At this time, after the package is processed, after the company's business, it comes to the location of Angela-Rosierd. But when you come, you will find some inconsishes. I am not like a restaurant, nor a private club; more like a girl home. Fortunately, in Xiangjiang is your own site, you don't have to worry about what the other party is playing.

The bodyguard has been checked in detail, and the security naturally strengthens with the increase of wealth. Although there is an accident now, some people inherit the property, but the head is absolutely will not be willing.

After everything OK, Bunzi Xuan entered the villa.

In fact, it is really letting Bunxuan guess it. It is really not a restaurant here. It is not an external service site. It is an accommodation in the Xiangjiang, but Angela-Roschildren in Xiangjiang; only usually lives here, so there are not many people who know.

After seeing the head of the bag, Angel Roschild naturally hangs the other clothes on the hanger; it is very like a wife waiting for her husband to go to get off work, this is not done. Let Baozi Xuan feel very kind, it may have a big relationship with the long phase of the other party. No matter whether it admits or not, Angel Roschild is definitely the most amazing existence.

If the length is not good, the family is not likely because she is playing, even at the point of the soldiers. She will not hide in Xiangjiang, silently expand their strength!

Today's Roschild Miss is carefully dressed, wearing very well, and does not lose sexy. The table is ready for candlelight dinner, which can be said to a couple of couples. Although the identity of the two makes the atmosphere of the scene, it is not acceptable.

Always have your own bodyguards, and the surroundings have also been investigated. It is also not worried about what this woman is playing, so the bag must take directly to the table. Also said: "Miss Rothschild, prepared so well, so that it is very touched. Huaxia has an old saying, the family is short, and it is short."

"So there is something, or it is good to say in advance. In case, you can't do it, just eat your meal, drink your wine. But it is not coming back, then it is not very embarrassing."

The other party will never find him without any reason, but also so warm and romantic scenes; there must be a great relationship with the current Xiangjiang Bank's acquisition!

Angela Rosierd laughed, but the little woman showed the dripping. Seeing this scenario, it is estimated that any man can't stand it. This is also the case, and since after marriage; especially after the child is born, it is getting worse and worse. It is estimated that the time staying here is long, and will certainly do things.

A woman of a Rosielda family can don't be so good. Not safe, and don't give yourself a trouble; or you will clearly know how you have endless suffering.

Angel Roschone: "The rivers in Xiangtang, the rivers,

One of the most rich men in the world. Is it afraid that I will eat you! Come over, you can help me too busy, I have to ask you to eat; today, there is time, you will kitakate, with the speech!

This kind of saying is not to believe, don't ask for a passenger, don't request a visit late; please ask the guest after the problem of Xiangjiang Banking, it is definitely Sima Zhao's heart. But the other party is a woman, nor is it better. Beauty is in a lot of things, but there is a natural advantage.

Baozi Xuan: "Please also have time to meet, the current Xiangjiang banking industry is statement, thinking that Miss Rosierd is very clear. After all, the family is doing business, it may be aware of 300 years ago."

"It's still clear, or it is really not dare to eat this meal."

It's not easy to hear the man in front of you. Your own charm, absolutely not bad. And from a small system training, it is very well understood for men's psychology. Many times the beauty is able to use it as a weapon. Anjira-Roschone's meaning is that two people are almost talking, and the atmosphere has been reached. In the saying that you can meet your own purpose, if you can achieve your own purpose, it doesn't matter if you can get up.

Now the family has basically determined to her wedding arrangements, is a man who is 22 years old; at the same time is her Hall. The wife's death is 2 years, the family means, let two people get married. The radiometric thing is that this uncle's wife is actually her aunt.

The family's internal marriage, will definitely appear a blood drama; it can be accepted in ancient times, and modern people are really difficult to understand. But this kind of thing is in the Rosenian family, it is normal. With the cheap old man, it is better to give this man as a lover. His wife only gave him two daughters, in a good life. Directly born a boy, bother is expensive, nor a bit of opportunities.

Angela-Rosierd said with a smile: "Don't get so serious, you seem to have a heart like you. Just just want to ask you to eat, there is no other meaning."

"But you said that the Xiangjiang Banking industry, is there a black cloud, I have never thought about the acquisition of some banks. Looking at a few still a good, at least let the black cloud business more layered!"

Don't say yourthing, it is to help analyze the situation of the Black Cloud Group. I don't know what medicine is sold in this big lady. However, since I chatted this topic, Bun Zixuan also wants to talk. Look at the Rosenie family understand him; although the personnel surveyed, it is also a little about this family. It is inevitable that there will be conflicts, it is also an early understanding.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The current Chinese tycoon is staring at these banks, Huo Yingdong family, Hu Yingxiang family, Dong Haoyun family has been jointly acquired Yongheng; Zheng Yong has long incorporated the Yundong bank; Bao Yugang, Li Zhaki, Li Chao On the side of the tiger; Black Cloud Group really doesn't want to participate. "

"The most important thing is nothing practical, you feel!"

Although I don't know if this man is really false, I can feel it from the other party, and the tone can I don't want to participate in this bank acquisition. Lenovo to some situations in Southeast Asia, what is the meaning of horses in the heart.

Angela-Rosierd: "It is also, Black Cloud Bank has acquired all the business of the Far East Bank in Southeast Asia, the basic layout is complete. The other small and medium banks in Xiangjiang are really not so important; at least for the black cloud, there can be Can not. "

"Zheng Yusu is a lesson by you, but he can think of hitting small and medium-sized banks by issuing rare earth bonds; and increasing Zheng Bank customers, it is a bit of power. Although the cooperation has been so many years, it is really a little bit of watching him! "

"At present, Black Cloud Bank is basically completed in Xiangjiang, Casino, Southeast Asia, Huaxia, Japan, and USA layout, with your relationship with the Middle East, you want to enter, and you can enter the review of foreign banks to review very strict; It is open, I think you should have a way. "

"At present, the international mainstream financial market may be that Europe is not too good. Maybe I can help, I don't know what you think."

What happened today, there is a hoe in the east, the West is a stick, it is inexplicably! The sharpener will never be disclosed to the outside world, and the Far East Bank acquires to be put in Qiu Degen, especially in partners.

Then it is inevitably the results of the Rosenie family through intelligence networks. If there is so many bad loans in exploding Zheng's bank, and the rare earth mineral is about to deplete; the Rosierde family will think.

However, I think that the two sides will continue to cooperate, but they will not be so large. At least it will not pull Zheng Jia to enter the high-tech industry. The premise of cooperation is the basic right of both parties; this is not only single money, and there are other factors.

Bao Zi Xuan: "The sharks have to hear what you say, don't know what will do! After all, let the partners know their own weakness, as well as the mistakes that have been committed, but nothing."

"As for the Black Cloud Bank, the current development speed is very satisfactory. We still have an ancient story in China, called a fat man."

"The Black Cloud Bank will not enter the European market in the short term, and the existing business has made the bank to operate. If you expand in large-scale expansion, you will inevitably bring a lot of inconvenience. For the lady of Miss Rosierd, I will be collected down. The Bank of the Black Cloud Bank is currently cope. "

"Still talking about it, please ask me to eat, otherwise this wine is really afraid!"

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