In front of this man, why don't you press the routine, let Anjira-Rosierd don't know what to say! As long as you want to go back to the UK, immediately marry with the old man; what must be done at this moment, otherwise how will it be willing.

Now the purpose of the other party is obvious, do not want to talk about the development of the black cloud group. In other words, people can solve themselves; and will develop very well, basically don't worry about outsiders. I want to tell you, don't get more. At the same time, I want to make myself, this time.

In fact, the original script is not the case, Angela Roschier thinks that the two are eating first, then dance a song under alcohol. Plus intimate action when you dance, then everything will be sympathy. She is still very well understood by Bao Zi Xuan, it is absolutely not to mention the owner who does not recognize the pants.

But there is no way, and can only be implemented in accordance with the B plan.

Angela Rosierd: "I want to acquire Nanyang Far East Bank, I don't know if Mr. Bao can help it."

I heard this woman said that I would like to buy Nanyang Commercial Bank, and it is not a Rosenie family. Is it necessary to come out? I have heard him so much, but the attitude is very determined, directly negate. How can I change it today? Is it thinking that I will change my mind.

The Nanyang Commercial Bank may be able to help, but the competitors are also very strong. If it is a Rosenie family, even if you don't help, I believe things will be very simple. But now a woman, although it is a beauty; but in front of huge benefits, no one will look at the value.

Bao Zixuan: "At present, the Xiangjiang Bank's acquisition competition is very fierce. If Roschier needs money, Black Cloud Bank can provide loans. But when I was loan to Rosieldone, I took it out as a mortgage. I don't know what you can provide. "

"Nanyang commercial banks may be around 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, but this time point is acquired, and it is necessary to premium; then the purchase price is likely to be less than 3 billion Hong Kong coins. Of course, this is just the purchase price, but also face some columns. It is the Southeast Asian national public security environment to be improved, so the overall cost will not be less than 5 billion Hong Kong coins. "

"If it is a Rosenie family, then this money is nothing. But Miss Angela can not be able to use so many funds without being discovered by the family, it is really not good."

"You manage the bank more, I hope to come up with the convincing guarantee object, otherwise no one will undertake this business."

"The relationship between us, you can compete in different black clouds groups. But I can't manage other tycons, and I will acquire banks for outsiders; they are not worthy of people.

At this time, he didn't understand what Bao Zi Xuan means. It is reasonable to acquire the business of the Southeast Asian-Sanzi, the far economy; However, for Nanyang Commercial Bank survey is still so detailed, it must have a plan before it is. This man's intelligence power is uncomfortable.

Angera-Rosierd: "I haven't received further instructions from the family yet. It is a lot of priority in advance. Since the birthplace is different from my competition, then things will do a lot."

"We still eat first, know that you like to drink, but take it out for many years of wine to taste it."

After finishing the buns, I have paid a cup and continue to say: "This is a bottle of 1856 Lafite red, the current taste is just a good taste. But a few bottles of the Rosienda; it is not easy to get, don't waste."

Bao Zixuan this person is good, it is not impressive to the wine. Plus, there is a beautiful woman in person, and naturally drink a bite.

Seeing that this man began to drink, Angela Rosierd is very happy. As long as you drink the old lady, then you can't let you leave.

Also said that the taste of the wine is very good, and this mother is really good. In fact, the Roschild family women have to pass a lot of training from small, in which food is a compulsory course. After all, it is a man in the power, of course, I hope that the future wife is exquisite; it is also a kind of enjoyment.

Although there are many maids, they kitchen than their wife; it feels a lot.

As long as it is Bao Zi Xuan, Angela Rose is naturally a full of wine. The service is very in place, absolutely can't pick a little problem.

Until a bottle of red wine finished, the two were finished.

Then I saw Angela-Rosenie naturally went to the audio, opened the music. And smiled and said: "I know that you will not dance, in the official dinner, it is very rude. Although you will not say anything in your identity, it is most important to say anything. But I can do a free teacher. I know the girl's girl in the Rosenian family; from a small education, it will never be more than the King of the King; the teacher is also the same. How; my teacher, can I entered your hyacinth.

I have said this, I definitely can't leave directly. That bag Xuan may regret it, after all, this opportunity is not when there is.

So natural, Angela Roschild began to teach the richest and dancing.

What makes Roschier's Miss is incredible, this man is too terrible in front of him. As long as it is said, then you can remember it after you demonstrate it. It seems to be a supercomputer in your head, perhaps more terrible than that.

Angela-Rosierd said with a smile: "It is said that you are a super genius. I can't believe it before. I am completely believed, I know that my memory is not bad, but when learning dance, I need a few times. all over."

"Compared with those who like you, it will be crazy."

After the first rich learns, the two began to jump. At this time, two people are in the living room; Very natural, kissing together, it seems to have no sense of violation.

Since marriage, the stability of women is getting worse. Before Aiza, it was okay, after all, there were women to accompany every day. But after Aiza left, the wife had just been produced and didn't work. When I returned home, I have been sleeping alone, which can have this temptation.

As for Anjira-Roose, the original is to be colorful, and will of course cooperate.

It is not so anxious, but the news inside the family came. She has given her to her, which is the old man who is 22 years old. The most important elderly will pass; if you don't want to point, the fate after going back can be imagined.

But no one has strength to confront the Rosenie family, even if you are looking for a man, you have to find a strength to protect your own. Baozi Xuan is very suitable, whether it is financial strength, or in the world's influence, is a number of exists. Perhaps some other than the Roselde family; but the family will never dare to play with such people.

Argentina's things, Americans may not be clear. But as the Roshild family of Jews, I know that I can let the KG B Rafa team will show the relationship between this person with the Soviet high-level relationship. Plus the Black Cloud Group can produce so many advanced weapons and equipment, and now there is a country in which Fuhua Ira is a reserve force. Even in strength; facing such an opponent, you will be cautious.

How to teach men, Angel Roschone learned from a child. Want to refuse to let the head of the bag are very enjoyable, and even the extension.

So the two dances naturally from the living room, jump to bed. The peony flower is dead, and the ghost is also romantic. At this time, I can't ask other, but I will first enjoy it.

If the other party is a beautiful star, it may not be so strong for men. But as a woman in the world's first family, it is more expensive than the vast majority of princess. I would like to ask that man has no idea, just suffering from no chance.

This kind of good event is in front of the head, if the refusal is really not a man.

It may be an alcohol's role, or Anjira-Rosierd is indeed too much. In short, this is one of the best comforts that are the best, and there is no one.

After the passion, Baozi Xuan began to reflect. How can I make mistakes, but when I returned to an hour before returning; may still be controlled myself, after all, he is a man.

Perhaps everyone will find a variety of excuses, but since they don't control themselves; then the responsibility should be absolutely unavoidable.

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