Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1270 Plaza Hotel Plan 2

In fact, 100 five-star hotels originally planned, just don't want to scare rice high-Jia Dao. After all, the other party has also been to the Chinese mainland, of course, knows the living standards of the mainland people, and economic conditions. Five-star hotels in the world are extravagant.

With the current economic index of the China, don't say 50 buildings, it is estimated that 5 difficulties are difficult. It is very easy to build, as long as it is money. But you want to make our hotel earning, but you need to consumption.

The Black Cloud Group can only take a holding model in the future, which means that anyone will have a shares in addition to Bao Zi Xuan. Then, the black cloud is so excellent, how to do; have a shares with Huangpu is a nice choice.

But I want to have valuable shares of Huangpu's stock, I must have to take out the performance of the market. In the future, the development of China's mainland, the head of the head is clear. In each person, the provincial capital, the center and key cities, the construction of the Yellow Square will become very necessary.

I have seen some big markets, it is also a super tycoon. Mi Gao - Jia Daoguo has reacted, very serious, said: "Banheng, although there is a little impolite, but you are serious!"

There are also 5-star hotels that are also 5 star hotels in Mi Gaoguo, and they must know that their family members are close to a hundred years. Is it because it is not enough for courage and courage to lead to not fast development.

Baozi Xuan said very seriously: "We are now talking about business, talking about cooperation; of course very serious. You know my temper, very little joke, don't open this joke.

I heard the other party so certainly replied that Mi Gao - Jia Dao is a bit short circuit. The development of Huaxia mainland is very fast, but it is not bad, many places don't say ten years, or even twenty years, I have not supported the consumption power of its five-star hotel. Huo Yingdong builds a five-star hotel in Yangcheng, which is very powerful; I didn't expect the bag to be more embarrassed, and 50 were directly on the horse.

In fact, this is not a monster - Jia Dao, after all, the Huaxia Continent is currently recognized as a five-star hotel, that is, the white swan of the sheep farm, others are still planning. Even the design does not dare, worry that investment is boiling. After all, in addition to the head of the head, no one can see the future, of course, I don't know what kind of miracle created in the future development of Huaxia.

By the past until 90 years, three five-star hotel throughout the Chinese mainland; therefore, Bao Zi Xuan's plan, can not be used as a grandeur. As a hotel professionals, Mi Gao - Jiaogao is still very familiar with the world's national hotel planning, and where to build a five-star hotel does not say, if you don't say it, you also know a probably.

Mi Gao - Jia Dao: "Banheng, this plan is too crazy. 50 five-star hotel needed very large funds, if there is a change, there may be a full Jia Dao family will not exist. So can you with me Introduced in detail,

Otherwise, it is really hard to convince yourself, as well as the family! "

Bao Zixuan knows that he thinks some of course. After all, the Chinese mainland in this year is in the richest rivers, especially foreigners, there is a feeling of poverty. For five-star hotel super luxury, no a few people dare to try.

In fact, the bag must not want to go to the horse so soon, many things need a process. But now the people are simple, and the demolition work will not have any contradictions. Little entry into the 21st century, the people's ideas increased; if you want to plan and remember the Huangpu Square in the city center, it will definitely be very difficult!

And the cost of modern land is almost negligible, and the most is some construction costs. The Xiangjiang Banking crisis is definitely a good opportunity. Waiting for the end of the matter, the deposit of the Black Cloud Bank will inevitably increase.

And it is based on the name of Huangpu company, and the black cloud staff is the Lord who is not bad. If they invest in the Black Cloud Group, they don't give the company's shares, then there is no difference between the same white. But there will be no problem with the name of Huangpu Company. Although there are more money, Li Chao will benefit.

But how much, Li Chao wants to keep the shares, must take the money. In this way, the disc can do even more, and the future benefits will inevitably increase. If the other party is reluctant to continue investment, it can be diluted in accordance with the size of the investment scale. No money, no one will take you.

Mi Gao - Jiaogao mentioned the family, it seems that this thing has exceeded its authorization.

His old man is nearly 90 years old, but it is still alive after all. And the old man is still very strong, it is said that it can work before being dead in 1993, and it is not confused at all. Although the company's management rights have been handed over to the son, such a large investment must have to ask the old master's opinion.

One is not good, it will bring the whole Jia Dao family to the abyss, Mi Gao - Jia Dao is not ashamed at all. Previous investment is not large, and the head is very good. In addition, even if you lose money, there is no major relationship, and the Jia Dao is still born. But this time is 50 five-star hotel, even if the Huaxia Road is inexpensive, the material cost is not low.

For a five-star hotel, many materials in China, still can't produce, and must be transported abroad. Single tariffs and transportation costs are a small expense.

Bao Zixuan: "I don't know if Mi high it has heard the CBD concept."

Central Business District; referred to as CBD. Refers to the region where a country or the main business activities in the city. Its concept was the earliest of the United States in 1923, which was defined as "Business Conference". Subsequently, the content of the CBD is constantly developing, making a city, a regional and even a country's economic development center.

In general, the CBD is located in the city center, which has highly concentrated the city's economic, scientific and cultural power. As the core of the city, it should have a variety of functions such as financial, trade, services, exhibitions, consultations, and equipped with a perfect municipal transportation and Communication conditions.

For a Jew, it is still engaged in the Jews of the hotel's business, of course, CBD. Is Bunxuan to build a CBD in 50 large cities in China, that is the need to be an astronomical figure, which is simply unimaginable.

Mi Gao - Jia Dao: "You want to build a central business district in 50 cities in Huaxia, which can be an astronomical figure. And with the current economic development of the China mainland; It has the strength of the construction of the central business district. Even if there are two two cities in the Chinese mainland economy, it is very reluctant. "

"If the two places in these two places have been built, the Jia Dao family can also consider that there is too much risks in other places."

If you do this, if Bunzu Xuan is now announced in China's mainland to build 50 central business districts; it is estimated that everyone will think that he is not crazy, or there is no place to spend.

However, the development speed of the Chinese continent, but also the people can imagine.

Bao Zixuan: "I have this plan, and I am also ready to implement. If the Jia Dynasty family does not want to bear too big risks, then the capital of the hotel can be made out of the company, and the peninsula hotel is appropriate, you can purchase, you can purchase, you can purchase, Or contracted business. But that time, it is necessary to compete with other hotels. After all, we are all merchants, paying for the situation, and the maximum interest is the foundation of survival. "

This kid investment has never been mistaken. He just invests a hotel, other supporting facilities need to be provided with Huangpu. The first rich is the big head, and the scale of Jiaogui family investment is not as big as it is. And all hotels are not a one-time built.

People can think of you, but a chance. If this time I refuse, I will not find you next time.

Mi Gao - Jia Dao is very firm and said: "You dare to cast, I will have dare to do. The money is put in the bank, and there is another use. I have built two in Shanghai and Kyoto. How do you feel."

"I will raise funds and ensure that you will not make you difficult."

I didn't expect the old boy, and the Jews really have a good place.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "You will never regret for the choice today, future investment will inevitably bring high return."

So the two will determine this, uu reads and remember Huangpu's construction in the China mainland; the hotel is responsible for investment by Jia Daozuo.

During decades, the Jiaogui family has a five-star hotel in Huaxia's mainland; more than 100 annual income is more than 21 billion US dollars, but it is definitely a cash giant.

The waiter for two tycoon tea, later wrote a novel about the two talks at this time. Although I can't understand what the two are talking, but it is not difficult to see from the boss expression, the head of the head is very big. An unusually magnificent plan, which is a boss who is used to a big scene.

I don't know if it is trust or a keen sense of merchants. Mr. Jia Dao, agreed to Bao Zixuan's plan and decided to join. Until a few months, I know; the original two people are negotiating and yellow squares and supporting hotel projects.

When the China's mainland economy is not very ideal, the bag is so rich to invest so large. It can only be said that we can know the things tomorrow, but he can see through the development of the next few decades, which may be the gap between people and people.

The new book has a very good sales volume, even the first rich and Mi Gao - Jia Dao is also purchased a copy, and it is a memories and commemoration.

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