side. Why is our rare earth company, a lot of profits than before. The main reason is not professional, I heard that Zheng Yurong and the boat king are already in the world Looking for rare earth experts, we have to act. "

Li Chao: "Bank plan is good, I will go back to arrange; this, please rest assured. But the rare earth mineral company is not our own, or have to see what other do things mean."

Professionals in the banking field, Li Chao has long been reserved. It is no longer two days a day. With the continuous bank failure and merger of the Xiangjiang in these years, the Yangtze River industry has collected many banks professionals. For the development of plans, those equipment are harvested; do not say special professional, at least there will be too much leakage.

Li Zhakei: "It seems that Li Sheng is ready to prepare, then things will do a lot. Bank management rights are handed over to you, our family is only responsible for supervision. After all, a person is limited, Li Shengneng is more labor!"

In fact, Li Zhakei said that there is a certain reason. According to the scale of the company, as well as the scope of business. Li Zhakeki family is definitely more extensive than Li Chao family, after all, and remember Huangpu has surname. Li Chao can have no chance to get it, and it is also normal to be superchard by Li Zhai.

After that, the two communicated some details and they left. Finally, the result of the discussion is to prepare Yonglong Bank, Li Zhai is responsible for consultation with Bao Zixuan; striving to support the other party's financial and technical support. Li Chao people are responsible for formulating related acquisition plans; and is mainly responsible for the negotiations of Zipyi Sun.

It is also very accurate that the banks selected by the two are still very accurate. At present, Yonglong Bank is the smallest, and the least assets are the least in the four banks; The two of them just want to enter the banking area, and there is not much requirement for size. In HSBC and black clouds, Yongheng and Yonglong have nothing to do. Acquisition of Yonglong will not have too many companies to compete with their competition, it is to reduce the pressure to yourself!

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