As long as Li Chao and Li Zhai completed the acquisition of Yonglong Bank, the same system and equipment as black cloud banks were also used. This is a big step forward for the promotion of the Black Cloud Bank system! Want to set a standard, it is not so easy. Especially in the financial industry, it is even more difficult. After all, it involves national security, no one will believe foreign companies.

Only in Xiangjiang grow, radiate throughout Asia and then promote to the world. At present, although the Bank of America has its own system, it is not very perfect. More is based on computer itself, and has a lot of professionalism and security. The Black Cloud Bank system is completely created for banks, it is very good. But the words come back, the foundation is good to use.

At present, there is only a black cloud bank, then there is no difference between family. Only when more banks are used, even when they can't be causing, they are really successful. Moreover, Baozi Xuan has already thought, and it is great to publish source code to the user, at least let people have the bottom. The former Android system is to open the market like this, and the black cloud can fully follow.

At that time, the Americans also can't pick anything wrong, I am the source code is open; what happens to the national financial security!

Li Zhai is a pleasant to leave the peninsula hotel, but the head is not allowed to leave. After all, it has been the same as high - Jia Daoguo. And here is still a place of people, and I have to do it!

The service staff picks up the boss command, but I don't dare to neglect. Therefore, I have been waiting outside Li Zhai and the head of the head. At this time, it is certainly impossible to go in. The two people talk about the content, and it will inevitably involve confidential information. Since the double package will be photographed in the peninsula hotel, the hotel has strengthened management. Don't say absolute safety at this time, at least the dog, the reporter wants to bring a camera to come in, absolutely not so easy.

And for the service personnel, system training is made. Its purpose is to ensure that the dialogue between the tycoon is absolutely safe, and no leakage cannot occur. This is the foundation of the hotel in the hotel, and the Jiaogao family is not to pay attention.

A beautiful woman said to Bunzu: "Banheng, hello! The boss is waiting for you, I don't know if you are so convenient, I can take you in the past!"

Looking for who is here waiting for Baoxuan, it is also necessary to pick out. It must be a rare beauty, so that the other party will see it, feel comfortable.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "That's trouble, please ask the road in front!"

Beauty has been in the peninsula Hotel for more than 3 years, and many people have seen many people during the period. Still the first time, in the near future, I contacted Xiangjiang Rivers. The experience told him that the more people will be with you. Only those who have just a little money, the outbreak, the small businessman will only think that it feels more.

Bao Zi Xuan name graduated, can be said to be the highest level of education in Xiangjiang.

Plus its rich enemy's wealth attributes, it is sufficient to get absolutely little. Although I have already married a woman, I want to find a small or lover, it is estimated that the queue can take a few laps around Xiangjiang.

Such a high-quality man, who takes the hospital, so polite. I don't look at anyone at all, ask the woman dislike!

How do beautiful women want to pack the head to manage if he wants to contact it, but this wish is not implemented. From the box, until the board of chairman. Only when they just met, they didn't say a word during the period. Good professionalism, let him dare not take the initiative to find a topic. After all, where is the other party, it is an important guest of the boss, but you can't disturb it easily. People don't talk, she can only prepare for service next to it.

Although I am not willing, I can see the head of the head is not easy, even can show off with my sisters. This is also a talker after the meal, you can do some satisfaction!

Seeing Bunzi Xuan came in, Mi Gao - Jia Dao hit it quickly and said: "Banheng, I have already washed tea set, waiting for you!"

A big boss personally gave it to yourself, and the head is unlikely. I think that the beauty just brought by myself is very good, at least more comfortable than the middle aged man. So smiled and said: "You are also super rich, find a service person to help us with tea. Let you personally serve me, always feel awkward!"

If you are anyone else, you really don't say this. But the bag is rich in communication with Hebrew, and it can be said that there is no leak risk.

Mi Gao - Jia Daoguo prescribed a phone, just bits the beautiful woman who came in, immediately started tea. This is the most basic requirement for hotel staff.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I still look at the beautiful woman's tea is more comfortable. The most important thing about your tea is really darer. This time, it is deliberately communicating with a white dialect, and the beauty is also smile."

I didn't expect the head of the head and the love, it seems to be a chance. But now I can't think more, the service is better than anything. Give the bag, you can't have this idea. If you can appreciate, the salary increase is already satisfied!

Mi Gao - Jia Dao said with Hebrew: "In fact, I invited you in the hall. I haven't seen it for a long time. I have a little important. I am not afraid of you jokes. In recent years, the Jia Dao family earned some money, but true I don't know where to invest in. "

"Although I am a Jew, the family has developed in Iraq. Make the two sides are not very high, so in Iraq and Israel's investment have reached the limit; in increasing investment, it will be dangerous "

"And the local place in the Middle East, can always break the war. It is because of this, the family moves away."

"" Come now, there is no industry in the industry to invest, maybe it is not found, maybe it is related to Jia Dynasty. Make the family development into a bottleneck, but you can't put the money earned in the bank to eat interest. Pure as a lavess, it is not the business style of Jews. "

"As an old friend, but you have to guide me. Those industries you can't see, or have enough energy, Jia Dao family is willing to help."

It turned out to be such a thing, it is no wonder that the Jia truth is a hundred years without falling. It is not in Xiangjiang investment into a bottleneck, nor does it dare to increase investment in the Middle East. More don't want to put the eggs in a basket, this kind of care, cautiousness really makes the title and learning ******* Xuan Xuan as saying with Hebrew: "In fact, this time I want to discuss this. Things, mainly the hotel industry, the black cloud group is really a bit playing. "

"There are three hotels in Black Cloud Town. If Mi is interested, you can choose one, and the operation right is given to you! It is the exclusive operation. But this is just a small project, I still have another thing. I want to find you negotiation. "

"You know that I have a lot of investment in China, of course, except for the factory, trade, real estate is the name of Huangpu Company. This is ready to be a big project, and the first phase involves nearly 50 in China. City. Therefore, it is necessary to build 50 sets of five-star hotels. If you are interested, both sides can cooperate. "

"Of course, this project time is very span, may take ten years, or even time. If you are interested, I am of course welcomed."

Both sides are communicated with Hebrew, which is incredible for the beauty waiters who make the tea. It is said that the bag is full of talents. I didn't expect Hebrews so fluent. They have no problem in English, but other languages ​​have no hard requirements. The gap between people and people is really not small, how can I have such a good man?

If this man is in the heart of him, the final woman's ending will never be poor. But when he became a super rich, you want to be together, then the woman must have a strong family background. The prince in the fairy tale may only be able to match only the princess!

Baozi Xuan introduced, Mi Gaja's truth was shocked; if it was only a appetizer in Huaxian Town Hotel, then he built 50 five-star hotel in Huaxia mainland, absolutely a mad plan.

At this time, the Jiaogao family has integrated into the Xiangjiang Society, and it is certainly unfamiliar to the Chinese mainland. However, in the future, there are now a few cities that are suitable for building a five-star hotel. It is likely to lose money, or even blood is sorry.

But seeing the head of the bag is so confident, Mi Gao - Jia Dao is feeling that the other party must know what; otherwise it does not dare to invest so big. Whose money is not a big wind, the other party is a creation, and the investment will be more cautious.

If there is no absolute grasp, it will inevitably take the steps so big.

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