Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1283 of the big knife wheel

After Zhang Jia took the news of Nanyang Commercial Bank announced, the head of the head is coming back home. Didn't get a greet in advance, you will not be home, but you have never been there. If you don't do something, it is inevitable that there is a bit. Now not go home is a plan to acquire the company, and it is for Zhangjia service; if there is this reason, it will certainly be more airs.

Even if Zhang Glass knows what, she will not invest in her wisdom.

Sure enough, I didn't say anything. As for the mother, I will not ask more; after all, some things don't mention the daughter-in-law, she must help hide.

Zhang Changyan: "Father's acquisition of Nanyang commercial bank should be your idea; although Zhang Jia is my mother's home, but now I have been married to you, don't take care of you. A family wants to develop, only one aspect, Mainly depends on yourself. Even if you can help them once, twice; this help makes me feel uneasy. "

"Some of Zhang Jia is what kind of people, no one is more clear than me, it is not so easy to satisfy one by one. Don't take me next time, don't take me feel."

I heard the wife and finished, the head is still very touched. It has been said that the woman has a lot of change after the woman has finished the child. It seems that it seems that it seems that it is still very reasonable, at least from the wife, it has been slowly reflected.

Bao Zixuan: "This time I acquired Nanyang Commercial Bank, I think it is also related to me. It is no relationship. It is also possible to find the Black Cloud Group, but Nanyang Commercial Bank's main outlets are in the casino, Xiangjiang and Southeast Asia. The layout of the Black Cloud Bank has been completed, so there is not much significance in the acquisition. "

"At the same time, the father-in-law has been definitely unwell, which means to stay in Xiangjiang; then it must be more acquisition of some industries. Nanyang commercial banks, indeed a high quality asset; and the banking industry will inevitably be able to do. Well, Decheng, although it is good Industry is relatively tradition, Zhangjia people have a large number; if you do not radiate to other industries, you will have problems sooner.

"As your mother's house, I don't want to see this kind of thing. Therefore, let Zhuang Shiping go to the father-in-law; first, I have a penny," I have no money. "

"Zhangjia assets are still very rich, at least more than I imagine. And seeing father-in-law is very confident, there will be no problem. Plus the Black Cloud Bank will form a strategic cooperation with Nanyang Commercial Bank, and the future performance will not be too bad."

I heard the husband didn't pay money, Zhang Tiran is not so angry. Help each other, there is no big deal. But it is still a bit unhappy, after all, didn't say anything in advance.

Zhang Tiran said very seriously: "My husband, I can marry you now. But I will marry you, I can tell me in advance, how to say, I know more than you. Now. I am already married, of course, to maintain the interests of the husband. "

"It's not I picking it here,

But some practices are not worth it. "

Bao Zi Xuan knows that his wife must have heard what Zhang's family said; or not before marry himself, there is an unpleasant thing.

Bao Zi Xuan hugged his wife and said: "No problem, this time is the last time, there is no case. After cooperation with Zhangjia, you must communicate with you in advance. Then you decide, you speak cooperate or support, I am active."

I heard the husband said, Zhang Tiran is a lot of mood. But now the two are still sleeping, and there will be no next step in action.

At this moment, the phone suddenly thought. This is a private number, not many people know; probably familiar person, buns Xuan will pick up.

Michael Sandberg came over the telephone voice: "Is it my brother learning package is Michael Sandberg, is not feeling very surprised!!"

Why can I get my own private number, Bunzi Xuan is not surprising. Shen Batan is not small in Xiangjiang, just a call to immediately ask. Also often the same bag jade is just one, maybe the boat king is next to it.

Even if there is a big hatred with the other party, there is no need to show it. Everyone is a person who has identity, and it is not a shrewdrive street.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "It turned out to be a long time, what is the wind today, I remembered my school."

The other party is commensurate with alumni identity, Bao Zixuan can only follow alumni; this is the most basic polite problem.

Shen Wei: "I don't know if I have time, there is no time tomorrow morning, some things want to find you a chat!"

Although I don't know what medicine is sold in the gourd, it has a big relationship with the recent bank acquisition frenzy. It is probably to send money to him, Bao Yugang and Zheng Yu have just purchased banks, and equipment is still needed from the Black Cloud Group.

Bao Zi Xuan: "The longevity of Shen Subao, that is, there is no time to squeeze out time. I don't know how to be in the headquarters of the Black Cloud Bank, I want the seniors to be more feelings more emotional!"

I heard the Bunzi Xuan asked what he met at Headquarters of the Black Cloud Bank. This kid has guess that he has been negotiating to buy banking equipment, and a big net is already waiting for him.

But this is also something that can't, who makes it now in people!

Shen Wei: "Then, tomorrow, we met in Black Cloud Bank Headquarters."

Hanging up the phone between the same sink, the head is in a pensive. Do you want to sell bank office systems, and ATM machines to Zheng Yong and Bao Yugang, is a question worth discussing! Come to think about it, this kind of thing can make money, why not do it. Although it is not uniform, it is also a huge progress.

And in a few days, I have to pack Zheng Yu, and I can put it some blood to the other side. This time, I don't want to slaughter the shark, I'm sorry myself.

The next day, Bao Zixuan came to the Black Cloud Bank early in the morning. I have to come over and have to explain in advance.

Yuan Tianfan did not expect that the boss will come over so early.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "For a while, HSBC Shen Ban is coming over. Yesterday, I received the news too late, I didn't bother you. However, I guessed it is for bank office equipment, and the ATM machine."

I didn't expect HSBC to come over, but also to buy banking equipment. That is absolutely slaughtered, this opportunity is not when there is.

Yuan Tianfan: "Shen Wei is now with Zheng Yumi, Bao Yushang hit hot. Even if you want to buy equipment, it is estimated that it is not just HSBC family. And HSBC has also purchased several ATM machines, put in HSBC headquarters hall. Utilization rate Not high, after all, use ATM machines; there is no supporting central computer, it will not play all power at all. "

This is indeed, when the black cloud bank opened, Shen Wei saw the ATM machine so convenient; But the effect is found, and the central computer group is required, otherwise it is a furnish.

Regarding the central computer group, the Black Cloud Group quoted more than a million dollars, and Shen Wei was not willing; thinking about buying a UK or US product. Who thinks that the most advanced products in the world are in Xiangjiang, and it is also a black cloud group. Plus the two contradictions and upgrades, things can't.

Now not only HSBC, there are two main banks and Bank Bank; if they don't change, it can only be eliminated by the market. Even if you know that you will be slaughtered by Bao Xuan, it is still going to stick your neck.

There is currently no network security, it will not think too much. If you let them know, wait until the network society, Bao Zi Xuan can easily attack the system; wear data, it is estimated that it will purchase equipment from the Black Cloud Group.

Bao Zi Xuan: "This is absolutely unable to let them, but you still have to master a degree. Our core is to make money, can't lose due to small loss. And the popularity of the banking system may be more important than making money. Let them hurt, and Can't kill a stick directly. "

"On the basis of supplying other bank quotes, it is a reasonable price."

Although the sparrow is a small five or more, HSBC's body does not say, it is definitely a giant. Single Bank Bank and Zheng Bank two, at least two industrial computers need to purchase two industrial computers; the price rose 50%, although not to scare the boat king and shark. But it will definitely be very sad. It is not easy to make money.

The initiative to send the door to be slaughtered, and the other side of the knife is so embarrassed; there is no opinion. But there is an opinion, how can I do, I want to smile in this moment. I have to smile.

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